I had a really good date with her. I greeted her at door of the restaurant and she kinda gave me a half hug which seemed ok...but not extremely warm.
She and I shared a lot of stuff in common from work to social life and family.
Both of us where engaged less then 2 months ago with other people. Her's didn't end well. The guy tried to strangler her. OMG I felt so sorry for her....and now he is stalking her...I asked her if you want me to call him and set him straight.. She smiled and said no but thanks. I think she really liked that, of course what woman wouldn't !!!! LOL
I didn't try to pry too much into her personal background because I know Scorpio women don't like sharing this kinda of info with strangers. I told her to share if she felt comfortable. But she totally opened to me a lot, about her ex's, family, her kids, work and other stuff.
Date lasted about 1 hr and 30 minutes but I felt like I could talk to her all day. I think she had to go because was needed at work.
I asked her if she had a good time...She said yes...I asked her if she would like to go out again and she said yes that would be nice.
Also she said I can't believe a man like you is still available.. I told her I get a ton of messages and likes on the online dating but I know what I'm looking for and I really don't want to waste my time.. She was kinda fascinated by my career and my vast knowledge of math. (she doesn't like math)
I was going to walk her to her car but she gave me that half hug again. Maybe I'm over thinking things because she did have her purse and leftovers in the other hand. She might be scared of dating because of her nutty ex...
Should I text her or should she text me after first date(Scorpio Women Please)
I was going to say...
I had a great time and I look forward to seeing you soon. Let me know if your free later this week so we can get together and do something fun!
Any advice would be appreciate. If she's into me or is she blowing me off.. Would she agree to a second date if she wasn't interested? The half hug bugged me for some reason because I'm an awesome hugger.lol I didn't lean in for the kiss because she faced was turned to the side. Do Scorpio women not like to kiss on the first date?
Signed Up:
Dec 14, 2016Comments: 7399 · Posts: 18799 · Topics: 84
I never kiss on the first date. Matter of fact, I only kiss when I am 100% comfortable. I don't like people in my personal space until I have made the mental decision if I want more or not.
Signed Up:
Nov 03, 2015Comments: 14 · Posts: 445 · Topics: 34
Omg you sound good for her: courteous, kind, but willing to take charge.
I say yes, go for it. Text her, ask her out. But don't rush, keep taking it slow until she's ready to speed it up (which won't take long). Like someone else said, be consistent. No don't kiss on the first date, or at least ask if you can.
The half hug is just a way to keep up her guard without giving up too much. Don't take it personal, it's her way of metaphorically protecting herself, she's feeling things out.
Thanks for your advice ladies I really appreciate it. Of course I'm willing to take it slow, I just out of an engagement myself 2 months ago.. I usually take things slow..
I texted her this...
I had a great time with u! What a coincidence that we're both the youngest of 5 kids. I would like to take you out Friday an do something fun! R u free?
Shit... is it's been 9 house and no response...I'm crushed..
Do I do anything or just play the waiting game?
This is pathetic. Why would she agree to a second date on the first date? Was she just trying to be nice? I thought everything went really good..I thought Scorpio women are blunt? Cancers are defiantly blunt!
Any ideas?
Signed Up:
May 22, 2017Comments: 61 · Posts: 603 · Topics: 10
I don't find scorpio women blunt at all. I had a few "encounters" with scorpio women in the past, either I had a crush for them or them for me. It's an amazing connection but with me it never worked so far. We are both complicated souls (cancer men and scorpio women), perhaps too complicate to make it work easily. Looking back I always thought a big reason for things never had worked was the communication style . I'm cancer sun and leo mercury. Although emotionally I take my time, on a surface/flirt level I can be very blunt and quick. And that never worked properly with scorpio women. Everyone appreciates bluntness coming from the right person in the right time. And you might be the right person but this isn't the right time yet. She just come out of an abusive relationship. You to wait for her, take your time, be patient. And expect that she might not be ready for anything at the moment. You said that you take things slowly but to send an invite for a second date 1/2 days after the first is way too quick. You had already talked about it, she had agree, you didn't need to rush.
