Scorpio Man too tired for sex?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by LunarEmissions on Wednesday, March 5, 2014 and has 74 replies.
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The scorpio and I are only new into the relationship. We connected in the smoothest, most comfortable way possible, and we are on each others level in every single way.
He is normally a very distant closed off person, but with me he has been vocal from the get go, from a few hours of meeting.
He said he's never met anyone like me and he never opens up to anyone.
It is so easy, too easy, and we absolutely adore one another.
This relationship is bliss.
Now. Here's the issue. He is in an incredibly intense job, with long hours. It tires him out totally and a lot of the time, I notice he shies away from prolonged kissing etc in case it turns to sex.
If it's an overnighter, no problem, he's up for it a few times that night, but withdraws from it the next day.
Here's me; I'm a lady and well mannered out in public. But behind closed doors, I just want him. He's sexy, and our connection is so strong that I want to show him exactly how much I enjoy those moments together....I like it firey, I want him on the chair, in the shower, spontaneously and when the mood calls (I'm one who rarely ever does not feel like it)
But I notice that he shies away from that, and I'm starting to take it personally, because I don't want to pressure him.
I feel like a husband with a wife who always has a headache, and most often than not, I end up with blue balls, because I just want to walk in his house and have my way with him. smile
I am no longer vocal about how he stirs me up that way, because it's like he freaks.
he says I am perfect but I'm not feeling it! Intimacy on a physical level goes hand in hand with deep emotional intimacy, which is why I'm finding this hard.
He is very quiet and submissive by nature, and has actually said that's it's nice to just cuddle sometimes.
I know he has a hard past too, but sheesh. I'm not used to a partner that isn't up for it when I am.
I visibly get irritated and I feel like such a man lol
Can any scorp guys (or girls) please help me out here?
Thank you. I only got visibly irritated the once, but I was conscious about it and pulled myself up on it immediately. I have got something amazing in him, and will never take that for granted, and I am understanding to his needs.
Aries moon, nuff said. Sounds like you may be too aggressive and smothering.
Give him a chance to go after you.
What's his moon sign?
Lol, I am aware that's an impatient moon. I actually go away and give him enough breathing room to the point where he is vocal about missing me and wishing I was there.
He is a sag moon, with a lot of sag placements but he is very serious and intense. Very scorp, but hardly any fire to him
Ok. I hear you totally, MoonMan.
I go away with swollen, purple labia.
Whatu, you're a crack up! Yeah, that's the fun of it all.
Thank you for the clarity, Whatu. I appreciate it.

That quote you state (about felt on a core level) was relating to a close scorpio connection I had a few years ago, a different man. It was wonderful but he had a ton of fear surrounding his feelings and how to interpret them. He said he found them confusing.
Scorp I am seeing now is incredibly direct and black and white. I love that about him. There is no doubt about how he is feeling and what he wants. I find it's me who had to ask him to slow down because he swallowed me whole within a few days.
We've both expressed strong feelings for each other, he's dropped the three little words- and I adore him that much that I want to figure this out and treat him right. Which is what brings me here.
I couldn't agree more when you say there is more going on than what I know. What I see is only a miniscule of what is beneath his surface.
Lol @ magma. Oh how right you are.
PS; Sending some nurturing your way smile
Posted by xMoonMan
Can't you girls be innovative and come up with something more appropriate for the female gender, instead of riding mens coat tales all the time, you do it in business and you do it socially.
It's getting really annoying, you're not men, you don't have balls and your mind/emotions don't work like ours do.

You instigator Libra Moon, you.
Posted by Whatu
Posted by LunarEmissions
Come here, Whatu. I have an overwhelming urge to nurture your ass

Please do, I need it right now. Seriously though, What Im saying is that you are all like, omfg I feel him on so many levels and we understand each other like mountains and valleys and oceans and sky.
While he's probably think woah she gets me a little bit and thats great but im really fucking new to this game and its gonna take a really long time for me to open up because thats what I do.
"If you are comfortable at being known from your core level, go for it. I know some scorpio men can't handle that, especially if the need to keep those emotions secret is strong for them."
this line really stands out to me, I mean Intimacy is where he is really going to open up to you, and I mean in ways you can't imagine, Right now you can feel him pretty well and things are flowing good but I can tell you there is a lot more going on that you know. He is only letting you feel the stuff that he wants you to feel, So just be a little slower with things.

