Scorpio Men are liars...

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by houstonpeach74 on Sunday, September 3, 2006 and has 68 replies.
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that's all i have to say this morning.
Uh Oh...HP74 are you dealing with a scorp now?
Yeah, it's true. I'm sorry houston.
Scorpio men lie all the time.
Don't you just hate paradox's?
Oh dear..whats he done?
Aw, cheer up, Yama.
"Aw, cheer up, Yama."
I can't I just started school.
I'm currently considering suicide.
Oh, shush. What did I tell you about discussing suicide at the table?
Sorry to hear about that.
I'm not really in the mood to talk about happened. Just figured you all would like to know that this act he put on was just a lie.
"Sorry to hear about that."
It's not really all that bad, I'll just soldier through this year, and then I'll be done with this wretched institution...
No more school forever...the thought makes me all warm and tingly on the inside...
Grrrr. That makes me mad. I hate liars.
I'm really sorry, houston.
Oh you mean the act about his back etc? did you find out?
Yama you check the Leo board please and grazie.
notso07, feel free to check out the Leo board for more school bashing.
Yah its kind of annoying not knowing but oh well..I think he may have lied about the back problem..that seemed a bit fishy when she first mentioned it..I don't know..You either get a saint or a sinner..Like you say PM..
"but not all scorp guys r like that...
they can actually be only two things-either a devil or an angel..."
Have you ever listened to "Winners and Losers"/Social Distortion?
His lie had nothing to do with committment to me. As I said, it is way too early for that. I'll share more details tomorrow. Oh, and no, it has nothing to do with his bum back.
"Scorpio men are liars?? Gosh, I had no idea!! LOL...I just thought they were the most honest, forthright, secretive, covertly underhanded people ever!! Now, I learn this shocker...hehe"
*raises eyebrow* i despise this thread.
let me correct myself... i despise the title.
feel free to dispise me as well. i posted it.
i'll feel free not to. u seem upset about the guy and whatever he did. people react when upset, its understandable. this thread with it's title was a reaction.
the title is a generalization. not all are like that. i like a scorpio guy i know to be very honest. so naturally the title didnt make sense to me... i reacted too.
i understand, CP. the thread should have been titled "Some Scorpio Men are Liars". I did not mean to offend or upset anyone.

all scorp men arent liars smile... the ones i know are very honest and awesome smile
yes. they are. but if you look into their eyes, chances are you'll find out the truth whether they wanted you to or not.
HP smile what happened doll? Sorry your Scorp is being an ass! Want me to come and kick his ass? I despise lying.
I'm still sorting out the details, Pluto. I'll know more as well as be ready to spill the beans to you guys tomorrow. I spent almost allday at the beach and I'm a bit sunburned now...need aloe vera...lots...
Thanks, head is up...decided to spend time with friends today and not sulk over his lie.
Tomorrow may be a different story, but you have to take it one day at a time. smile
" have to take it one day at a time."
great attitude, HP. i hope things are better for you tomorrow.
thanks, scorppt..sorry...i'm drinking again...can't do the numbers
Well...honestly,the only thing im thinkin is all women suck too,just suck on different things alot of the time(straight and bi ones)smileTongue

Oh and beat him up or somethin,free flowing,unharnessed emotions are whats supposed to be our(scorpios) area right?
LOL, is this a vino repeat?
I cannot lie...yes, wine repeat.
I cannot ironic!
you're hilarious smile
that is ironic...
woot, a little of favorite man...JD ! Winking
crap, the typos are starting...
i meant
woot, a little BIT of my favoite man...JD! Winking
oh you're getting worked up left out "in" Winking
It might do some sensitive scorpios but majority just shrug it off...We don't care enough to worry..simple!
Ok, well onto to my saga with this guy:
Over the weekend, he and i were supposed to have gone to the beach and just hang out. but again, something came up and he had to cancel. At least this time, he called and let me know. He promised he would call me Sunday night after he got back into town, but no call. that made the 3rd time he promised he'd call but didn't.
Speaking to my ex who is also a good friend of mine about all of this and giving him examples of things the Scorpio has done and said, he said it sounds like he is involved with another woman but just keeping me at arm's length to see how it goes with this other woman.
My ex made some valid points. I confronted the Scorpio about it (via email since I'm at work). I emailed him 2 hours ago after getting a "good morning" email from him to confirm he was in the response as of yet.
this guy has given me way too many excuses for not calling me or not seeing me when we've made plans. stupid me, i've forgiven him and been rather patient.
what sucks is for the most part, he SEEMED like a nice guy.
hrmmm... interesting. im very curious to know what his response will be.
"I confronted the Scorpio about it (via email since I'm at work). I emailed him 2 hours ago after getting a "good morning" email from him to confirm he was in the response as of yet."
HP, meaning you asked him via email if he was with anyone else?

I confronted him about quite a bit of things that didn't make sense.
My convictions have always told me that if i have issues of trust with someone before the relationship even gets anywhere, then there will always be issues of trust and that leaves little time for enjoyment and fun.
Yes, it's time to pull the cord.
You are right to communicate your frustrations to him. You shouldn't be having these issues so early in the game. His carelessness can only count for so much; after awhile, it just gets plain annoying and frustrating.
Let us know what happens.
i just told him to contact me when he decides what he wants and is serious about making sure to keep his so many words.
i've gathered he's the kind of a $ $ who is going to not even bother to contact me again. right now, i'm working on accepting that.
"darn the committment phobe sag moon...if only u knew his would have made it easier to find out if the sag moon is in such a house that makes it a committment phobe...but even then most of then usually are...from what i've observed..."
It is HARD to get them to commit; but it's not to say they don't. I'm currently working on one....Most of them tend to only have a handful of true relationships because they are such phobes. Pesky moon!
HP, given your feelings and his actions... i think you did the right thing. Toss him back in and grab another lure from your tackle box, babe Winking there's bigger and tastier fish to catch.
Pluto_muse whats with all this deep astrological stuff..
What does my moon say in conjunction with pluto or ascendant or whatever your doing..
Why is it that the moment you say you're walking away, men - regardless of sign - promise they'll change and almost beg you not to leave?
He never?