Scorpio Man was so hot for Leo Woman and then DONE

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by LeoLeo18 on Tuesday, July 30, 2013 and has 38 replies.
My Scorpio man and I met 2 months ago. When he originally approached me it was all in the eyes....and it was shocking how much he wasn't my usual "type" and yet was super attracted to him. At any rate, we talked and laughed and flirted. He was at a fundraiser for a fellow police officer (he is also a K9 unit police officer) then he left to take a friend home which I wasn't sure was just his friend so even though he texted me right after leaving I responded short and sweet because I wasn't sure if he was legit. I deleted his number later that night with the thought that if he wants me....he will chase me. Well.....2 weeks went by and nothing. I finally decided to look up his work email and send him a note telling him that I had lost his number but wanted to let him know that I really did like him and hope and realized I was short in our few texts but that I was actually interested in him and re-sent him my number. Well he texted me the next morning, telling me that he had felt as if I had blown him off but that he was shocked with the letter and sincerity behind it. We were texting all day, everyday after that. We went on our first date that weekend which happened to be a 12-hour ride a long in the dangerous city of Richmond, CA and I didn't want to leave his side...even as scary as it was. After that we continued to text everyday, all day. We talked about a lot, we realized we have crazy things in common; family dynamic, baby in the family, blended families, etc. He himself however was divorced with an ex-wife, 2 young kids, alimony, living in a 2 bedroom house with his buddy and was about to take leave for a shoulder surgery from the thing he loves most....his job. So I do not share those core things with him; I am the same age but never married, no kids, have a job yo pay my bills but do well and take care of myself. We also live about 1.5 hours away from each other but we both appeared to be up for the challenge. What we did have in common is that I have been in 2 serious relationships; 1 for 10 years and one for 7, neither resulting in marriage or kids. Well it was intimidating all that his life would bring to mine but I felt so drawn to him and him to e that I didn't want to dismiss him because of those things. Three weeks go by, he is already calling me babe, sweety, telling me he is falling in love and it was scary and yet exciting because I felt the same way but was trying to keep my cool and tell him we need to take it slow. Then one night he call
PART 2 of Story:
Then one night he calls me while walking his dog and out of nowhere he yells at this person to get their dog and then after a few excited minutes the commotion is over and he simply states, " I am happy I didn't have to shoot that dog." Which I was taken a aback then it opened up a discussion about his right as a police officer to shoot someones dog, even if that dog is on private property, if it shows any sign of aggression which led into an argument and apparently at some point I said (which I don't even remember saying) "I wouldn't know what to do if you tried to shoot in animal in front of me I think I would freak out and push your hand so you would miss" Which I would NEVER actually do, they were just words in a heated discussion. SO the next day yes I was upset but he claimed not to be at all, calling it a debate...not an argument. So I felt like I was the one being to sensitive after he asked me if I was giving him the silent treatment...which I wasn't I was just giving us both space to cool off and I was slammed at work and sending him 10 texts instead of the usual 30. Well We had already apologized that morning but I could tell he was concerned I was holding a grudge with him a couple days later which I had told him no, I don't hold grudges. So then a couple weeks go by and we are texting but we spoke on the phone once and I was quiet for most of the call because he was oidng most of the talking. Well I guess he took offense to that too and so since he was getting so defensive and sending me as many " good morning beautiful" texts that he was loosing interest or seeing someone else. Well He had told me his shift was changing at work, he would be working graveyard when he was back on the beat and always seemed to be questioning my lyalty to him once he goes back to work because of my 9-6 schedule, distance and need for time with him. He kept on telling me that everyone always leaves him once they realize that his job requires all of his weekends, then he has his kids half of the week and of ours....he likes to work in one of the most dangerous cities in CA so constantly questioning my ability to support his job and be ok if he doesn't return...It was like psychological warfare. Constant questioning, interrogation one minute and then the next was, well this is my life and all I can do is hope you want to be in it. So after we have the 4th date he tells me that he has plans to go see his friends after our day-time date...wh
OMG, this is too long!
Let's pretend I read it.... Good luck!
Posted by LeoLeo18
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME? I have been a mess! Crying everyday, wondering if this is a test or if he is really gone?! This scorpio man has totally destroyed me...what do I do? IS he really done over an argument?

