Would this be a common trait of most Scorpios? Being patronising, I mean.
My ex-partner was this way inclined (a major turn-off for a brainy Sagittarius) and another guy I briefly dated for 3 weeks insisted he was always right. My father had a tendency towards being stubborn (although he had a Taurus ascendent) and would often patronise, but that is sometimes what parents do.
I'm simply curious because a former work colleague of mine (who is a very passionate and worldly) just criticized a comment of mine on Facebook in an extremely condescending fashion. I just replied back with good manners, nicely, and defended the comment assertively.
Any thoughts?
Yes, I've been very close to Scorpios my whole life, (all male,) and I definitely would say they are known to patronize. They take pride in their brutal honesty, as well as their infatuation with raw, emotionless logic and reason. Some Scorpios patronize purely for their entertainment, to get underneath your skin. They're basically just "Savage"