scorpio and jealousy

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by z0lias on Wednesday, April 16, 2014 and has 23 replies.
Well I'm a scorpio girl but I dated a scorpio guy and I guess we were similar.
We ignore it at first if you flirt with other people or make comments about others. Next time, we might joke about it or try to show that it's annoying us through body language. We expect you to get the message and behave. If you keep doing this we either leave you altogether or do the same thing to you-but take it to another level (could even cheat on you).
Posted by z0lias
what does a scorpio guy do when he is jealous ? does he hide it? or i wonder if they aren't jealous at all can we say he has no feelings for you? can someone please enlighten me about it

Depends. Does he have reason to believe you were trying to *make* him jealous?
I'm with Pineapples.. More info is needed.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
Posted by Rabbit
"I don't have feelings for you"
"I don't really like you that much"
"I'd rather just be friends"
All moves made on the game board by a jealous Scorpio.
Don't be surprised if starts ignoring you.

The grand pullback to control emotions. Because those emotions are twirling around in a storm inside and if at the heat of the moment they get let out then things will be said and done that could permanently damage any further movement. So TIGHT control.
Then again, Scorpio jealousy is IRRATIONAL. There I said it.

click to expand

Posted by IrresistableScorp
A scorpio might see you look at another person and then create an entire scenario in their mind that always somehow leads to you having rampant sex with this person. lol Its pathetic.

Hate to admit it but yeah my imagination can run wild lol
Posted by IrresistableScorp
A scorpio might see you look at another person and then create an entire scenario in their mind that always somehow leads to you having rampant sex with this person. lol Its pathetic.

Posted by IrresistableScorp
A scorpio might see you look at another person and then create an entire scenario in their mind that always somehow leads to you having rampant sex with this person. lol Its pathetic.

THISSS...Idk how many times my bf has come out saying some craziness because he thought I was staring at a guy. Just recently we were at speed zone, and I was looking ahead at everyone getting on the go carts and such, obv guys work there, next thing you know my scorp turns and tells me "blow him a kiss already" like really?! I wasnt even looking at him. To be honest I don't even know what to do or say, alot of the times I noticed I would say "no I wasn't" it would turn even more of a big deal then it that day I just shook my head and let it go. How do they say "sometimes the best thing to do is to do nothing".
Mine doesn't really have the opportunity to get jealous, because I honestly only have eyes for him, but sometimes he is bothered if I go out with friends on Fri nights or weekends because he sees it as less time spent together.
When that happens, he speaks up, and then I can be more mindful about my free time.
If he catches a guy looking at me in public, he always "coincidentally" puts his arms around me, lol. But beyond that, no problem, since I never respond to the flirting. I usually snuggle up in his arms more, or give him a peck. He loves the ego boost. Tongue

I don't get why other Scorps (or people in general) would play aloof or even cheat in response to jealousy? If anything, it'd reassure the partner to continue the behavior that caused the jealousy issue in the first place, because they don't seem to care anyway, right?
Posted by z0lias
what does a scorpio guy do when he is jealous ? does he hide it? or i wonder if they aren't jealous at all can we say he has no feelings for you? can someone please enlighten me about it

&You will notice when they're jealous, because either they will tell you straight up right there and then or they will start acting weird/obnoxious just so you can get your attention back on to them (like blasting a lil boombox in a 4 seater car when we got the radio on and everyone is talking)or they will just stare at you with those eyes like you done something wrong..
I'm never dating a Scorpio Straight Face
Non dating situation (had it been dating I'd probably be dead and unable to post in this topic)
There's this Scorpio guy I met on a forum..he lives in England. We used to send emails back and forth but no regular contact. He sends me this email about backtracking through Europe and that he'll be in Bucharest and we can go have a beer.
Day comes, I ask him how to recognize him..because I didn't have any picture. He replies in jest "I will be the most awesome man at that pub"
I get there..ofc I realize who he was because the chances of hearing brittish English on that night in that pub were slim..BUT..instead of going to his table and introducing myself, I go to the tables around him and ask 3 men.."Are you the most awesome man at this pub?"
he was GLARING at me.
Capricorn moon.
I don't know, I really find stuff like this hilarious but I have doubts the other party, the pompous Scorp, would find it funny as well.
Hope dies last though lol
I didn't know about his moon. I asked him after the whole event.
Thing is, the idea to do that stuff popped into my mind a few seconds before entering the pub.
I would've worn a t-shirt with that lol.
Am I the only one who thinks this is kinda cute instead of creepy?
Posted by Piscescrazy91
Am I the only one who thinks this is kinda cute instead of creepy?

This is one of those things where it's incredibly important to dose the amount of emotion/reaction.
It can go from cute to horrible in a flash.
Here's a few examples of scorpio jealously. No i'm not a scorp but bf is.
We were on a date, yes
we were walking around a park and of course there were other people their walking as well. Well A couple of guys walked out in front of us and one of the guys saw me and he kept looking back at me and he had this flirty smile on his face. My Scorp noticed the guy kept looking back at me and stuff and he was like, "Whoa did you see that?!"
"He did it again!!"

All the while that happened, my Scorpio starts scooting closer to me, almost in a protective way and
he started staring down that other guy and eventually he stopped checking me out lol.
I asked him later on in the car what he was talking about in the park and he just goes, "oh..well..Those guys kept double looking and I don't know..yeah.."
I've told him a few times about other guys hitting on me and he literally says NOTHING. He just sits there and doesn't make eye contact with me until that topic is over. Probably because he knows people can read his emotions through his eyes..l
Scorpios, at least mine, don't like showing that they're jealous even when they really are.
Now on the other hand, if a guy were to come up to you and start hitting on you right in front of him, he'd have no problem with letting his jealousy show. But if you were to inform him of the incidents, he'd hide it by being really silent. Not a word. Sometimes though, he might be like "would you like me to take care of him?"Laughing

Posted by Rabbit
He's not jealous...he's pissed.
He's pissed because you TOLD him about these guys hitting on you.
There's no logical reason you would need to tell that to your SO, other than to get a reaction/try to make the other person jealous.

Posted by blisss
That silence is anger. If you continue to speak to him by other men flirting with you, he's eventually going to blow up and/or even leave the relationship. Unless you're telling him this so he can take care of them, I don't understand why you would even say those things.


Scorps are so funny! Tongue
thank you everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Posted by blisss
That silence is anger. If you continue to speak to him by other men flirting with you, he's eventually going to blow up and/or even leave the relationship. Unless you're telling him this so he can take care of them, I don't understand why you would even say those things.

Clearly it's something... haha! I only mentioned the flirting once, I believe? Maybe twice, but the second time I DID want him to do something about it and he did! And simple curiosity because he did it to me and I wanted to see his reaction to it. No no, I don't do it anymore. Tongue
A Scorpio acquaintance "covers" me (blocks me, backs me, etc) protectively and it always makes me uneasy because I trust him. I assume if he's "covering" me, he must be trying to protect me from something/someone genuinely threatening. It's odd.
Posted by Rabbit
He's not jealous...he's pissed.
He's pissed because you TOLD him about these guys hitting on you.
There's no logical reason you would need to tell that to your SO, other than to get a reaction/try to make the other person jealous.

Right on every level.
Posted by Reincarnation
A Scorpio man's response to jealousy is different depending on his age.
Being a young Scorpio male is difficult in general, because children/young men don't know how to deal with the intensity. It's rare to encounter a young Scorp male who isn't awkward.
What used to be a vehement reaction years ago can now be an amused smile and sly gaze--with a mental note.

I'm still learning to deal with my reactions to situations.

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