The first thing to do is to stop crying and to relax.
More once you do ^^^.
When I tell someone to not call or text me, I mean it. I think he does too. Sorry.
Only thing I can suggest is to stop contacting him. He'll come around eventually if he cares. Don't hold your breath though. Continue to move on and live your life.
Posted by djbuck1
CliffNotes Version
They both have had a series of unsuccessful relationships (or in his case a marriage), and they have little in common. They live 1.5 hours apart. He's an animal lover (He was glad he didn't have to shoot that dog). However, this led to an argument (the Dog Argument) because she said that if she saw him about to shoot a dog, she would knock his aim off. It seems he is a police officer and questions whether anyone can accept his schedule. They slept together after two months, but he still went out with his friends, to her ire. He then invoked his many familial and other responsibilities as reasons not to see her. She is a Leo and does not give up easily. So she texted him. Relentlessly. He did not respond-- much. Then he raised the Dog Argument again. He also indicated that he doesn't want to get involved with her. More than indicated. Stated. She continued texting with growing desperation. To no avail. He has gone silent. She wants to know what is wrong with her, whether he will be back, is this a "test" of loyalty and stamina, does he think she is crazy, does he really want her to move on?

Sweet. Thanks for this dj! They pretty much all play out the same don't they?
It's not a test. If it was, you would have failed it with the endless texting. The only thing "wrong with you" is that you're chasing a man that is not showing you very much consideration. I would stop now.
Posted by candyapples88
When I tell someone to not call or text me, I mean it. I think he does too. Sorry.
Only thing I can suggest is to stop contacting him. He'll come around eventually if he cares. Don't hold your breath though. Continue to move on and live your life.

What pissed him off:
-Not having his space.
-Being 'doubted'.
-Being 'pushed' to open up.
-Her lack of patience and self control
What he did thereafter:
-Dropped subtle hints that it is not working
What she did thereafter:
-Thought constant texting would make him change his mind.
-Blew up emotionally
Final nail in the coffin:
-He decided he can't be with someone like ^^ and rambled off a 'family excuse' so as not to hurt her.
What next:
-The chances of his return are pretty marginal.He might come back if he realizes that he cares about you but there are no guarantees he would want her as 'lover' again.Maybe as a friend.
Thanks for the insight everyone. Just needed to hear it from those that would know how his sign operates best. Still sad but moving on.
Posted by djbuck1
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by djbuck1
CliffNotes Version
They both have had a series of unsuccessful relationships (or in his case a marriage), and they have little in common. They live 1.5 hours apart. He's an animal lover (He was glad he didn't have to shoot that dog). However, this led to an argument (the Dog Argument) because she said that if she saw him about to shoot a dog, she would knock his aim off. It seems he is a police officer and questions whether anyone can accept his schedule. They slept together after two months, but he still went out with his friends, to her ire. He then invoked his many familial and other responsibilities as reasons not to see her. She is a Leo and does not give up easily. So she texted him. Relentlessly. He did not respond-- much. Then he raised the Dog Argument again. He also indicated that he doesn't want to get involved with her. More than indicated. Stated. She continued texting with growing desperation. To no avail. He has gone silent. She wants to know what is wrong with her, whether he will be back, is this a "test" of loyalty and stamina, does he think she is crazy, does he really want her to move on?

Sweet. Thanks for this dj! They pretty much all play out the same don't they?
It's not a test. If it was, you would have failed it with the endless texting. The only thing "wrong with you" is that you're chasing a man that is not showing you very much consideration. I would stop now.

