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Mar 28, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1330 · Topics: 87
I'm going off of something mentioned in another topic.
Yes I've found it to be true that Scorp men have a 'gang' of women around them and once they are not committed they will poke at all of them to see who responds. Yes?
Now, my thing is, isn't this wrong? Or no? I guess being on the other end (watching) it comes off so bad and slightly sleazy. Won't this bite you at some point? Or is it ok bc you are 'showing love' to others?
I'm witnessing this and it makes me cringe. Maybe I'm too conservative or something, blah.
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Mar 28, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1330 · Topics: 87
Ok, so may not be all. When you've been single do you find yourself giving and getting attention from different women?
As a Scorp women it's different for me because i do not initiate. So I'll have attention from men, but I don't initiate any attention to them if that makes sense. I find the men are different.
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Jun 07, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1931 · Topics: 2
my scorp has a few female friends. they are cool. no one gets too close for comfort. I'd wipe out scorp's phone book by accident otherwise haha