Scorpio moons forgive?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by iamlanaxxx on Wednesday, August 14, 2019 and has 26 replies.
I actually love Scorpios.

In re of Scorpio moons... is everything so black and white for them? And do they forgive eventually or just cut ties?

My ex is a Virgo sun and Scorpio moon

I’m a Pisces sun and Virgo moon

She wanted to break things off but still talks s...t to try and hurt me/get a reaction outta me.

I tried getting through to her and did everything I could. I apologized and showed that I care and I owned up to the shit I did wrong. But nothing...

Should I just move on?

She’s unfollowed me on social media but still checks out my stories on IG. And she refuses to block me on anything.
They do, but it takes time....allow one or two or more lifetimes ...
Nice sun and moon synastry.

I get the sneaky suspicion that you enjoy it on some level.
Posted by alexscaries

Depends on the crime. Cheating no. Having a drunken kiss with their boss? Who cares?
"Having a drunken kiss with their boss? Who cares?"

I dont believe you in this smile
Posted by alexscaries
Posted by Pandora101
Posted by alexscaries

Depends on the crime. Cheating no. Having a drunken kiss with their boss? Who cares?

"Having a drunken kiss with their boss? Who cares?"

I dont believe you in this smile

Its all about intent. If she fucked him, obviously not.
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so a drunken kiss here and there is okey, unless she fuckes him?

unless you would forgive it because you did the same and didnt consider it cheating....? smile

Posted by Pandora101
Posted by alexscaries

Depends on the crime. Cheating no. Having a drunken kiss with their boss? Who cares?

"Having a drunken kiss with their boss? Who cares?"

I dont believe you in this smile
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Its true.
Posted by Pandora101
Posted by alexscaries

Depends on the crime. Cheating no. Having a drunken kiss with their boss? Who cares?

"Having a drunken kiss with their boss? Who cares?"

I dont believe you in this smile
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He is Mercury Taurus. It works differently with that Mercury.
I'm dating a Virgo with Scorp moon man for a couple years now. Casually. He doesnt care if I date other men but he wants to be the only one I'm having sex with. If I kissed someone he wouldn't care.

Forgiveness? I ghosted him for like 6 months and he forgave me. But mainly because he understands my reason for it. I have seen him dump friends easily for other reasons. So I guess it really depends on the offense.
Posted by SeaLion

I'm dating a Virgo with Scorp moon man for a couple years now. Casually. He doesnt care if I date other men but he wants to be the only one I'm having sex with. If I kissed someone he wouldn't care.

Forgiveness? I ghosted him for like 6 months and he forgave me. But mainly because he understands my reason for it. I have seen him dump friends easily for other reasons. So I guess it really depends on the offense.

How do you handle casually dating someone for a few years? Is it your choice or his choice?
Posted by Biboroon
Posted by SeaLion

I'm dating a Virgo with Scorp moon man for a couple years now. Casually. He doesnt care if I date other men but he wants to be the only one I'm having sex with. If I kissed someone he wouldn't care.

Forgiveness? I ghosted him for like 6 months and he forgave me. But mainly because he understands my reason for it. I have seen him dump friends easily for other reasons. So I guess it really depends on the offense.

How do you handle casually dating someone for a few years? Is it your choice or his choice?
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It was a mutual decision. We started out more like FWBs. When we met we were both getting out of serious relationships. Then we got attached to each other but it's not love. At least I'm not in love with him. I love him more like a best friend. I'm suspicious about how he feels since he seems to get more clingy and possessive as time goes by. We both like our freedom tho so that is why it is casual. Plus we are very toxic for each other. He is that guy I go see when I need to forget my problems and we go down the rabbit hole together.
No cheating involved whatsoever.

We were very loyal to each other.

I decided to leave her home country to come back to mine and asked for time apart so I could focus more on myself (because I was getting so lost within the relationship).