My pleasure PR. I leave it to you Scorpios to advise, though I think you are dead on.
Ummmm yes, there do seem to be recurring themes here on DXP. As in life.
But these Scorpio/Leo match-ups drive me slightly whappy. They do nothing but combine a maximum of temptation with a maximum of opportunity. I am quickly coming to the conclusion that this combination is the Worst Possible Match Up. In fact, if I saw this happening irl (and I have friends of both signs), I would actually intervene, which for me is unheard of. "Both of you! STOP THIS AT ONCE!!!" :-Hug
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I don't know. I only have good thoughts when I think about my Leo lover. It may be the fact that he was my first (love), so thoughts of this him naturally brings a smile to my fac
I don't know. I only have good thoughts when I think about my Leo lover. It may be the fact that he was my first (love), so thoughts of him naturally brings a smile to my face, but in general, I think that connection helped us both grow in many ways. You just need the right Leo-Scorp connection.
Posted by djbuck1
You are welcome, Kalin.
Considering this, I think that the way Scorpios are reacting to the posting, itself, should tell our Leo Lady something.
Unfortunate Leo Lady: This was a terrible match-up, and his intentions were probably evil, or at least base, and you sound very vulnerable. But all that aside, your presentation is of the sort that drives Scorpios (within my experience) to a state of distraction that leads to dismissal. These are people with whom you can literally have a conversation without speaking . . . or by saying very little. When you "flood" them with verbiage they react. Negatively.
And you are a Leo. Compose yourself, please. Dignity no matter what is one of the great attractions of your sign.

Aww... Is there no hope at all for the Leo/ Scorp tangle?
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But what if I have Leo NN and in the 7th house...?
Lots and lots of Libra... And a bit of Sagi too!
I'm just drawn to Leo's like a damn lodestone and vice versa.
They do say scorps have fatalistic/ masochistic tendancies... Tongue
I'm hoping to evolve past the Leo phase soon!
First, you need to make paragraphs. Easier on the eye. Couldn't read all, but this guy appears abusive personality. I wouldn't invest my feelings in him. Especially not someone who is comfortable with the idea of shooting a dog. Even if he is police officer makes it even scarier.
Posted by Jynja
When I was pointed to this thread, I thought there was an issue.
I don't think Ms Leo and Mr Scorpio ever passed the "getting to know each other phase".
ScorpVenus put it perfectly. Impatience drove the man mad and into the dark - the end.

+1 seen the two with my own eyes... They truly didnt get pass the stage...her pisces moon got him a little closer n it stopped there... He doesnt wanna speak to her again either... *sigh*
Posted by Jynja
Saying Leo and Scorpio are the most fatalistic match-up is like saying eating worm stew can kill you - some people eat it and are fine.
DXP has set ideas, I'm finding, and Scorpio/Leo is one of them because of the passion involved in the dynamics of their relationships whether surviving or failed.

it's just dxp. Not the real world. This couple can be fantastic. For some it's not their cup of tea.
I think Leo man and I were pretty good together.
The only obstical has been his marriage. So that doesn't count as not a good coupling.
I trusted him. He trusted me.
Sex was good.
We mentally complemented each other.
We both are equipped to success and very supportive of each other.
Where we would have clashed is control of household, but I believe he would let me reign when he saw all going smoothly.
I agree with you guys. We def did not get a chance to really know each other. He kept telling me he was falling in love with me, that he was afraid I was going to leave him when he went back on duty and wanted to make all these future plans...then the stupid argument....then the final date and out of nowhere he drops the family problems bomb on me. It is what it is...I know he is gone. A part of me feels like he just wanted to break up with me first or something. He would ask me why I was attracted to him, what made him so special, why do I want to take ona guy with kids and an ex-wife and had a dangerous job...I never claimed to know how to navigate his waters just tried to put paw in the water and see what happened....and I got stung. Yes, it def hurt but then at the same time it was obviously note meant to be. He did freak me out a bit at times too because he would always make really dark/ aggressive comments to me like, " Remember, I cheat to win" ?? "Don't worry, I don't sleep with my gun under pillow because I would hate to shoot you by accident or one of my kids.." " Well you blew me off at first so why wouldn't you leave me again once I am working graveyard every weekend" "Can you deal with me being killed on my job?" and the best one, " I love my job too much to hit a woman"? You are all right. i am better off because as much as I texted him at the end he texted me in the beginning. It just wasn't in the stars for us I guess.
Posted by Jynja
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Jynja
Saying Leo and Scorpio are the most fatalistic match-up is like saying eating worm stew can kill you - some people eat it and are fine.
DXP has set ideas, I'm finding, and Scorpio/Leo is one of them because of the passion involved in the dynamics of their relationships whether surviving or failed.