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Posted by IrresistableScorp
Anytime there isn't a free flow of energy in a relationship, sex is going to suffer. The OP has built of blocks of "expectation" with all her talk of I really get my Scorp.

That's exactly what I thought as well. This is no different from Crabs. There is always a little bit more underneath the surface that you hold back, waiting, hoping, wondering "can you handle the real me?" There is no way you know all you need to know about each other "in every single way" yet.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
Like one of our male counterparts said, you only *get* what a Scorp wants you to *get*. What you haven't gotten, yet, is the dark side. The place where that thing a Scorp has that makes or breaks a relationship. The thing we hide until we are sure you can handle it. Once we reveal that to you, its all in baby. And this is exactly where we determine the chaff from the wheat. The one who *handles* it and the ones who don't.
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A person has to ask: if another person is tired, why do they act like it?

wtf has happened to people using their brain cells? ... is that out of style ?
Posted by Rabbit
I've been legit too tired for sex on more than one occasion.

Posted by LunarEmissions

Now. Here's the issue. He is in an incredibly intense job, with long hours. It tires him out totally and a lot of the time, I notice he shies away from prolonged kissing etc in case it turns to sex.
If it's an overnighter, no problem, he's up for it a few times that night, but withdraws from it the next day.
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I don't know, I co-sign with IS, something else is going on. I was gonna post a similar view, because something just doesn't sound right but I figured why bother given the declaration of deep understanding made in the OP. This is not to say Scorps are only about sex or that they are machines that have no other way of connecting with someone, but sex is regenerative for most Scorps. Plus the man is loaded with Sag placements, no? I believe it has to do with other issues that have yet to be discussed--not necessarily an issue with her, but an issue.
I'm wondering what is this "intense" job that make him physcially unable to have sex?
Posted by Rabbit
I've been legit too tired for sex on more than one occasion.

It's a miracle you're still alive and married.
^^^^I stated "most" because this obviously excludes those that have chosen to abstain from sex for whatever reason and find other means to recharge.
Posted by Rabbit
Say he lays bricks for a living.
He's been up since 4:30 am
He'll have to get up tomorrow at 4:30am
He's getting home at 6:00pm
He'll do it all over again tomorrow.
It's 9:30pm and you're wanting to make out?
Not happening.
Sometimes it really is just that obvious.

I swear if I ever get with a Scorp I will jump on him and yell "YOU'RE A SCORP. REGENERATE GOD DAMN IT AND FUCK ME".
This thread is interesting.
I know folks.
It would be hilarious if he ever came here and posted about it
"This weird Virgo chick.."
Posted by Rabbit
I must be weird.
I find nothing particularly regenerative about sex.
Sleep on the other hand...

No, not weird at all:
Posted by PhoenixRising
sex is regenerative for most Scorps.

In my disclaimer, I should have included Rabbits that may on occasion lay bricks for a living Tongue
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Posted by Rabbit
Say he lays bricks for a living.
He's been up since 4:30 am
He'll have to get up tomorrow at 4:30am
He's getting home at 6:00pm
He'll do it all over again tomorrow.
It's 9:30pm and you're wanting to make out?
Not happening.
Sometimes it really is just that obvious.

That's the reason for my question. I wanted clarification. Nowhere did she state the man did physical labour for a living. Only that it was intensive with long hours. If it isn't a labour intensive job and more about mental exhaustion (a demanding boss, putting out crisis after crisis, dealing with abuse victims, etc.......then that requires a different type solution/response to manage the problem. If it's about physical labour, well dear all you can do is wait until the man has a day off. If it isn't....
Posted by Rabbit
I just think back to when I worked in a kitchen. Physical work plus mental stress.
Katy Perry could jump on me topless, and at most there might be some halfhearted fondling, but really I would just want to relax and rest.
Physically and mentally.

Lol Okay *eat humble pie* I can respect it is different for men than women (Scorps included) when it comes to being physically ready to engage in sex. I was just reminded by someone *cough cough* that more effort is needed for a man to go round after round vs a woman's ability--even if they have a high sex drive. So forgive me. I will admit, I was looking at this from a female Scorp perspective.
I guess that is one of the many differences that generalized descriptions about Scorps get wrong. For me, it was often the perfect way to unwind after a long day that included a morning run, being on my feet for 10 hours in heels and an hour of kick boxing.
I'm not on my feet all day anymore, but the schedule is about the same and it's still the best way to "relax" imo.
Posted by Rabbit
To be fair...
There's a reason I don't work in the restaurant biz anymore...

