Scorp Man & Taurus Woman

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by taurusgoddess on Saturday, October 22, 2005 and has 40 replies.
Does this mix?
What is the scorp guy like? I don't really know much about them.
lol ok im a scorpio and though im not male im sure that like any guy hez either gona be the type to move mountains go to the moon and back or just plain ryt love you or hez gona b the ryt tosser who is a manwhore and play with you mentally and pyhsically...
hahaha remember hez just a guy and pretty much your just a girl soo gf just go with the flow... dont analyse him yet coz thatz wen we all get screwd up...
jus enjoy his company and hell enjoy yours... when he fukz up or sumthing doesnt make sense bout him then u can analyse the shyt outa him...
lol but 4 now dont put him in the box that heza a scorpio... because im one and i sure az hell ant typical at all!!
hahaha jus go out there put your best dress on grab a drink with him and enjoy yaself lovey... if hez a dik then you can say omigawd jus anotha friggn scorp a55hole...
Having had three serious relationships with Scorpio males, I will throw in my two cents here.........The ones in my experience had these things in common (not saying they are all like this, just this was a bit of a coinkydink): they are possessive, emotional, passionate, and analytical. They over intellectualize EVERYTHING, yet they seem to have a great deal of difficulty seeing another point of view. Sensitive, but without empathy. They were infected with a serious delusion of superiority as well. All three were pretty much "cry babies" if they didn't get their way. And yet they possess this sultry mysteriousness about them that make them irresistible. Until they start to whine and moan, that is. Then the bubble pops and you wake up.
haha, nice desciptions! lol
Well I'm getting together with this new scorp I met 2nite so I will see how it goes. Maybe in a few months I will have some tidbits to add about the scorpio male. Winking
My aqua ex is calling me constantly though it's driving me nuts.
OFA, u know that story; damn you guys are such strange creatures. Hard to forget about.
OK move on...I sure hope that scorps are honest & true cuz I am and I am tired of the B.S. That scorp guy did seem to match what you guys mentioned so OK, I'm babbling, bye.
Don't scorps cheat easily too? I've heard that from a few people.
Anyone can cheat thats not something for all scorpios,some of us are actually prudes and don't even have any reaction at all downstairs to most people unless we care about them.Some do though,it's just not something to take as a scorpio thing,sex can actually be the furthest thing from some scorps mind even though we're the "sex" sign.That a general people issue not a starsign one.
OK, so I'm still not sure what the deal is with the scorp men. I guess I will find out the hard way. Also was hoping to hear of experiences with the taur-scorp combo.
haha well i duno bout th taurus chk scorp boi way but the taurus man an the scorp woman r pretty intense!! haha my past 3 exs have been tauruses haha i cant help but b attracted 2 them sum how... n tho they have been pricks (not sayin thatz because of their sign jus them) towards the end. in the beginnin it was passionate and couldnt keep your hands off of each other sort of intensity. it was hot intense and passionate though there was jealousy issues an possiveness towards the end from both sides. it was quite push an pull... both sides played a lot of games really though it was because we were both so consumed by the other we culdnt stand hearin or seeing the other with ne one else. haha i guezz it got too much at times. haha but dont get me wrong wen we both trusted an were good with one anutha which was at the start it was cruizy an we had sum really gd funny memorable times haha im stil gd m8z wit 2 of them 2day! haha we jus laugh about it all now often its jus two big personalities cumin togetha that can cause that conflict
Well that sounds like the compatibility report that astrology sites say, I mean totally by the book. I could see it being a hot one, I mean put a sensual woman and a intense passionate man together and you got something crazy sexy. I am not as jealous as the normal bull, but omg, I can make a man jealous!!! I try not to but I am a true taurus flirt & men like to talk to me so put 1 + 1 together and you got some serious problems. This scorp has sent a few grrr text messages and I better make sure I like this guy because I don't wanna get into some headache so-called "scorp obession" thing. haha
Love your input though, I'm learning more in life everyday. That in itself is a prize.
I doubt as good as you. Winking
Well the scorp was great to talk to - very comfortable. I notice this in my taurus relationships too. If that isn't there I really have a hard time wanting to stay or even wanting them on a physical level. I remember with my cancerboy the conversation connection was sooooooooooo not there and I had a hard time wanting to even get physical with him.
It's true for me, the foreplay happens long before the touch.
Heh, every action that a Male Scorpio makes is foreplay for women.
Oh? Please expand...
Hush babeh!
'Tis A Secret.
It's a secret..? Why told us? Winking
Hehe, now I know what those 2 Scorp guys are doing.. Trying to seduce me, but that was actually foreplay as well Winking hehii.. lol
Lol, Sweet&Sour I've told you nothing. The creative contents of The Secret rest solely with The Scorpions, sweetstuff. smile
Plus, we create our own openings. We do not wait for defenses to be lowered, so the Astrology Site Scorpio and the Astrology Book Scorpio may seem familiar to you...but The Real Scorpio lives in his (her) own Sexy, Exotic Universe hahah. We strike from places you don't see (because we're about Perception, not the senses like Taurus), and there are hardly limits to the ways we will catch you off guard! That was my battle-chant lol.
ohhh yeaaa i love my exotic universe!!! hahaha i tell you hugh heifna ant got nuthin on me baby!!!
OMG, I feel so helpless now! Winking hehe maybe that's what a scorp may want?
yeaa yeaa now ur gettn it... really you think you hav gameplay but really itz all part of the scorpios plan... haha hez already 2 steps ahead of ya... hahaha might as well sit back and goo 4 a ride!!!