it's just dxp. Not the real world. This couple can be fantastic. For some it's not their cup of tea.

Yep, so true.
And the interesting thing is that I don't see the Scorpios who have been in this pairing swear themselves off Leos. *shrugs*
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I was referring to myself singularly as fatalistic in the scorp sense, not that the Leo/ Scorp pairing is fatalistic.
Who knows...? The next Leo I meet may be 'The One' smile the last one was just a bit broken...
The last thing in Pandoras Box was hope right...?
if you find a none-broken Leo.. let me know. Cuz I think they are nonexistent.
The Leo makes it work or doesn't.
Lets face it, most men don't go about letting a woman know she's not their cup of tea well... And none of the fixed signs let go at all. Finding a man who is without damage is finding a man who doesn't/ can't feel. The fact that our Leo men told us it wasn't meant to be yet we still keep them in our lives with all their glorious idiosyncrasies and foibles is on us... Mine freely admitted he is broken and I deserve someone better, which is a nice way of letting me know I'm not his queen! As much as the admission hurt, I'm moving on and looking for the next man who captures my attention with an open mind, if somewhat guarded heart regardless of Sun sign!!!
Okay so i had to post an update because I was convinced this Scorpio was a goner and have not looked back since. Well??_..well??_..guess who decided to send me a very apologetic email, asking for my forgiveness and friendship. I am still beyond shocked but being careful because I am not sure what really happened. He admitted to having his world crashing down around him and pushing me away??_.SO one year later he magically re-appears? Where do I go from here? He wants to catch up over a game of catch but hasn't locked down a date with me. I am proceeding with caution after the emotional chaos he put me through a year ago. What is a Leo girl to do when Scorpio man comes crawling back??_.OR is he really just playing a game with me?
Posted by LilliLou
Posted by djbuck1
You are welcome, Kalin.
Considering this, I think that the way Scorpios are reacting to the posting, itself, should tell our Leo Lady something.
Unfortunate Leo Lady: This was a terrible match-up, and his intentions were probably evil, or at least base, and you sound very vulnerable. But all that aside, your presentation is of the sort that drives Scorpios (within my experience) to a state of distraction that leads to dismissal. These are people with whom you can literally have a conversation without speaking . . . or by saying very little. When you "flood" them with verbiage they react. Negatively.
And you are a Leo. Compose yourself, please. Dignity no matter what is one of the great attractions of your sign.

Aww... Is there no hope at all for the Leo/ Scorp tangle?
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There's always hope.