Umm hummmm Devil
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
I could put a 20 hour day in of intensive physical and mental labour and if Katy Perry jumped on me topless, I'd be all over it.......
just sayin' Devil

Scorp Mars energy, I tell you......
Posted by Rabbit
I didn't want to be sexist.
But that is true.

You and that polite Leeb Merc.....
Sex in relationships is going to suck. ( You heard it first here, you're welcome )

Cause they aren't based off that. If he's feeling down, why and not and try to find another form of intimacy. Like cook him a nice dinner or nice back rub? I'm hoping you know how to cook right? I'm surprised at the amount of females who don't these days, like OKAY. smh. Another way of turning him on besides sucking his d*** you know?

It's not gonna be fire works and nights of endless pleasure all the time, man. I know it's what you want, and in you're head it's possible but it's not real life.

Thats what affairs are for. If you're in this long term I doubt this will be the last time this happens. If you can't accept that reality or don't want to, just be single till you're ready to handle real intimacy. Sex is very small part of it.

-My brain
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
Posted by Sag89
Sex in relationships is going to suck. ( You heard it first here, you're welcome )

Cause they aren't based off that. If he's feeling down, why and not and try to find another form of intimacy. Like cook him a nice dinner or nice back rub? I'm hoping you know how to cook right? I'm surprised at the amount of females who don't these days, like OKAY. smh. Another way of turning him on besides sucking his d*** you know?

It's not gonna be fire works and nights of endless pleasure all the time, man. I know it's what you want, and in you're head it's possible but it's not real life.

Thats what affairs are for. If you're in this long term I doubt this will be the last time this happens. If you can't accept that reality or don't want to, just be single till you're ready to handle real intimacy. Sex is very small part of it.

-My brain

you are 100% correct.
it's just not fun to think about.
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Exsp not for us Mars in Scorpio lol but we must understand.
Posted by Reincarnation
Posted by Sag89
Sex in relationships is going to suck. ( You heard it first here, you're welcome )

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God ahead and try and base a "relationship" off that and tell me what happens.
*** go
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
Posted by Sag89
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
Posted by Sag89
Sex in relationships is going to suck. ( You heard it first here, you're welcome )

Cause they aren't based off that. If he's feeling down, why and not and try to find another form of intimacy. Like cook him a nice dinner or nice back rub? I'm hoping you know how to cook right? I'm surprised at the amount of females who don't these days, like OKAY. smh. Another way of turning him on besides sucking his d*** you know?

It's not gonna be fire works and nights of endless pleasure all the time, man. I know it's what you want, and in you're head it's possible but it's not real life.

Thats what affairs are for. If you're in this long term I doubt this will be the last time this happens. If you can't accept that reality or don't want to, just be single till you're ready to handle real intimacy. Sex is very small part of it.

-My brain

you are 100% correct.
it's just not fun to think about.

Exsp not for us Mars in Scorpio lol but we must understand.

agree. empathy needs to be pulled out of the pockets.
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pfft empathy with mars in scorp.
you guys would fuck someone til they collapse, check their pulse and proceed with them still unconscious.
roofie is the popular name for marsinscorpio.
Posted by Damnata
pfft empathy with mars in scorp.
you guys would fuck someone til they collapse, check their pulse and proceed with them still unconscious.
roofie is the popular name for marsinscorpio.

When you don't know how to control yes 100% lol it's all about learning to have some discipline with this one.
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
shush your mouf!

says the scorpio while putting a chlorophorm soaked rag over my mouth.
Posted by Sag89
Posted by Damnata
pfft empathy with mars in scorp.
you guys would fuck someone til they collapse, check their pulse and proceed with them still unconscious.
roofie is the popular name for marsinscorpio.

When you don't know how to control yes 100% lol it's all about learning to have some discipline with this one.
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you say discipline, I say mercy Big Grin
Posted by Reincarnation
Posted by Damnata
pfft empathy with mars in scorp.
you guys would fuck someone til they collapse, check their pulse and proceed with them still unconscious.
roofie is the popular name for marsinscorpio.

