Scorpio Man moving way fast! HELP!

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by GypseeScorpGal on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 and has 1 replies.
Started talking with a Libra sun, scorpio moon, Leo Venus male, we'll call him James, 2 weeks ago. I'm a leo sun, scorpio moon, gal with Mars and Venus Libra. It's an amazing energy between us and I do feel there is a significant reason he's in my life. I have the typical trust issues most Scorpions battle and so want to take things at a decent pace.

Not the case for him. He's already said that he loves me, considers us soul mates, and without proposing says he's planning our wedding. here's the deal...we haven't met in person. I'm seeing big red flags here and want to run. I have heard stories of Scorpios finding their soul mates and moving rather quickly and things working out so I don't want to blow this,

This is really too fast for me. I have let him know and he says he's "working on" us meeting in person. We live in the same town so I don't get it. He's dodging questions, being a typically secretive and push pull scorpio right now. I finally put the brakes on in full and sent him a text stating that I will no longer discuss things like love or marriage via text, and will not continue to further invest with him until we meet in person. I put it as lovingly and respectfully as possible:

"I'm ready to meet in person. If you're not, I respect that but I'm not willing to invest more with you here until we do. Please let me know when you're ready.

I haven't heard back and don't expect to right away.

I would appreciate male Scorpio input on moving so fast, the marriage thing, why he's hesitating meeting in person, and the push-pull fast forward craziness. UGH! HELP!