Posted by z0lias
what does a scorpio guy do when he is jealous ? does he hide it? or i wonder if they aren't jealous at all can we say he has no feelings for you? can someone please enlighten me about it
Posted by IrresistableScorpPosted by Rabbit
"I don't have feelings for you"
"I don't really like you that much"
"I'd rather just be friends"
All moves made on the game board by a jealous Scorpio.
Don't be surprised if starts ignoring you.
The grand pullback to control emotions. Because those emotions are twirling around in a storm inside and if at the heat of the moment they get let out then things will be said and done that could permanently damage any further movement. So TIGHT control.
Then again, Scorpio jealousy is IRRATIONAL. There I said to expand
Posted by IrresistableScorp
A scorpio might see you look at another person and then create an entire scenario in their mind that always somehow leads to you having rampant sex with this person. lol Its pathetic.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
A scorpio might see you look at another person and then create an entire scenario in their mind that always somehow leads to you having rampant sex with this person. lol Its pathetic.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
A scorpio might see you look at another person and then create an entire scenario in their mind that always somehow leads to you having rampant sex with this person. lol Its pathetic.
Posted by z0lias
what does a scorpio guy do when he is jealous ? does he hide it? or i wonder if they aren't jealous at all can we say he has no feelings for you? can someone please enlighten me about it
Posted by Piscescrazy91
Am I the only one who thinks this is kinda cute instead of creepy?
Posted by Rabbit
He's not jealous...he's pissed.
He's pissed because you TOLD him about these guys hitting on you.
There's no logical reason you would need to tell that to your SO, other than to get a reaction/try to make the other person jealous.
Posted by blisss
That silence is anger. If you continue to speak to him by other men flirting with you, he's eventually going to blow up and/or even leave the relationship. Unless you're telling him this so he can take care of them, I don't understand why you would even say those things.
Posted by blisss
That silence is anger. If you continue to speak to him by other men flirting with you, he's eventually going to blow up and/or even leave the relationship. Unless you're telling him this so he can take care of them, I don't understand why you would even say those things.
Posted by Rabbit
He's not jealous...he's pissed.
He's pissed because you TOLD him about these guys hitting on you.
There's no logical reason you would need to tell that to your SO, other than to get a reaction/try to make the other person jealous.
Posted by Reincarnation
A Scorpio man's response to jealousy is different depending on his age.
Being a young Scorpio male is difficult in general, because children/young men don't know how to deal with the intensity. It's rare to encounter a young Scorp male who isn't awkward.
What used to be a vehement reaction years ago can now be an amused smile and sly gaze--with a mental note.
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