As a Mars in Scorpio, this is utterly false. We have a little Christian Grey in us, but anything extreme is personal and unrelated to astrology.
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a little? pfft..not into mars in scorp anymore.
Can you all male scorps stop making Rabbit feel inadequate?
Posted by Rabbit
Why would I feel inadequate?

I am joking. I never met a Scorp male or female who ever had any business with this word whatsoever.
It's funny I talk to my Scorp female friends, I bring that word up and they cannot relate to it at all.
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
Posted by Reincarnation
Posted by Damnata
pfft empathy with mars in scorp.
you guys would fuck someone til they collapse, check their pulse and proceed with them still unconscious.
roofie is the popular name for marsinscorpio.

As a Mars in Scorpio, this is utterly false. We have a little Christian Grey in us, but anything extreme is personal and unrelated to astrology.

speak for yourself.
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I agree.
ugh elle and rabbit posing as Virgos and trolling my aries moon.
INADEQUATE is a word that cannot be used by them to refer to their own self. They can use it for other things but as a characteristc of their personality? no way in hell.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
Also, a vagina is an inverted penis. We aren't that different from eachother.

We agreed we'd NEVER talk about that.

Yeah, I just stumbled upon that word by mistake. It does apply to a lot of Virgos one degree or the other.
The real question in this thread:
If a tree falls down in the woods with no one around, will a mars in scorpio attempt to fuck it?
Straight Face
.....What kind of tree?
Morning wood?
Posted by Andalusia
.....What kind of tree?

I knew I'd lure you in. Devil
Don't know, I never was with a Mars in Scorpio.
please don't chlroform me.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
Anytime there isn't a free flow of energy in a relationship, sex is going to suffer. The OP has built of blocks of "expectation" with all her talk of I really get my Scorp.

Posted by IrresistableScorp
When the Rhythm of the relationship alters, then one should look at why? If the lack/length of lack of sex feels "unnatural" to the relationship, one should consider what's happening under the surface. That's all I have to say about this...
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IS... I notice you pick and choose your advice sometimes based on sun sign. Here, you are telling the OP (a Cancer) that the sex is lacking in her relationship because of underline issues.
But when Natural25 (a Scorpio) made a similar post about the lack of sex within her relationship... you told her she just had to be patient and readjust her sexual expression. Not one mention of "underlined issues, expectations or looking at why"
bias much?
ya, i see clearly how that works...
I apologize for not reading this entire thread. Just wanted to speak to the original topic.
My Scorpio husband often works himself into a zombie-like state at a very physically, and mentally, demanding job. There are PLENTY of times he refuses sex. At those times, all he really wants is a beer in his hand, a little food, and something easy on the brain on the t.v. before he falls into bed for the night.
Sex is very physical for him, so if he feels like he doesn't have the energy to make a good experience happen he'll pass until he's rested. I'll do the same thing, so it's easy for me to understand.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
Posted by IrresistableScorp
Posted by tiziani
Unless you know what blue balls feels like, I wouldn't go around lightly using that expression.

Did you know that when a fetus is developing and until the Y chromosomes kick in, everyone fetus has the equivalent of ovaries. Ovaries drop down and mutate into balls. I just say this because women can and do get blue ovaries with lack of sex. So we get you. We just say blue balls because, let's face it, saying blue ovaries isn't quite as dramatic. smile

Also, a vagina is an inverted penis. We aren't that different from eachother.
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Great info!
To the naysayers. Yes. I don't have testicles, but when the nether regions get engorged, it feels like I have a set of throbbing testicles.
Posted by Whimsy
I apologize for not reading this entire thread. Just wanted to speak to the original topic.
My Scorpio husband often works himself into a zombie-like state at a very physically, and mentally, demanding job. There are PLENTY of times he refuses sex. At those times, all he really wants is a beer in his hand, a little food, and something easy on the brain on the t.v. before he falls into bed for the night.
Sex is very physical for him, so if he feels like he doesn't have the energy to make a good experience happen he'll pass until he's rested. I'll do the same thing, so it's easy for me to understand.

Thanks. You've basically just summed him up.
He would very much rather give his full potential that doing a half assed, tired job.
Whatu...I'm sorry but you really do make me smile. FWIW, I enjoy being tested. I know my strength and how true I am to myself, so people testing me makes me feel alive. If they can't handle the results from that test.... then there is the door and they are not meant to be in my life smile