Basically we had agreed on a date to when I would fly back home. We ended up having an argument. I impulsively changed my flight tickets and left a month earlier. Mind you at this stage both my parents are unwell so...?

I get back home and all of a sudden she doesn’t know if she wants to be with me?
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by Biboroon
Posted by SeaLion

I'm dating a Virgo with Scorp moon man for a couple years now. Casually. He doesnt care if I date other men but he wants to be the only one I'm having sex with. If I kissed someone he wouldn't care.

Forgiveness? I ghosted him for like 6 months and he forgave me. But mainly because he understands my reason for it. I have seen him dump friends easily for other reasons. So I guess it really depends on the offense.

How do you handle casually dating someone for a few years? Is it your choice or his choice?

It was a mutual decision. We started out more like FWBs. When we met we were both getting out of serious relationships. Then we got attached to each other but it's not love. At least I'm not in love with him. I love him more like a best friend. I'm suspicious about how he feels since he seems to get more clingy and possessive as time goes by. We both like our freedom tho so that is why it is casual. Plus we are very toxic for each other. He is that guy I go see when I need to forget my problems and we go down the rabbit hole together.
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Interesting, it’s great that it works for you 😀
Posted by but_didyoudie

There has to be a lot of f - ery for a Scorp to not forgive, like they shoot you in the leg...stick their fingers...and taste your blood kind of f - ery (metaphorically and figuratively speaking of course). And even when we need to be careful. Big Grin I'm totally kidding! But even w/ my fellow Capis, they know that I have to be treated very tenderly loving with care... I think because I scare them, I'm not sure really. Hmmm do Scorp moons scare people?
I'm more afraid of Scorpio suns then I am moons. I have a mom. Niece and nephew who are Scorp Suns.... lol.... damn.... they can be harsh... then there is my nephew who has a Scorp Moon...and I'm sorry but the kid has always been a bit of a pussy....hes 18 now and not as bad but he is still a gentle spirit.
Posted by but_didyoudie
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by but_didyoudie

There has to be a lot of f - ery for a Scorp to not forgive, like they shoot you in the leg...stick their fingers...and taste your blood kind of f - ery (metaphorically and figuratively speaking of course). And even when we need to be careful. Big Grin I'm totally kidding! But even w/ my fellow Capis, they know that I have to be treated very tenderly loving with care... I think because I scare them, I'm not sure really. Hmmm do Scorp moons scare people?

I'm more afraid of Scorpio suns then I am moons. I have a mom. Niece and nephew who are Scorp Suns.... lol.... damn.... they can be harsh... then there is my nephew who has a Scorp Moon...and I'm sorry but the kid has always been a bit of a pussy....hes 18 now and not as bad but he is still a gentle spirit.

The nephew part is funnny. I have a cousin with a Scorp sun and he's just very dramatic (maybe because of his Leo sun, idk) but he is one of the people I get along the best with.

But why is he a pussy though?
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Nephew is a Sag with Scorp moon. Its really odd how he turned out. Ever since he was a baby he was afraid to do anything. Once I took him on the log ride at the amusement park....the most docile ride there...and he cried the whole time... was so embarrassing. Lol both his parents were in the military and they never got it either. Everyone in my family is basically a dare devil, except him. He's 18 now and a little better but I bet if I asked him to go on a roller coaster he would decline.
you leave the country and move the relationship to a questionable status, so its understandable that the person is going to be in a state of anxiety, feeling somewhat abandoned, feeling like less of a priority to you, etc...worse, you acted impulsively and jetted earlier than planned over a fight, which would only reinforce feelings like that. You may have been justified in leaving and asking for space, but there's no guarantee that any particular person you're with is going to be able to handle that, depending on their own emotional nature, the trust you two have established, and their perception of the relationship at that time....

Sounds like she is somewhat emotionally immature and vindictive so at this point, you should probably just stand your ground and back off since you've apologized for leaving abruptly already..If she's just paying you back/throwing a fit about the whole matter, then that'll come to light with time. If she honestly doesn't think she can handle how you seem to cope with things, then you just have to respect that....basically the ball is in her court. What's done is done though, so I wouldn't spend too much time pleading with her over it.
Posted by iamlanaxxx

I actually love Scorpios.

