I was angry and putting my point across
U re still on his hook . He s manipulating you. He wants rto see u hurt.he will make u believe o otherwise.
What should id do? Do ignore him now? Will he turn that around on me if i do? He was really the nicest most perfect person when we met but he changed when he let his issues he had with an ex effect him
I am trying to move on but he will message me with like a photo of us together saying how much he likes the picture and sends me random messages just being nice, then i think oh maybe he wants to be with me? Then he hits me with the he needs to move on, and has, but if i say something about me moving on he comes across like hes the victim and it was him that ended it not me. Hes The most confusing person ive ever met
Ignore him hun ... it's a manipulation tactic.... ignore .... stringing ya ... move on ......... don't be surprised if ya do ... he comes back to string ya
Signed Up:
Nov 10, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 3254 · Topics: 48
Man, I wish I had a dollar for everyone of these Scorpio man is confusing threads..........
And @OP - I think your best just moving on from this one - ignore/block/move to another country, do whatever you have to do, to keep from responding to him and move on.
Hes moved on from his EX she cheated on him and used him financially, he said hes done with her, he said if she died he wouldn't care. Hes wary that he will be treated the same way with someone else, he says he knows im not like that but hes messed up. Yeah hes dating other people so why does he still text me with photos of us together and being all nice? Then will turn something i say against me this is what i dont understand!
Classic scorpio manipulation
Do they realise they are doing this though or is it just something they do and cant see they are manipulating its just a natural thing to them?
I'm not bitter just angry and frustrated, I can't get my heard around the manipulation it's exhausting but I'm done with him now I'm exhausted from it all