Scorpio man moving WAAAAY FAST! HELP!!

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by GypseeScorpGal on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 and has 14 replies.
Started talking with a Libra sun, scorpio moon, Leo Venus male, we'll call him James, 2 weeks ago. I'm a leo sun, scorpio moon, gal with Mars and Venus Libra. It's an amazing energy between us and I do feel there is a significant reason he's in my life. I have the typical trust issues most Scorpions battle and so want to take things at a decent pace.

Not the case for him. He's already said that he loves me, considers us soul mates, and without proposing says he's planning our wedding. here's the deal...we haven't met in person. I'm seeing big red flags here and want to run. I have heard stories of Scorpios finding their soul mates and moving rather quickly and things working out so I don't want to blow this,

This is really too fast for me. I have let him know and he says he's "working on" us meeting in person. We live in the same town so I don't get it. He's dodging questions, being a typically secretive and push pull scorpio right now. I finally put the brakes on in full and sent him a text stating that I will no longer discuss things like love or marriage via text, and will not continue to further invest with him until we meet in person. I put it as lovingly and respectfully as possible:

"I'm ready to meet in person. If you're not, I respect that but I'm not willing to invest more with you here until we do. Please let me know when you're ready.

I haven't heard back and don't expect to right away.

I would appreciate male Scorpio input on moving so fast, the marriage thing, why he's hesitating meeting in person, and the push-pull fast forward craziness. UGH! HELP!
Same city and haven’t met and talking marriage? He is probably trying to woo you with someone else’s picture and hoping (which is stupid) that you will be desperate enough to marry him even if he is not what he seems. By definition of ‘you’ve got used to his courting so now it’s notbimportsnt that he is fat, bold and 20 years ikder’...
is he a libra or scorpio? i'm confused
he's a libra, hes not a scorpio male. Libras... he's all dreams and talk. Don't take it so serious, if you like him just go along but don't talk about love or marriage lol
Girl he is using you for attention.

Do you fight for him?

Do you give him a lot of attention? Like everyday?

Do you consider him and his feelings and your future?

I think yes & he loves it! He’s taking advantage of you and you’re naive. He’s probably married. He just wants attention and of course he’s not gonna respond back haha watch he will later with a completely different topic. He sounds so full of it.
NARC danger
Posted by UnicornSag
I'll understand once I see a Scorpio in this story...where's the Scorpio exactly? Name says Scorp girl-girl is Leo. Scorp guy- guy is wtf?
Can’t you make up your mind using name James??? Lmao

If she said Libra man moving fast - when do you think she would get replies?

Posted by wildflower
he's a libra, hes not a scorpio male. Libras... he's all dreams and talk. Don't take it so serious, if you like him just go along but don't talk about love or marriage lol
it's like talking to this guy about marraige and love lol

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Posted by Gemitati
Posted by UnicornSag
I'll understand once I see a Scorpio in this story...where's the Scorpio exactly? Name says Scorp girl-girl is Leo. Scorp guy- guy is wtf?
Can’t you make up your mind using name James??? Lmao

If she said Libra man moving fast - when do you think she would get replies?

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libra man not popular with ladies huh?

they're either all taken or gay or.... pffftt not a bother

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Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by UnicornSag
I'll understand once I see a Scorpio in this story...where's the Scorpio exactly? Name says Scorp girl-girl is Leo. Scorp guy- guy is wtf?
Can’t you make up your mind using name James??? Lmao

If she said Libra man moving fast - when do you think she would get replies?

libra man not popular with ladies huh?

they're either all taken or gay or.... pffftt not a bother

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Not that Libra men aren’t popular. The board is just dusty. Maybe because Libras having lives and don’t have time to post...

Catfish vibes
I actually guessed at all of this. I'm completely wrong.

It is so rare that I don't get the sun and moon sign (Vedic which is moon)

But I have literally ZERO experience with Aqua's - as a Scorp moon Taurus's laser beam me regularly if they can handle me looking back at them long enough to catch their breath, there's sometimes conversations.

He's a Taurus sun and Aqua moon. I've never met this combination.

Cancer Mars and Aries Venus.

An Aries talking like this before meeting makes complete sense. It borders on cliché. Nothing in my intuition screams that he is being dishonest. But truth...I never asked if he was single. On the list of to-do's. The amount of attention he's paying me is increasing. I'm ignoring most of his texts, answering every 4th or 5th, and skip a couple calls before answering. I never initiate calling him either. I'm literally making so little effort.

His messages and calls are at random times, not in a workday set of hours. He got a hold of me on the weekend too. I would think if it were a relationship it would be an open one, but that isn't typical of Cancer Mars. He has an unorthodox approach to this but it is rather traditional lol. Crazier yet, I totally get it.
Posted by Gemitati
Same city and haven’t met and talking marriage? He is probably trying to woo you with someone else’s picture and hoping (which is stupid) that you will be desperate enough to marry him even if he is not what he seems. By definition of ‘you’ve got used to his courting so now it’s notbimportsnt that he is fat, bold and 20 years ikder’...
The last Taurus that I started talking to was online - he did exactly the same thing. Asked me to marry him and we had never met in person. Romantically ideal but hardly close to grounded even though earth sign. It took him 2 months to let me see him on Skype. It was like he wanted to be sure he had me before he revealed himself to me. Weak tea.

I don't have tons of expectations with this one. I've made my position clear about meeting in person a criteria before anything else with love or marriage. He says that we will soon, whatever that may mean. I'm enjoying our chats on the phone and interactions so I'm going to go with it for now. Until I lose interest, which may not take long at all.

Tee HEE!
Posted by GypseeScorpGal
Posted by Gemitati
Same city and haven’t met and talking marriage? He is probably trying to woo you with someone else’s picture and hoping (which is stupid) that you will be desperate enough to marry him even if he is not what he seems. By definition of ‘you’ve got used to his courting so now it’s notbimportsnt that he is fat, bold and 20 years ikder’...
The last Taurus that I started talking to was online - he did exactly the same thing. Asked me to marry him and we had never met in person. Romantically ideal but hardly close to grounded even though earth sign. It took him 2 months to let me see him on Skype. It was like he wanted to be sure he had me before he revealed himself to me. Weak tea.

I don't have tons of expectations with this one. I've made my position clear about meeting in person a criteria before anything else with love or marriage. He says that we will soon, whatever that may mean. I'm enjoying our chats on the phone and interactions so I'm going to go with it for now. Until I lose interest, which may not take long at all.

Tee HEE!
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Good luck! It takes patience to find your match...❤️