In re of Scorpio moons... is everything so black and white for them? And do they forgive eventually or just cut ties?

My ex is a Virgo sun and Scorpio moon

I’m a Pisces sun and Virgo moon

She wanted to break things off but still talks s...t to try and hurt me/get a reaction outta me.

I tried getting through to her and did everything I could. I apologized and showed that I care and I owned up to the shit I did wrong. But nothing...

Should I just move on?

She’s unfollowed me on social media but still checks out my stories on IG. And she refuses to block me on anything.
That honestly sounds like the type of stuff I would do to an ex. Never block them on anything, and if they try to speak to me bring up all the stuff thats been spinning in my head for weeks, months, or even years. Good luck. Honestly Scorpio moons are really hard to get away from once they feel scorned by you. Its almost impossible to have them truly and fully forgive you, and even harder to get them to move on. For you moving on might be no problem, but for them they have a really hard time due to the thoughts and turmoil in their minds. They will always be hiding in the background, watching you and still learning about you. Even though they really want nothing to do with you.
We forgive. Of course...

However, not all of us born under this moon will use this influence the same.

It comes down to how we were raised, how much effort we put into knowing who

we are [maybe through astrology] and expanding our awareness [maybe through meditation].

It also has to do with getting through trauma, that all of us scorpio moons are familiar with, and using that

to RISE instead of using it to stay down and harm others. I can't say enough how elated I am to come across

heavy influenced scorpios (ESPECIALLY MOON) who go beyond the text book definition of how we are supposed to be because so many of us wanna take the dark/evil route(zzz). Well when we think we put karma into our own hands, we don't actually understand karma to begin with and we get hit with more lessons from that on and on until the dinosaurs come home.

When those of us use our gifts and energy of scorpio however to love and forgive, it shows much more strength,

bravery and courage to me. It inspires me on so many levels and I will always do my best to forgive

and use my scorpio moon influences to heal and be of light because this world is already

full of darkness and evil. I'm tired of it. It's nothing but noise and distraction and no one

gets what they want really when love is not involved.

I'm sorry...I know I'm kind of on a mini rant but this is one the reasons why I don't like hanging out with

a group of scorpio moons (unless I am familiar with them) because I feel like most of us use the gifts

of this moon for negative, for darkness, to spy, to abuse, to never forgive and take revenge and it's feels toxic and gross.

I guess I myself should not polarize myself, I should accept because judging is another

level of darkness that this world doesn't need and I want to grow beyond that and be of love....

ANYWAY ~ Yes some of us forgive easy and some of us take a while. It just depends on who we are . how we use this moon~
Scorpio moons can be so draining to me.

⛔no offense to whoever has this moon!!! ⛔

Sarcastic af. Moody af. Pouty af.

Like damn.

Thankfully they're usually hilarious .... Af. Too.

Otherwise... We'd. 🤪🔫
Posted by iamlanaxxx

I actually love Scorpios.

In re of Scorpio moons... is everything so black and white for them? And do they forgive eventually or just cut ties?

My ex is a Virgo sun and Scorpio moon

I’m a Pisces sun and Virgo moon

She wanted to break things off but still talks s...t to try and hurt me/get a reaction outta me.

I tried getting through to her and did everything I could. I apologized and showed that I care and I owned up to the shit I did wrong. But nothing...

Should I just move on?

She’s unfollowed me on social media but still checks out my stories on IG. And she refuses to block me on anything.
If you want to flip her out and make her switch, stop apologizing, stop communication and let her know you respect her feelings and move on. Then see what happens. Lol
Posted by Basorexia

Scorpio moons can be so draining to me.

⛔no offense to whoever has this moon!!! ⛔

Sarcastic af. Moody af. Pouty af.

