Scorp Sexuality

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by little_sparrow on Monday, April 3, 2006 and has 33 replies.
What does it mean when a scorp starts confessing all their sexual fantasies and sexual history to you?
A Scorp of the opposite gender.
they r officially O P E N smile very sensitive these scorps..just how will u take it
it means some goodtimes are comming your way.
^ Hahaha, that may just be right..
Scorp will confess sexual stuff only to one whom they love and trust and if he is doing so to you, then it just shows that he is in to you deeply. So why the hesitation ???
Thinking its a really trustworthy type friendship at the very leastsmileJokes are fine with just anybody to do but when it comes to actual details thats a noones business for myself.
No. It wasn't a joke. Interesting ... but no joke. It was like he needed to confess every sexual thought he had ever had.
Scorp will confess sexual stuff only to one whom they love and trust and if he is doing so to you, then it just shows that he is in to you deeply. So why the hesitation ???
Most definitly
There are a plethora of reasons to hesitate. I haven't seen him in several years being a good start. lol!
I asked my best friend, also Scorp, she said Scorp's have a big need for a Confessor. "it's his way of telling you who he is. yes, letting you in. but no, i wouldn't say handing over all his power. being able to disclose those things to someone is actually empowering to a scorp. smile "
How is it empowering? Any thoughts?
I'm not a male but I am a scorp and I do know that if I want to TALK about sex in any capacity (unless it is about something yucky-use yer imagination) it is usually because I am THINKING about sex and THINKING about sex makes me want to have it... soooo
Was he talking about his past sex experiences like this: "I was with this one girl for 2 yrs and we finally decided to invite a third girl..."
Like this: "I have a confession to make...I didn't use a condom for my first time... and well...I recently noticed these little red uh - here let me show you"

THE FIRST means he wants to have sex. THE SECOND means he is really opening up to you (and probably still would like to show you his package) and you should really cherish that because it rarely happens so soon from a scorp in any relationship AND look out, because it could get pretty intense hehehe...
Like this: "I have a confession to make...I didn't use a condom for my first time... and well...I recently noticed these little red uh - here let me show you""
Oh I know he wants to have sex with me. There has never been any question of that. He has been sexually obsessed with me for years.
But this was something different. I use the term confession because I have no better word for it. It wasn't this one time, at band camp, I had a threesome with these chicks ..... This was much, much darker.
I feel like he handed me his soul on a plate.
Maybe he wanted all 3 of you?
ANd yer not gonna tell us what he said are you??
You did post this on the scorp board...keeping secrets from us!!!!! *stinger pops out*
BUT in yer defense, telling a Scorp's deepeset secrets to someone else WOULD be a mortal sin worthy of the worst kind of revenge...
*stinger retracts*
Uh oh...
I'm soooo torn now AHHHH
but no...little sparrow is not a traitor smile
good birdy

Okay-- can we play a guessing game though?
He told that he has a secret wish to engage in water sports but he was always to afraid to tell his other partners b/c he thought they would get really grossed out and run away...
he tried on his mother's panties when he was a little boy and got severely punished for it...repeated abuse from his father who always accused him of being gay
he wants to enact a rape fantasy with you...
Am I even close with ANY of these???
Don't tell now Little Sparrow. Let Shoene make more guesses.
Little sparrow, if you care for your scorpio, do NOT reveal what he told you even for fun. Come on ya, he handed his soul over to you and you should be treasuring it.
Ahhhh ... my mom's calling I got to go .... j/k
I can't tell. Not my secrets to tell.
topaz is right *looks away severely and clenches fist*

but can we still guess?? *eyes get big and glossy*
Sure you can still guess!
I just can't figure out why he would make himself so vulnerable. It isn't like I am in love with him. I mean ... if I was a different person, I could really hurt him with this.

"...if I was a different person, I could really hurt him with this."

Oh god...
you are really KILLING me here
my head is swimming
Oh the possibilities!!!!!
It means that this person is comfortable in his/her own sexuality and hopes that you are to. This person hopes that by being open with you, the sex between the two of you can be great and a learning forum.
I haven't been here in a while wanted to shout out to all my fellow scorps!!!!!!!!
Welcome back, scorned scorp
I think Shoenes CPU will burn out with all these peossibilities smile
Thanks Topaz, what's new? Anything interesting on the board that I missed?
How dark are his secrets? Did he "accidentally" kill someone with the silk scarf during orgasm (you know, strangulation) or does he masturbate to his mother's picture? What kind of dark?
i dont think that scorps (the scorp guys at least) will only confess their sexual history ..only if they trust and love the person. i have been on 5-6 dates with a scorpio guy ...we ve been discussing about relationships..he confessed to me part of his relationship and sexual history....I dont think that means he has fallen in love or that he trusts me...because how can you trust a person after only 6 dates?
Let the good times roll baby....
I am still around. This is an old post.
I found the whole thing kind of boring to be honest.
The after affect was mere confusion. Why would he hand over his inner-most thoughts? That equates to handing over your power.
Our contact is lessening again, which is a good thing.
Now theres a surprise!
"was that sad story teller a piscean by any chance??"
"cappy actually."
Oh well, we cappies can be a real pain in your ass sometimes.. lol