Scorp Woman & Libra Man

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by natural25 on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 and has 14 replies.

Hello! I am somewhat new to the Scorp board but not new to DXP. I just met a Libra man about a month ago and we have been spending a good deal of time together. A little back story, when him and I (a Scorpio) met I considered him as just a friend. At the time, I was dating a Virgo male and was not interested in dating anyone else. Well, things cooled down between the Virgo and I and we are no longer together. Since then, (the last month or so) the Libra and I have been hanging out. Going out to dinner, movies, etc. The first night we kissed he told me that he wanted to pursue a relaitonship with me. I told him that I wanted to slow things down a bit and take our time to get to know one another. We have still been hanging out and get along well. We both have very strong personalities and opinions. As a result, we often get into debates/intense conversations about various issues relating to everything from politics to pop culture. It appears as though, if it were up to him, he would spend everyday with me. When we first met he told me that he was not into public displays of affection. However, now when we go out he holds my hand gives me kisses and hugs in public.
I have done a little reading on Libra men. I have read some posts that suggest that Scorpio/Libra matches are not good and others that have stated the opposite. Just wanted to get your input. Also, I have read that Libras move from one person to the next very easily. Do Libra men typically start off very strong (like this) and then move on to the next?
Scorpio_chic - thanks! yes I think it is easy to get caught up in looking to astrology to answer questions about compatiblility, etc. I have a lot of libra in my chart. This is probably why him and I get along so well. But I have learned (the hard way) to keep my options open. At least, until there is a solid committment involved. As a Scorp, I tend to devote and exert too much energy way to soon. I am learning to sllloooooww down, date around and let everything happen naturally. Still a very hard task... smile
Posted by scorpio_chic
I'm trying to learn to do the same thing! I think it's because we are so extreme & so intense, our focus is the same. Which can be a good thing while trying to reach goals, etc. But it hurts us in relationships because I think we give our all WAY TOO SOON. I hate it.. if there was something I'd like to change about myself, it would probably be that.

Yes our passion and intensity in the begining of a relatioship could definitely lead to hurt in the end. Tiki33 recommended an excellent book, "Why Do Men Marry Bitches." Of course, it's not gospel but very good and empowering. I loved reading it and it has helped me a great deal to sllooooow myself down and start focusing on me and not who I am dating. smile
I read Steve Harvey's book as well. Yes that one was a good one as well. But I have to admit that the other book is a wee bit better.
I just caught this thread. What the hell happened with you and the V guy?! I'm bummed for ya, dear.
No worries Satori! I can talk about it. I had to walk away from Virgo. He is not ready for the level of commitment that I am looking for, which is fine. So, I decided to move on and see what else life has to offer!! No big drama or fall out. Just trying to do what is best for me. Sometimes a gal gotta stand up for herself and not settle. smile
Posted by natural25
No worries Satori! I can talk about it. I had to walk away from Virgo. He is not ready for the level of commitment that I am looking for, which is fine. So, I decided to move on and see what else life has to offer!! No big drama or fall out. Just trying to do what is best for me. Sometimes a gal gotta stand up for herself and not settle. smile

Good for you, Nat. Glad it ended "well" as one can expect from such things. I hear ya though. You get to that point where you realize you're not going to be 100% happy no matter the outcome and its a good epiphany.
I quite well remember the stories.
The dude wasn't putting out. Common! What's that about!
A good man DIGS DEEP for his woman in that respect. I mean it's all about *cough* "giving", right? A female Scorp's sex drive is not one to be TRIFLED with! *Grins* (Yes, huge attempt at humor for ya, Nat. Glad you are well)
Posted by satori
I know you don't mean any harm, VH, but maybe Natural doesn't want to talk about it cause she didn't offer up this info. IDK.

Oh I know, Satori. I appreciate the honest and constructive POV.
Haha good luck trying to control that libra
Well.... In my case it was NOT a good experience. I don't mean to be a downer but it was really bad. At first it was all good and fine. He made me feel more light and outgoing but after awhile I found out he made every woman he came across feel that way.... the center of his universe.
He couldn't take confrontations to save his life. I confronted him many times on different things including our relationship and he evaded or just blanked out. It irked me to no end. He could deal with anything unless it was rainbows and kittens lovey dovey shit. THAT told me that when the going got tough he would be worth jack.
He lied. Alot. About everything. Stupid meaningless stuff. It blew my mind why he'd say the things he did. He'd say some of the most insignifigant random things that I didn't care about until I found out he was lying.... he created the confrontations by not being truthful and then evaded them.
It all boiled down to he wasn't right for me. I'm too aggresive and serious and he wanted everything bright and shiney all the time. I'm far from bright and shiny.
The worst part is I would tell him to fuck off sooooo many times because he'd piss me off and as soon as I did that he was all over me blowing up my phone with texts and calls. I'm serious when I say in one second I'd tell him I never want to see him again and he's text me back a sweet text like he didn't get it. *bangs head on wall*
To be fair it was a kinda a rough time in my life and I was rebounding a little from a Virgo but even if I was more tolerant of his ways I don't think it would have worked for us. I'm "too much" for laid back Libra.
No harm in seeing where it goes though. smile Sorry again for being a downer about it.
LOL Tongue Just being honest Big Grin
Posted by scorpio_chic
@natural I can so relate.... sigh.
I've got strong feelings for a cap that I've been involved with for a year and a half. Same kind of thing.. has it gotten easier for you in the past month, to date other people?

Yes, it has gotten easier. A lot of it is mental. I had to beleive that I deserved better. Not to put down the Virgo at all. He is just at a different point in his life than I am and that is OK. However, that means I had to make a decision. Stay and wait to see how it would pan (or not) out. Or, move on and do what was in my best interest. I decided to go with the later. Was it hard? Yes. Do I still think about him from time to time? Yes. Do I miss him a little? Kind of. Lol. But I know that he is not the one for me. My life and happiness is MY responsibility, not the Virgos or anyones elses. So, I have to take the reigns and do what is best for me. Might not always be the easiest thing to do, but that is how it goes. Lol. Now, I am moving forward and it feels better each day!! smile
Wow. You are lucky Nat 25...My libra dude is aloof, but amazing. If you wanna talk on the low...hit me up. I need some insight too..
Lucky in the sense of you have your Libra dude on it...that's what I meant...