I'm a Capricorn woman & I was recently dating & in a relationship with a Scorpio man for about 4 months. Everything was GREAT between us being that we're very compatible. The sex was amazing, the communication was outstanding (never had that kind of communication with anyone else), we had so much in common, shared the same interests & values. Everything was literally perfect. It was too good to be true. Seemed as if we were made for one another, honestly. But I did notice one thing . . . He has a 6 year old daughter that I never met. & it started to worry me because he had her every weekend but he was off limits when he was with her, so of course my mind began to wander. Well he had recently broke up with his AQUARIAN ex which he was with for 2 years, not to mention things ended really bad between them, & she also isn't the mother of his child. The daughter came from a previous relationship. But him & his recent ex, well, They also aren't very compatible (I'm really into the Zodiac) lol but anyway. They basically broke up because he had sex with her cousin BEFORE they even got together. After they got together, he found out they were cousins & he didn't have the guts to tell her that they had history before they even became a thing. Nonetheless, she found out & the relationship went downhill from there. Me & him met at work about a month after their breakup & the attraction between us was too much to ignore, so we gave it a shot. Well last week, he came to me crying telling me he was confused about what he wanted. Apparently his ex went to his house crying after she found out about me . . . Typical right. Well that stirred up some feelings with him. He realized he wasn't over her. So he basically told me he wants to work things out with her, or at least TRY to see if anything is fixable, but he was afraid of losing me. He cried & cried & told me he didn't wanna hurt me, but he also wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't at least try to see if he could fix things with her. Since he was the reason they broke up, he felt like he owed her the chance to fix things. I guess it's kinda like closure for him. Of course I was upset & cried a couple nights but I decided to just cut communication between us but it's KILLING ME SOFTLY. I miss him so much & it doesn't make it any better that he's my supervisor & I'm forced to see him 4 days out the week.
I stopped replying to his text on Saturday & it is now Tuesday. Is he thinking about me? Scorpio men! Any true advice on this? Will he try to come back? Is he hurting as much as I am? I need answers lol
I know. I swear I've gone over this with myself about a hundred times. I know I deserve better. I know I didn't do anything wrong. I know none of it is my fault. I know how to keep my game face on & my head held high . . Me being a Capricorn, I'm also very stubborn & good at turning a cold shoulder towards anyone that hurts me. I hold lifetime grudges. The problem here is . . . That I love way too hard & way too deep, which is why it's killing me. I still feel like there's hope & that's what's Fucking me up right now. I also believe in second chances, especially when there was no problems between us until this shit happened. I honestly feel like he's just confused. Why else would he come to me CRYING? I believe there's good in people, one small mistake shouldn't dictate how you view someone. I don't know, giving people second chances is kind of a weakness for me. BEST BELIEVE I know my self worth & I respect myself more than anything . . . I just have a really good heart when I grow to love someone.
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Jun 07, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1931 · Topics: 2
i'd change job asap. and if it's a bad move for your career, i'd ask him to change his job if possible as the last favor since he called it quits so you can move on. no contact is what you need.
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Jun 07, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1931 · Topics: 2
giving 2nd chance? sorry but you are not thinking straight. his heart made the decision. you giving chances do not change the fact that he holds the power of YES/NO not you. cut him off for your own sanity.
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Jun 07, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1931 · Topics: 2
and he is not confused. he made the choice.
"Since he was the reason they broke up, he felt like he owed her the chance to fix things. I guess it's kinda like closure for him." --> you are finding excuses for his choice. accept the hurtful fact that that he loves her more and quit him immediately.
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 285 · Posts: 30822 · Topics: 650
That sucks. At least he told you what was up. He coulda been selfish.and played you both.
Dont put your life on hold.
I don't know, it just hurts a lot, you know? I can't stop thinking about the whole situation. & the fact that he left such a perfect relationship for one that was already broken kills me even more. We were both going through the same thing, we were both getting over our exes. Only difference is, I had the STRENGTH to tell my ex NO, I was happy with who I was . . . Him on the other hand, he didn't.
It's a real fucked up feeling. I've lost 8 lbs since the whole thing went down. I haven't been able to sleep, let alone eat. I can honestly say, this has been the hardest breakup for me because of how well we connected. He gave me & showed me much more in 4 months than my ex ever did in 2 years. So I think that's the reason why I'm having such a hard time accepting his choice 😔
Change jobs and cut off contact, if not it will be way too hard to move on.
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Oct 06, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 474 · Topics: 24
Make no mistake what he did shows you clearly how he feels about you right now. He thinks of you as the expendable one. If you were to take him back he would break your heart again. Ultimately he is showing you that he can live without you. People like how he sounds are usually very weak and confused. He sounds like he doesn't know what he wants so his decisions are Innately selfish everytime. If he wasn't ready to move on he shouldn't have. I think he's using this woman as a scapegoat. He clearly feels the same way she does at the moment anyway. You're better off without someone like that in your life. It might hurt now but it won't forever. Move on, do better, find someone nicer. It's his loss. But have some self respect don't take him back. I've been in a similar situation with a Scorpio female. And it was always the same sorry. History repeats itself.
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Feb 12, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 2284 · Topics: 58
Yeah, getting into something new so soon after a 2 year relationship would be considered a rebound IMO. Sorry.
Take the lesson& jot it down in your pocket book then move on. Never date someone from work. Dont date someone fresh out of a relationship unless all youre looking for is a hookup.
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Feb 12, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 2284 · Topics: 58
Just be thankful that he showed himself at 4 months and not when you were more into your feelings. Start focusing on whats important here, YOURSELF, and little by little you will move on. The whole job changing thing is a bit much, shit happens doesnt mean you have to hide away from the ugly world, that wont fix the truth of the matter, learn to cope. If you can get a better position elsewhere though then do so.
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Feb 01, 2015Comments: 51 · Posts: 446 · Topics: 27
This is a BAD DUDE.
Loyalty is number one. He can't grasp this. As a woman, you will be hurting. You will be riding a roller coaster of emotions. You will be wanting to go his way. DO NOT. RESIST. KNOW that this will pass as it is chemical. DIG YOUR HEELS IN and suffer in silence. It will pass and you will be thankful once it has. Also know, he will likely be coming your way in the future. Be ready, and do NOT give in. This is what a woman who respects herself will do.
It's okay to hate him or love him or whatever keeps you from running his way, but in time, forgive him. This will release his power over you.
I went through something quasi similar with a CAP but I was way too stubborn to let him drag me through the mud. He will never know the tears I cried over him and now he's the one crying. I was SO THANKFUL that I didn't show my emotion or that he hurt me. That I took it with class. And it's funny how the tables turn when you do that...but it doesn't even matter anymore bc now i'm happy.