Scorpio dating a Taurus ?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Choosyloner113 on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 and has 6 replies.
So I’m dating a Taurus man ,,I’m 20 and he’s 26,, we met on tinder and from the very beginning he’s been very attentive wanting to be in a relationship with me from the start...we had sex our second meet up and he asked me if I would be his queen,,,,,fast forward we’ve been dating for 4 months and he claims to love me so much but I feel like he doesn’t know anything about me to love me ,,,,but I also don’t want to push him away because what if he does ....and then sometime when I wake up next to him he talks to me about him wanting to marry me ,,,,what does all this mean ? Is it our age difference?
No, no, no...nope

Posted by Choosyloner113

he claims to love me so much but I feel like he doesn’t know anything about me to love me
Spend some time out of bed (or in) getting to know each other on more than a physical level.

kinda sounds like a mid twenties who's DESPERATELY trying to settle down and squirt out some kids before his balls shrivel up.
kinda sounds like a mid twenties man who's DESPERATELY trying to settle down and squirt out some kids before his balls shrivel up.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Choosyloner113

he claims to love me so much but I feel like he doesn’t know anything about me to love me

Spend some time out of bed (or in) getting to know each other on more than a physical level.
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good, I was going to say similar but outside of bed lol same ting doe … they do need to talk and do stuff together to see if they even work together or is she just a booty call and he's all lovey dovey cause that's what he thinks she wants to hear so she doesn't get suspicious