I am a Pisces female in a relationship with a scorpio male.
It's the beginning of our relationship, and he already says he wishes to marry me. He seems serious about it.
However he keeps shutting me out periodically?
He will be completely normal and kind and caring and affectionate for a week or two. And all of a sudden out of nowhere, he shuts me out.
Stops seeing me, stops talking to me. Might even block me on social media.
After a few days or a week he is normal again like nothing ever happened.
Sometimes it's a reaction to something I said. Other times, there is no reason at all. He also is normal again after a few days or week when I contact him.
The other day we were going fine and I jokingly told him I think I own his heart. It was a joke, not meant to threaten his freedom or anything. And he cut me off.
I texted him goodnight, and he blocked me from texting him.
After a week or so if I contact him, he will be okay again.
Why does he behave like this? If he really likes me? And he really does.
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Oct 06, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 474 · Topics: 24
I agree with Scorpio Truth. I don't even think I acted like this dude at my most immature time period. He seems really insecure if he's so easily triggered plus that kinda behaviour isn't fair to you. He's gonna give you abandonment issues. This isn't healthy.
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
Someone who makes grand vague promises for a future with you but can’t deliver on the daily isn’t to be trusted.
Thank the Scorpio for teaching you this valuable lesson.