Scorpio man confusion

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Leogirl27 on Thursday, January 16, 2020 and has 4 replies.
Ok I’ll try to make this quick. He’s my ex from years ago and we reconnected. We decided on FWB and see what happens. Now he’s super affectionate, sweet, give me attention. HE said he still loves me and always had. All of that. He’s a busy man and I get that as well. My issue is I have to chase him or he will make plans and a few times stood me up. I talked to him about his communication and he stood me up again. I don’t get it. He flirts with me and reaches out to me all the time but when I say come visit it’s always an issue. He also is impotent cause he has diabetes. Not sure if this is the issue but he’s not big on a lot of explaining but this isn’t a big thing for me and we worked around it the one time we tried. I finally told him don’t contact me anymore cause I really don’t know why else to do.
He might say one thing, but if his actions don't reflect that, he's bullshitting himself :/ He seems like he doesn't even know what he wants.

Save yourself the chasing and mind games and cut him off
So if he stands you up multiple times and can’t get it up and KEEP it up then what are you getting out of this so called FWB. I don’t see the benefit in it for you...

If his version of ‘love’ is to leave you hanging and not perform in bed then miss me with that kinda love 🤢
It’s wild to me that women are taking the ‘I’m impotent’ lazy excuse.

Are your fingers impotent? Your mouth?

No excuse in 2020 for a man not to satisfy his woman. Shit, take her vibrator and hold it against her for the 3.5mins needed to get her off.

Lazy. Asses.