Scorpio M driving Aries W crazy...

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by AriesQueen on Sunday, January 8, 2012 and has 8 replies.
I dated a Scorpio years ago and broke up because he wasn't ready to be exclusive. 3 years ago we reconnected but as friends. We talk about everything including his dates. Last year our relationship changed qnd it caught me by surpise. We started calling each other baby, darling, etc, getting more personal. We are long distance so talk on the phone, IM a lot. A few weeks ago he came to see me and we had the greatest sex ever (as Scorpios do)! He told me after he went back that he wants us to be FWB but he also says he's in love with me. I want a real relationship not FWB and last week told him so. Now he hasn't called me for a week. I haven't called him either. I know he's still processing what I said. My question is how can he say he's in love with me and want FWB? Any opinions? I don't want to waste my time playing games.
I feel like if a scorpio loves you they want you all to themselves?
Yes, that's what I was afraid of. He's the possessive type and if he wants me and other women, then he can't be in love with me. What I find strange why lie, why change our friendship now? I dont get this man. He just wants to give me butter.
Thanks, Let*it*be for the translation. I thought Scorpios don't lie about their feelings. That's why I'm confused. Stupid guy. Why say he's in love with me?
Says he's in love because he's a guy first and foremost - then a scorpio.
He likes the sex. Wants the sex. Got the sex. He's trying to secure the sex.
Scorpio's might not "lie", but from what I have seen, they can manipulate.
I think you're being manipulated by the word "love". Be careful with that.
Secure the sex? Butter...
We've been talking for 3 years and had become really good friends!!! Yeah, he told me he loved me and I said the same thing but it was with the understanding that we'd moved on. I do love him. Infact I've never stopped loving him even when I had a serious relationship and I do believe him when he says he loves me. I just kinda believed that nothing would bring us back together and had not thought about it. Then suddenly, he tells me he wants us to 'spend some time together'. Arrrrgggh!! I think that it's likely that he's playing me. Any ideas how I can find out for sure?
Oh... he called me but we didn't talk about us. Just a general hi keeping in touch sorta thing. He also sent me mail and texts. Just like before. Is he hoping that I'll forget that I said I wanted a real relationship and just go with FWB or something? Being Aries, I feel like asking him what the treetrunk (crazy term) he thinks he's doing. I can't handle this subtle crap.
Posted by AriesQueen
Secure the sex? Butter...
We've been talking for 3 years and had become really good friends!!! Yeah, he told me he loved me and I said the same thing but it was with the understanding that we'd moved on. I do love him. Infact I've never stopped loving him even when I had a serious relationship and I do believe him when he says he loves me. I just kinda believed that nothing would bring us back together and had not thought about it. Then suddenly, he tells me he wants us to 'spend some time together'. Arrrrgggh!! I think that it's likely that he's playing me. Any ideas how I can find out for sure?
Oh... he called me but we didn't talk about us. Just a general hi keeping in touch sorta thing. He also sent me mail and texts. Just like before. Is he hoping that I'll forget that I said I wanted a real relationship and just go with FWB or something? Being Aries, I feel like asking him what the treetrunk (crazy term) he thinks he's doing. I can't handle this subtle crap.

He could testing you to see just how much you like him, we do that sometimes because we think maybe the other person might not feel the same way we do about them. No one knows if hes playing you for a harp, only he knows that. If your not happy then give him the elbow and move on. Peace!
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Fuck him, imho. The moment the mind games start, regardless of sign, I'd say it's time to walk. If that's too harsh, go no contact for a bit.