Well it's been almost a year and guess who popped up with a long email and emotional apology for the horrible way he treated me? I responded with kindness and understanding. We texted everyday for the last few weeks and finally met up over the weekend, where he proceeded to act like a giddy school girl with me and was very cute and cuddly with kisses and hugs (nothing else). That night I received a steady stream of texts; all flirty and fun (typical for him) when all of a sudden he repeated something he had sent me a week prior (which I didn't recognize due to the possible meaning or complete BS behind it) He sent a text saying, " I love you"??_I chose to recognize this second attempt of telling me this very serious feeling and he responded with the fact that he meant it. SO my curiosity got to me as his original message was via FB and in the pic he was clearly wearing his wedding ring (from the marriage he told me a year prior) that had ended in divorce??_which I questioned upon receiving the message. Well he told me from the beginning that he was wearing his brothers wedding ring in the picture as a prank? Well??_..after we met and then sending me this message and re-iterating his serious behind it he of course stopped texting me as much which I was fine with for a couple days. Then I decided I needed to ask him again about the FB picture with the wedding ring on because??_.I actually found his "Ex-Wife" and discovered that they re-kindled their relationship and that the picture I questioned was indeed him wearing his wedding ring, actually his "ex" had pictures with him from the same day, same background and they were defiantly there tighter; taking family pics with their kids, holding hands and looking very much together. SO I kindly asked him if he would be willing to share with me what the root cause for him to disappear was and he then reacted almost exactly as should be expected??_.never admitting anything and yet claiming to have nothing to hide. Well??_.long text story short??_.NOW he just wants to be "friends" and is looking for something different than I am??_literally 2 days after telling for the 2nd time he loved me??_and all that BS??_.which is why I chose not to acknowledge his words until he said it again. HOT and then COLD in 2 weeks and back to the same thing??_.other than friends is all he gets since either he is still married or confused about his ex-wife. Awesome to feel like a pond in someone else chess game but I expected it to end
Seems like such a waste of energy and emotion on his end though??_.why reach out after almost a year and drop the Love world AGAIN? Makes no sense BUT I found my answer regardless of whether or not he wants to tell me the truth. Happy I didn't take the bait for much longer than 2 weeks.
I never brought up anything that I found on FB??_.I just posed the question. If he didn't want me to ask he should have never sent a long winded apology and then shortly after seeing me for a couple of hours texting me he loved me??_.for the second time that week. I need someone who wants a relationship not a one-way conversation. My questions were nicely written and valid??_..but he reverted back to his old ways of deflecting and then reverting the "Let's be friends" cop out (literally). I was just fine when he was gone??_.he was the one aggressing me not the the other way around. I have no desire to text or be an emotional mess like last time. Lesson learned BUT when he started throwing the Love word around again I felt the internal need to inquire about his original disappearance again. Being married or not isn't a difficult question to answer??_one he very carefully skirted around. If he wants to be friends because he doesn't like explaining himself or his actions (apology or not) then he should consider dating someone who rolls over, plays fetch and doesn't talk back or question something that doesn't feel right. I was fine when he was gone??_..been fine since I posted the original rant. He can be my invisible friend if it makes him feel better for being a complete asshole. Like he admitted, " I was and am a good girl and didn't deserve to be treated the way he treated me." I was careful and happy I saw the repeated behavior and didn't repeat my own by reacting negatively or overly-emotionaly. I just don't understand the point of throwing the Love word around??_.I know Scorpios are suppose to speak louder with their actions. I am fine with him taking control (because he suddenly felt like he had lost it) and proving to be the same jerk he was almost a year ago. I guess the motive behind such immature behavior baffles me??_.but I guess they don't want to be understood. All good. But I thought that the update would make the HOT and COLD pattern even more factual. Maybe he should learn that although his kids are both Leo's he probably shouldn't pursue after hurting us so bad unless they are ready to prove and use their words and actions to show us they are trustworthy and ready to walk the talk??_. :-) No hard feelings on my end.
Oh Wow...
omg who writes that much?
Posted by FUM
First, you need to make paragraphs. Easier on the eye. Couldn't read all, but this guy appears abusive personality. I wouldn't invest my feelings in him. Especially not someone who is comfortable with the idea of shooting a dog. Even if he is police officer makes it even scarier.