Yeah it's only Natural. Playing a Scorpio is non-sense. A Scorpio is not seduced by sense, but attracted to Passion. And a Scorpio KNOWS what Real Passion is, so be Natural. If you want him, he will see it, and nothing less - you are naked to us whether you say 'you feel helpless' or not..
Hahaha Hey Misty - Hugh Hefner has Virgo Rising hahaha (and Madonna too - 2 HUUUGE Sex Symbols),
Guess who else does? Elliot does! The Playboy Mansion ain't gott shiet on my own Party Nights! Hugh Hef didn't have a Scorpio Sun to go along with his Ascendant, haha and that's DEFINITELY his loss! I'll take you to the Playboy Universe lol - Sexy and Exotic.
"They were infected with a serious delusion of superiority as well."
Ahem...did I mention they think they are the Almighty Shizpoo? For example:
"Elliot does! The Playboy Mansion ain't gott shiet on my own Party Nights! Hugh Hef didn't have a Scorpio Sun to go along with his Ascendant, haha and that's DEFINITELY his loss! I'll take you to the Playboy Universe lol - Sexy and Exotic."
*rolls her eyes* yep, there ya have it folks.
I'm not sure if a scorp could outplay ME! hehe, Although I put my playin days to rest years ago. I'm 25 so I figure I'm gonna become an old lonely maid soon. Sad Either way a woman always has to keep her class.
You know, personally I prefer the passionate relationships. Even with the disagreements. I'd rather have that then some cancer sulky distance, or the aqua dissappearing act any day. As long as the intelligence is there on the right level. When you argue you communicate. If you are both stupid & argue, you don't have the intelligence to see what the big picture is and you separate. Passion and Intelligence are both in my list anyways.(hey us taurus women are picky!)
Hahaha yattayattahey, I'm aware that there's always someone ready to spoil the fun.
Scorpios are not Leos, and I actually see that Taureans are more openly prideful than Scorpios.
Scorpios keep their Almighty-Ness a secret most of the time lol.
Well at least that scorp I'm seeing doesn't act almighty like Elliot! LOL
Oh very funny very funny, except I was joking!
It's all good though, I like my comedian self, and you should love me too.
aw Elliot! love does make the world go round! So can a taurus trust a scorpio male on the most part? I know you are secretive and I am "naked and helpless" in your eyes anyways, but are your motives good?
If you prove to be Trustworthy, a Scorpio WILL NOT betray you - after all, Scorpios do have a fine-tuned sense of Justice. But if you're not worthy of trust and not loyal enough to swear an oath, then the Scorpio will make sure to catch you before you catch him every time.
Good to know. The guys chart seems to match really well with mine, things like trust and stuff. Not sure how much credit to give an astrology chart but I guess I'll try it out. I've just been through hell with relationships in the last year and I feel stonger and willing to trust again but there must be good judgement too. Elliot, thanks.
Good point. You'll never know, it's a secret.
hahaha wat the!!! therez a playboy universe!!?? hahaha sexy and exotic you say... ohhh man have i been missin out... hahaha but hold up mister jus goez itz bigger it doesnt mean itz better... haha ohh shyyt i mean who am i talkn to a male scorpio with virgo rising... hahaha u win! (this time...) lol
"The Real Scorpio lives in his (her) own Sexy, Exotic Universe hahah. We strike from places you don't see (because we're about Perception, not the senses like Taurus), and there are hardly limits to the ways we will catch you off guard! That was my battle-chant lol."
Elliot, my sweetheart.. Winking I don't think any Scorp could catch me if I don't want to. But damn, if I want to.. Damn, I'm gone. I should run away before it's too late..
lol yesss they culd!! hahaha betta get sum fast runnin shoes... lol naaa we ant that baad
'Taureans need stability, reassurance, and someone with a somewhat lighter outlook.'
Exactly! That's why the ideal astrological marriage for a Taurus is with Pisces, and for a Scorpio - with Capricorn.
The Opposites are NOT supposed to "need" each other - they're supposed to learn to love what they see in their 'other-half'. Taurus and Scorpio are the biggest freakin' enemies of the zodiac!! Think of all the famous Taureans and all the famous Scorpios, and tell me that they wouldn't all do WAR with each other!!
Taurus and Scorpio relationships are the most POWERFUL AND UNTOUCHABLE ones when they are brought about by Love and Understanding.
Yes - we find it EXTREMELY hard to Love and Understand each other - but this should help you to see that once it IS done, it is a Miracle done for Good!
I haven't experienced toooo many Scorpio/Taurus dating relationships...except I have two very close lady friends who are Best Friends Till Death Do 'Em Part lol, the best Taurus/Scorpio relationship you could ever really ask for. And plus my MOTHER is a Taurus, so I'm going to have to tell you that from first hand experience - Taurus/Scorpio is a Phenomenon! hahah
It's not meant to be easy..hell it's not even meant to seeem easy - it's meant to look impossible, or so it seems..yet that's only because when IT DOES HAPPEN, it's a Too Good To Be True type of thing, it's Real! smile
scorps seem to be damm persistant, grrrrrrrrr
"scorps seem to be damm persistant, grrrrrrrrr"
Hah, I would say the same exact thing about Bulls.
It's not an issue as much for me because I have a taurus moon so can get along decently with boths signs even if it's complete opposite point of views,I relate to confused little scorp me is.
That's an interesting relationship Bird of Flame - good for me to read about.
And Tiamat, I would venture to say that you're a lucky Scorpio Woman because you have a Taurus Moon. You're pretty formidable, based on your chart.