You've never met him ?? And he lives abroad ? And he has you gone in the head like this...he's good.
Don't worry about the astrology need to look at yourself and ask why are you giving so much to a stranger you've never met
happyface1, no we haven't met yet in person as our irk travel schedules haven't made it possible yet then the change in communication, so I haven't pushed for it recently...never thought I'd be someone who could start a potential "relationship" or this kind of connection online without meeting for a while, but here we are...
happyface1, sorry your full message wasn't loading before. Yea, you're completely on point! Not sure why I am either, but it t really felt like we were already together for so long (we'd both joked about that a lot before) and I lived that we were so unfiltered with each other not trying to be perfect so I appreciated that he opened up to me so much. But yea, now I guess I can't really blame him so much as I also allowed it to move quickly and get intense, and also allowed him to detach, and also allowed him to stop communication while still being supportive. I guess I felt our connection was more on a level of someone I'd been with for a long time. And believe me, if I read someone wake saying this I would think it's a bit out there, but then I found myself in the situation and now I fee him inside me in the craziest way!
True...I guess only time will tell. Just thought I was smarter than to just believe words, there really was a warm connection growing and so much talk about future plans that I was supposedly part of...of course we can't just go by words from someone we haven't met yet. But from someone who was making me part of his everyday, talking for hours even from different time zones when we're both traveling and revealing so much if himself, it really was a bit shocking. But I guess a lesson in that anything is possible with someone who isn't really part of our life yet and with that anonymity people can just disappear without remorse at all.
I've just heard soooooooo much about Scorpio men going hot and cold easily, needing their space often without letting you know, testing their potential partners, going off the grid when hurt or angry, and punishing their loved ones when they feel upset by them. And since he admitted that he's not used to getting in touch with someone when he's going through a hard time and that he's been in contact with me more often than with even people he HS dated for a long time...not sure if red flags or he's seriously in a hard time, even though as I said he was still reaching out to me before when things were hard then too :/
Thanks EnochTheWise! I'm at good to have multiple perspectives on this topic, which is why I posted it here to get out of my head and hear different sides/approaches. I agree with being patient and letting him show me who he is if this is just a hard time for him. But the main point in that since we haven't even met yet in person it's hard to understand if this is really who he is and we just found each other in an "off" time, or if I'm letting myself be played since he literally went from 100% to 0% before meeting and if this is all I have to go on it's tricky.
Another reason maybe I still have hope for this is thinking we may be "twin flames", but maybe I'm just looking for reasons to not feel that someone I connected with so deeply could just stop all communication for a while. I've been reading up on twin flame relationships and the stages, and some of our situation feels like that since we've also sensed a lot of things that were happening to the other person without knowing that before made me feel really connected, but now it feels like I dreamt all of this with no words, effort or action on his part.
I thought putting my ego and needs aside for a bit to let him get through his problems could help, but with no communication updates or anything I'm completely guessing now...