Regarding the fact that she agreed to a second date on the first date. People say this things out their mind. She would never say no. I never said no and sometimes I was just being nice. She clearly likes you so she would never say no. But it doesn't mean that she wants to see you again straight away. People are busy, have other commitments, she needs to digest the first date and understand what she might want from you. And chances are that she doesn't know yet. You might have made a mistake by inviting her out so quick. It's not a question of games but by sending the invite so soon after the first date it makes it look like you took her interest for granted. You didn't gave her enough space to think about what she wants from you. Use your gut feeling, don't press her but if you think you need to say something about this do it but very gently.
Thanks carrazeda for your thoughts. I just don't see the point in not letting her know how I feel about her. My responses via text and my actions during the date didn't come on too strong what so ever. I would hate it if I was the girl waiting 3 days to get a text or a call after the first date. Cancers and Scorpios are really good at hiding their emotions so someone needs to make the first step.
I guess I'll just wait to hear from her if she does ever respond. I don't want to text her anymore until she gets back to me, it's only proper. I don't want to feel stalkerish at all.
I just think it's kinda rude not to text some back even if they might not be interested or not ready. I can take a hit to my ego, there are millions of other great women out there.
Women want a man to take the lead especially early on.
Any other options of this issue?
Well she could respond with a Yes, No or simply thanks for the invite but I'm not ready yet or something.
Yes, met on on-line dating site.
I asked her on the date if she was ready for dating mentally and she kinda of hesitated and said yes but I could be reading into it too much.
The thing is she is the listing agent on this house her and her ex boyfriend own together. He has been stalking her and calling her boss to complain about her. I told her it might be best to just give up the listing to someone else if you don't can't deal with him. I would just ignore him and try to let it not bother you. They have an offer on the house but it's not closing till the end of November. I said great just look at the big picture you only have to deal with him for another 40 days.
I hope this brought more light to the story.....
I just think it's give a response in a timely manor.
Any thoughts?
I know she a Scorpio and they believe in revenge but get real. The dude is a psycho if he tried to strangler her.
The best thing she can do is forget about him and move on to something healthy. The best revenge is just letting go of a bad person and never talking to them.
I was thinking about texting her one last time but I don't want to seem overwhelming. I'm still a little bit but hurt for her not texting me back, but I can see how much stress this might be on her.
Should I bother to text and say this??
Hey I was thinking about your problem with the closing and your ex. I had numerous transactions with difficult closings and I always dealt with it but nothing on a personal level like yourself. I can see how much stress this is causing you and I feel for you! This would be difficult for anyone to handle.
Maybe have one of the secretaries, or another agent in your office, or the broker handle the rest of the paperwork and calls until it closes. Pay them $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 what ever you feel comfortable with so you can still get your commission. Seriously it's not worth it. Just circle that closing date on your calendar and count down the days everyday and it will bring peace to you. Just a thought. If you feel like talking about it you have my number. I hope everything else is going good.
Take Care James
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2015Comments: 2650 · Posts: 6434 · Topics: 214
cancer woman and scorpio man......
sounds boring
but probably healthier relationship wise than most scorpio man + sig fig other partnerships
it's a Cancer man and Scorpio woman to begin with
Signed Up:
May 22, 2017Comments: 61 · Posts: 603 · Topics: 10
Don't talk about her personal stuff. That's too intrusive. You aren't friends, you just had a date. From cancer man to cancer man, until you have a response from her just move on. Let her be. If you feel that you do really need to say something, think two, three, four times. Think if that message could make a difference.
I have thought about it multiple times. I think it might add some comfort to her situation and hopefully a solution to her issue. At least I'm reaching out to her so she might think it's very thoughtful. If it doesn't get me a second date tomorrow it might happen in 2 weeks to 30 days.
I can relate because I had to deal with a ton of narcissistic agents on over 5000 real-estate transactions so I know it feels and I know it effected her. I could see her quivering from the inside of her stomach when she was talking about it.
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2017Comments: 6949 · Posts: 3921 · Topics: 152
Dude. Don't listen to women when I comes to game. They only THINK this is what they want, but you can't leave a woman to her own devices and decide in a man.
...But no fear, Hendo's here.....
Please.. Crab to Crab.. I love other crabs. You are my buddy. Listen to me.
You made a few mistakes..
