I met a leo man with scorpio moon (i know scorp moon is really strong) and we had an interesting "game" from january...
At the begining he was very kind and we had a lot of meeting...but we hadnt sex yet. Of coure we kissed and sometimes i slept with him, but i cant sex with him cause i cant trust in him. He s older than me 10years old...and i know that this is a problem for him and sometimes i think he just want sex...but sometimes he really romanticfull and he was confused. The most interesting thing that i havent sex with him, but he searching me...when we meet we speaking and kissing a lot, but nothing more.
I really like him...but every month he ghosting for 4-10days..and i dont know what he want..?
Is it a game or he just having fun?
I m a saggitarious with taurus moon