Scorpio running away from Love? How to approach?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Lysander on Friday, August 24, 2007 and has 5 replies.
Hello Scorpios, I need your help because I do not know if I am doing the right thing with a Girl in a very particular situation who says she does not want to fall in love with nobody because in approximately 15 or 20 months she will have to travel abroad to another continent for professional reasons and stay there for 1 whole year, maybe more, before she comes back. 2 years ago she had a boyfriend who cheated on her when she had to travel away for 4 months, when she found out she obviously broke up the 4 year relationship they had but she suffered a lot (I know this from her friends).
It is clear that she has some kind of feelings for me but when I met her 9 months ago she had started a relationship with a guy that lasted a month but I know through her friends that she did not like the guy to begin with and that he was a long time friend that begged her for an opportunity so she knew it would not last.
Since we do not talk about our situation everything is interpreted between the lines and we act weird but right about now she already knows how I feel about her through my actions. She is extremely good at hiding emotions but recently I noticed that my presence makes her act in a very unnatural way, I would even goes as far as saying that my presence bothers her, her actions started to seem mixed and inconsistent (one minute she is cold, the other she seems shy, one minute later she is happy and playful then she is cold again...). Then again she insisted that me and my sister went to visit her in her new job and at the same time tries to make plans with my sister for the 3 of us to go on a trip to an amusement Park next week and she has dozens of better friends than my sister?
If the reasons she says are true (at least part of it must be because she says the same thing to all her friends and family and she is extremely beautiful so she could find a new boyfriend every hour) how in the world should I behave and make her understand I love her enough to face the difficulties ahead and be loyal and wait for her if we get there? Talking with her is extremely difficult right now and sometimes I feel she values actions over words but what I fell is real and I am truly willing to face any challenge because I know I will probably never find someone like her again in my life. I can not say if she likes me to little or to much. I am a Leo by the way.
Thank you for your help.
I felt like doing that so many times but always ended up thinking I should not pressure her. I think I even read somewhere we should not press Scorpios in these situations but I know I reached a point where I must do something even if that means disappear.
I know notso07, I know. I am so unsure because a month ago she got extremely mad at me like I have never seen her before with anyone else (with no real reason I must say because she thought I had done something I did not do, she found out the truth through others eventually; the subject she was mad about was more professional than personal and had nothing to do with jealousy or matters like that) and when I talked with her during this period still unaware of how mad she was I told her we should talk about us to which she replied in the coldest way you can possibly imagine that we had nothing else to talk about and that we should only talk about professional matters and nothing more... I completely backed off after that and we only talked 2 weeks later when she called me on my birthday, she sounded like her old self again. We did not talk of what she said until this day and the "acting unnatural part" in my first post started to show with more intensity after this but, like I said before, she does not "hide" from me and she seems to try to get me to stay close to her. I know I felt the so called "sting" of the scorpios as she clearly tried to hurt me with the way she talked but I do not know how much importance I should put in her words over her actions or vice-versa. My gut tells me she is afraid of liking me to much and getting hurt like she was in the past so she prefers to be alone until she goes away to protect her heart and mind and focus on her work, that is basically what she says to others but not talking about me specifically, she just says she does not like no one and does not want to.
"I do not know how much importance I should put in her words over her actions or vice-versa."
Lysander .. actions always speak louder than words and your good senses are telling you that. Listen to your gut, because it's the truth. Our intuition is there for a reason .. and it's telling you that the problem is the fear of which you speak.
Scorpio's have a serious trust issue that they struggle with on a daily basis. In fact, there's a thread currently going on now about this very thing. But, it's just a defense mechanism to protect their feelings, and in reality .. it's a good thing, for in the end, we really only have ourselves to fully rely on.
Is it possible for you to make a move overseas, also? If you could get a transfer, or make a job change with her, maybe this will show her that your heart is with her. If it's possible, then maybe just mention it to her, and let her see how she feels about it. Let her know that you aren't making any decisions about this without her input, so she will see that you aren't trying to control the situation, rather, grow and evolve with her.
Scorpio's are insanely loyal to the people who stand by their side, they also are severly taken aback when they have been betrayed by someone they trust .. and though, you aren't the one who betrayed her, she is still trying to heal from this wound.
Actions speak very loud .. so, if by your actions of loyalty, you are willing to move with her, she might find what she needs to be able to shake off the ashes and rise.
Believe me P-Angel, I would really do that if I could but besides the fact that we are not even boyfriends and suggesting something like this could make her think I was some kind of wacko, I own a company, it is not a big company (it will be) but it is my own and I have people relying on me so moving would be insane besides I know myself well enough to be sure I would be able to remain loyal to her for the time she was away, I already am now and we do not even have a relationship, I am just not able to involve myself with anyone if I love somebody else but I have no way of proving this to her. She knows so much about me and she told so many personal things about her that I feel there is not much more to know about each other if things remain as they are today because things are just weird right now.