Like damn.

Thankfully they're usually hilarious .... Af. Too.

Otherwise... We'd. 🤪🔫
What are your placements? I'm not all that moody, now my Taurus moon friend is MOODY!! Lol I was moody yesterday and got on my own nerves. I don't like it, I'm usually pretty chill.
In response to do we forgive!!

I do, and have over and over and over!!! Now, that's with those I LOVE. Now here is a key factor, if someone keeps on doing shit that I have to forgive, the will get harder and harder.

With my ex husband, I've forgiven him for so much but sometimes I have to forgive again and again so resentment doesn't creep up bc he still does shit that is meant to upset me. It's hard but usually with others, I'll just cut them off and move on.
Posted by Metatron

you leave the country and move the relationship to a questionable status, so its understandable that the person is going to be in a state of anxiety, feeling somewhat abandoned, feeling like less of a priority to you, etc...worse, you acted impulsively and jetted earlier than planned over a fight, which would only reinforce feelings like that. You may have been justified in leaving and asking for space, but there's no guarantee that any particular person you're with is going to be able to handle that, depending on their own emotional nature, the trust you two have established, and their perception of the relationship at that time....

Sounds like she is somewhat emotionally immature and vindictive so at this point, you should probably just stand your ground and back off since you've apologized for leaving abruptly already..If she's just paying you back/throwing a fit about the whole matter, then that'll come to light with time. If she honestly doesn't think she can handle how you seem to cope with things, then you just have to respect that....basically the ball is in her court. What's done is done though, so I wouldn't spend too much time pleading with her over it.
You are right. I know I did a terrible thing by being impulsive.

She called me last night and apologised for the things she had said. She was drunk though.

I don’t know... I know I need to move on and let her go. It’s just hard

She keeps saying we are done yet she has called me whenever she’s been drinking and keeps checking up on my social media.

I just keep clinging on the hope that we’ll get back together. Yeah... it’s just hard.
Oh, I forgot to mention. She called me last night when she was drunk.

She apologized for the things she said when she last called me when she was drunk.

I told her its ok, I know we’re both hurting.

And then she would go on to ask if she could thank my mom for everything she had done for her. And I think she also mentioned that she misses my family.

She also did say, you know we’ll be ok. We’re still young and that we’ll be ok.

(I’m 28, I know that it’s still young but I’m also nearly 30!!)

She’s still checking my IG stories. Has not blocked me on anything.

I can’t block her cause knowing me, I can always unblock her and send a msg.

Anyway, I really really don’t know where she is at. She probably doesn’t know where she’s at.

The previous phone call before this one, she told me that we were 100% done.

My gut tells me she’s not 100% done.

So, do I need to prepare for an onslaught of revenge?

I was always faithful to her. The problem in our relationship is we had a lot of arguments about small things... what couple doesn’t though?!?!

But the tipping point for her is the fact that I told her that I didn’t have the softest spot for her sister. Her sister had moved in with us and just made the dynamic of the relationship so difficult. I had to leave the situation but I didn’t want to leave the relationship.
forgive? we're not God. He forgives. we just try to refrain from bashing skulls in. forgiveness depends on the person and level of violation. I'm old but still struggle with forgiveness. not as much but I still have my moments
I find it easier to cut ties rather than keep dealing with fuck ups. I don't want to have to constantly forgive.
Oh, God.

So after all that. I’ve come to realise that my Virgo sun, Scorpio moon ex is vindictive as hell.

Totally unforgiving and so resentful.

I wanted a peaceful ending but damn that was just impossible with her.

I never knew there was this side to her. She was definitely a loving partner. But hell she made it seem like everything was MY fault and as if she did nothing wrong in the relationship.

I tried so hard to salvage the relationship. She just says to me, “you still don’t know what you did wrong.”

Like god what planet is she on right now? When is she gonna come to her senses?

It is just a total turn off to the point where I just see her as this kind of person. Onto the next one...