So I’m dating a Taurus man ,,I’m 20 and he’s 26,, we met on tinder and from the very beginning he’s been very attentive wanting to be in a relationship with me from the start...we had sex our second meet up and he asked me if I would be his queen,,,,,fast forward we’ve been dating for 4 months and he claims to love me so much but I feel like he doesn’t know anything about me to love me ,,,,but I also don’t want to push him away because what if he does ....and then sometime when I wake up next to him he talks to me about him wanting to marry me ,,,,what does all this mean ? Is it our age difference?
kinda sounds like a mid twenties who's DESPERATELY trying to settle down and squirt out some kids before his balls shrivel up.
kinda sounds like a mid twenties man who's DESPERATELY trying to settle down and squirt out some kids before his balls shrivel up.