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Jun 21, 2016Comments: 130 · Posts: 1963 · Topics: 39
so me and this scorpio have been seeing each other weekly, dating and all, and she says the sweetest things to me. last night she told me she wanted to see me the next day and that she'd be in touch with me. the last message she sent to me was, "thank you hun, you're the best and i'll see you tomw!"
fast forward to today, i reached out to her asking when shed be arriving so i can plan out when to leave work. ended up finding out she blocked me from all social media, my number, everything. her most recent IG post was a picture with a msg that read "most likely to destroy a talented man's potential."
obviously i know i won't be seeing her, but i'm just confused as to why someone would do this? is this the infamous scorpio disappearing act that I heard about?
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Aug 16, 2017Comments: 32 · Posts: 1601 · Topics: 87
dammmmmnnnnnn. that is harsh. I'm glad a scoprio's never done that to me. well I think its worse if she strung you along thinking everything is good.
Yikes I'm sorry but say bye to her.
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Aug 04, 2015Comments: 2057 · Posts: 38091 · Topics: 1026
Hon, it's impossible to tell if she had not left you any way to reach out to her.
You have choices of moving in or wait indefinitely but I would think of what could provoke this 'blockage' everywhere.
It doesn't sound like dissapearance act of Scorpio. It's probably the end. Sorry. Try to move on. ❤️