**waves** FUM Big Grin
The problem is your insecurity and your need to be right.
Insecurity - the thing that makes you NEED to be ON TOP in bed ( because deep down you are SO afraid to be used, you need to "be the man" in bed ) which does not fly with a real man.
Your need to be right - the thing that made you challenge him over possibly shooting a dog. Though not the dog's fault ... some people ( the ones who let them out of their control ) should not own a dog and if the dog is being aggressive, there is no opportunity to REASON WITH the dog. A dog can do enough damage in one bite to ruin anyone's ability to work....a bite on a hand for a cop can the end of his career. Or a doctor, for that matter, or a guitarist. A bite on the testicles ...well... in that threat, what man would not shoot the dog? Remember you did not ASK DETAILS ( size, breed, attitude, owner presence, threat assessment ) before jumping on him about shooting a dog and you MISSED the important part ... he was glad he did not need to shoot it.
This is your own fault. Go buy a pair of zebra pattern shoes and forget about it.
Moved on a long time ago. The original thread was almost a year ago and the update was simply that??_an update. Happy to have added some entertainment to the thread after so long. :-) OH and I thought when Scorpio's say "I love you" to people they really do Love.... And yes??_those eyes??_.full of shit. Nobody stings this Leo twice. I am sure he he will pop up again??_since those Scorpio's are so famous for it.
Posted by djbuck1
CliffNotes Version
They both have had a series of unsuccessful relationships (or in his case a marriage), and they have little in common. They live 1.5 hours apart. He's an animal lover (He was glad he didn't have to shoot that dog). However, this led to an argument (the Dog Argument) because she said that if she saw him about to shoot a dog, she would knock his aim off. It seems he is a police officer and questions whether anyone can accept his schedule. They slept together after two months, but he still went out with his friends, to her ire. He then invoked his many familial and other responsibilities as reasons not to see her. She is a Leo and does not give up easily. So she texted him. Relentlessly. He did not respond-- much. Then he raised the Dog Argument again. He also indicated that he doesn't want to get involved with her. More than indicated. Stated. She continued texting with growing desperation. To no avail. He has gone silent. She wants to know what is wrong with her, whether he will be back, is this a "test" of loyalty and stamina, does he think she is crazy, does he really want her to move on?

thank you so much for this. i was not reading that bs
Posted by LeoLeo18
Okay so i had to post an update because I was convinced this Scorpio was a goner and have not looked back since. Well??_..well??_..guess who decided to send me a very apologetic email, asking for my forgiveness and friendship. I am still beyond shocked but being careful because I am not sure what really happened. He admitted to having his world crashing down around him and pushing me away??_.SO one year later he magically re-appears? Where do I go from here? He wants to catch up over a game of catch but hasn't locked down a date with me. I am proceeding with caution after the emotional chaos he put me through a year ago. What is a Leo girl to do when Scorpio man comes crawling back??_.OR is he really just playing a game with me?

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Posted by Impulsv
He's a cop that's what they do. 80 percent.

More like 90% ...that's not exaggerating either.
Posted by LeoLeo18
I agree with you guys. We def did not get a chance to really know each other. He kept telling me he was falling in love with me, that he was afraid I was going to leave him when he went back on duty and wanted to make all these future plans...then the stupid argument....then the final date and out of nowhere he drops the family problems bomb on me. It is what it is...I know he is gone. A part of me feels like he just wanted to break up with me first or something. He would ask me why I was attracted to him, what made him so special, why do I want to take ona guy with kids and an ex-wife and had a dangerous job...I never claimed to know how to navigate his waters just tried to put paw in the water and see what happened....and I got stung. Yes, it def hurt but then at the same time it was obviously note meant to be. He did freak me out a bit at times too because he would always make really dark/ aggressive comments to me like, " Remember, I cheat to win" ?? "Don't worry, I don't sleep with my gun under pillow because I would hate to shoot you by accident or one of my kids.." " Well you blew me off at first so why wouldn't you leave me again once I am working graveyard every weekend" "Can you deal with me being killed on my job?" and the best one, " I love my job too much to hit a woman"? You are all right. i am better off because as much as I texted him at the end he texted me in the beginning. It just wasn't in the stars for us I guess.

yea sounds like the typical asshole power tripping cop. could never date one. o.O
Guess who popped back up after 2 weeks of complete silence? I haven't responded yet. No ROAR from me??_not even a meow.