The first would be to ask her out while still in her presence, that is a big no-no.. Why? Because it comes off very eager and makes HER think you don't have other women, even if you do.. But even if you don't or don't want other women, you still have to maintain a frame that you can bounce any minute because you DO have other women.
The second would be not going for a kiss.. This gets straight to the point and gives you an answer of where she is with you.. Instead of keeping you wondering. If she kissed you, she likes you. If she didn't, shit.. Tighten your game. You should have just went for the kiss..
The third.. Being too goddamn nice, buddy. You shouldn't feel obligated to walk her to her car or carry her things. Also, don't EVER milk a first date till it's dry..
**You should have went for drinks, chatted and flirted.. Kept it light and about 45 minutes to an hour. Then say "babe, it's been fun.. I gotta run now.. I'll call you"
You will come off very mysterious, busy and your time will be valued.
You also don't wanna call or text her too much unless you are scheduling a date with her. Don't ask her how she is.. Don't chat.. Ring her, set up the date and then hang it up.
The thing is to keep your impulse in check and have control over your feelings. She has an ex-fiance... You really DON'T KNOW how she feels about this man, despite all the shit she has talked about him. When you dating a girl with an ex in the background, your game has to be TIGHT.. That at she'll fall for you and only think about YOU. There would be no possibility of a break up or her getting back with him or any other man... It'll just be YOU.
Also, I wouldn't have offered to set her ex-fiance straight.. That may have been endearing, but it might have turned her off.. Because you aren't her man yet and it's really not your business unless she was your girl.
You want to keep things light, care-free, flirty and harmless.. Lots of eye contact.. Lots of meaningless touching.. And GO FOR THE KISS, after the date or during...
If she likes you, you'll have her in bed the 2nd or 3rd date.. But judging by your mistakes, it might be the 3rd or 4th... Just keep a tight game, she is rebounding. Trust me.
Other than all of that, she sees that you're a nice guy... And that's not necessarily a charm on your part.
PM me, if you need advice or have questions. I'll email you. I had to learn the hard way how women work.. I'm not gonna front like I'm some player because I am not, I am going through some shit with an ex as I speak.. But I got chicks and it's all good.. I'll play until I am satisfied.
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2017Comments: 6949 · Posts: 3921 · Topics: 152
Stop texting her. A woman will always find time for a man she's interested in. Fuck her work, fuck her ex.. Don't ever text her again, in fact.. Move on.. If she was ever attracted to you, she will realize that you stopped contacting her and then possibly reach out to YOU. Don't look back at her, and she will hit you up when she realizes you're gone..
I know it's hard to not send that second text message because you might need validation, but you can do it. Don't text a woman twice after she has ignored you.. You will win either way. Why? Because if she does like you; she will be surprised that you didn't break your neck to hear from her and then she will contact you.. If she doesn't like you; that second text wouldn't have made a difference anyway... So by not double texting, you will WIN either way.. And you will feel more confident in yourself and happier with the decision that you didn't double text.
See other women.. Let some time pass.. Don't get hung up on this here.. It's for your own good. I know it sucks....... Women are hard. Shit.
Thanks for advice Emhendo, I appreciate it. I'll take it and run with it!
I just hate these fucken games women play.. it's just childish.
You should have went for drinks, chatted and flirted.. Kept it light and about 45 minutes to an hour. Then say "babe, it's been fun.. I gotta run now.. I'll call you"
Lmaooooo this is horrible advice "player"
As a Scorpio woman i say just leave her be. Too be blunt she's not into you. She agreed to a second date to be nice. Id do the same if i was put on the spot. Scorpios are blunt but not blunt in a "i like hurting ppls feelings" kind of way. So there's no way she would've said no to a second date talking to you face to face.
Trust that she's not over her ex quite yet and if you were to really start something with her at this moment you would be used and discarded. I can admit that after i first got out of a long term relationship I had many potential suitors that just ended up being rebounds. Helping to forget the pain. Took me 3 years to finally move on sexually.
Believe me when I say you dont wanna date her right now.
Dont send that second text because it'll hurt even more when she doesn't respond. And that can lead to a 3rd 4th 5th... etc. then you being blocked (because we will do it lol if you annoy us)
Just try to let it go and date the women that u say have been chasing you.