Do Scorpio's ever intentionally make sex bad on purpose? If so why and how to know? And if the sex were bad and you were told in a gentle caring way, how would you act/be toward that person? Avoid, ignore?
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May 04, 2016Comments: 82 · Posts: 2348 · Topics: 51
Not all scorps are fabulous in bed. They just like sex.
It's rumored that Taurus and Leo ladies have far superior bedroom skills
I'm not disagreeing with you Ssupes, but do people have bad sex on purpose? Is that actually a thing? Lol was awkward. The interest and attraction was there but it was rushed and I have to say he probably was exhausted as he was running around a lot but it just wasn't as passionate or kinky as I had expected or been lead to believe it would be. He did apologize. Just wasn't sure if it was something else...he got off, I did not and I did tell him right away in a gentle manner. I didn't make a big deal of it but he knew I was disappointed and since then he's been very hot and cold. Unsure what to think.
It was aggressive and happened a couple different times not just once....I'm just not sure if I should have said anything at all but I felt it would be wrong to fake it!
It seemed more like he wanted to fly through it and cuddle up and fall asleep. I wanted to keep trying all night. He didn't act concerned about it, he acted like it was cool. But then the pulling away and arguing and now more arguing and trying to upset me and make me jealous on purpose. Last night he actually yelled at me which is something he has never ever done before...I'm just so confused. I thought sex for and with Scorpio's was a good thing. I don't know how it went into all this. Is he just not interested anymore, and if so then why get so mad and upset when I say ok goodbye then?
It sounds like this was the first time you guys were intimate? He could be hot and cold out of embarrassment.
I thought that but he was like so blatantly avoiding and I was trying to let him know it was ok but I got frustrated with the nonchalant evasiveness I was feeling and was like ok look, it sucks but it happened and if you're not interested or attracted to me like that anymore then just be honest about it, he still kept being semi evasive so I felt I needed to protect myself and tell him goodbye...not in a mean way but in a decent caring way but somehow that got flipped around and taken the wrong way, he got upset and now the rude, hateful coldness today. Ignoring me turning his phone off but yet feels the need to tell me he's at the movies and be hateful about it at that. I care for him but good gracious what in the world is going on here? I wasn't trying to embarrass him or hurt him about the sex thing at all, I just felt like if it were me, I'd want to know if the sex were bad or disappointing....was I wrong?
He said he was nervous too yes but I was extremely nervous too....and he kept making all these comments about my body leading up to it, just weird stuff like how he forgot how small I was and even to the point of reminiscing about another woman's certain body part during was just awkward to me and I didn't make a big deal of any of it at that point but I did let him know afterward that I didn't appreciate his comments, to which he also apologized and said I had taken it all out of context and he was sorry for saying it. It made me think he was trying to make me feel insecure about my body for some reason though I'm not sure why. It was just a bit awkward and seemed deliberately done to me.
I thought Scorpio men were too confident to be embarrassed though especially when it comes to sex?
I was very nervous so I'm sure he was as well. I was thinking the comments were trying to make me feel insecure about my body or myself bc maybe he was feeling insecure about his, I don't really know but I'm pretty sure he was trying to make me feel insecure and this was leading up to the sex.
I did try! I put on some sexy lingerie for him...he liked it and had no problem in that area at was just with me. It wasn't an attraction or desire problem for me but I felt rushed and not desired by him and that had a lot to do with it too on my end.
Yes he was I guess thinking he was making a joke about it while foreplay and then when I asked who he was referring to he said oh this other petite girl I was with a long time ago, and said she was really insecure about this particular thing...thing that caught my attention was "other petite girl" this was the first I'd heard of her and I'm "petite" as well. I did ask him why he felt it was appropriate to mention to me in that moment and he apologized. I'm no mind reader but I certainly got the feeling that there was insecurity there and he was trying to make me feel that way.
Yea, I agree with the other ladies. His behavior is beyond awkward and confusing.
It's going to be hard to walk away from him with your feelings so invested though, what're going to do?
I honestly didn't want it to be a bad negative walking away but it looks like it may just be that way. I'm not really mad, he is. It sucks though bc I had hope lol.
Lol, he's in Florida too so beware!
I haasaaaaaaste being ignored though especially when I have something to makes me see green grrrrrrr!!!
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Jun 07, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1931 · Topics: 2
"the other petite girl" during foreplay?
you should kick his balls and see how petite his gets
such an idiot deserves to suffer blue balls
True but it wouldn't do any good if I did. Something tells me he will eventually be sorry and get what he truly deserves.
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Jun 07, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1931 · Topics: 2
nice girls finish last
If we finish at
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Feb 14, 2013Comments: 552 · Posts: 18848 · Topics: 149
"... it just wasn't as passionate or kinky as I had
expected or been lead to believe it would be."
Lead to believe by what... articles on the internets?
For shame lol
What does how good someone is and their sex drive have to do with being a Scorpio or any Sun sign for that matter?
Hmm... yeah, pretty sure that's not how it works.
OP what's yours and his Mars sign? Do they aspect each other in your charts?
*kudos if you know Eros too this is the erotic, raw sexual attraction asteroid*
All scorps isn't sexually or great in's bullshit. They like any man that love sex. In my experience with some scorps they like the act of sex..most scorps I dated did a lot of talking but when they came down to it they burned out. It's like they tired there mind out then can't actually deliver. I actually dated a scorp like this. He would talk shit but can't deliver then would close up on me because he allow his ego to get to him. I also dated a scorps years back that was all passionate but as soon when we was going to have sex he just was to controlling in bed was like he was having sex with himself. For example when we kiss he wouldn't allow me to kiss him back. It was like he wanted me to sit there like a brick. Our kiss seem like we was fucking fighting. Weird shit..and when I told his egotistical ass to relax and he start getting cocky.. I really like him but he let his ego get in the way. DatING a scorp now..if they would just learn how to get out there feeling and just take in and learn it would be smooth ride.
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Jun 11, 2015Comments: 62 · Posts: 5860 · Topics: 191
Yeah l think you're onto something...l have thought this before.
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Apr 23, 2016Comments: 512 · Posts: 2343 · Topics: 199
Lol i know some twisted Scorpios who might do that for Revenge.
Perhaps revenge not sure what his deal is but he's certainly wasn't happy with me stating it was time for me to move on.
I just expected from the way he hyped it all up... it was going to be mind blowing amazing lol
The sex, the comments I think we're just looking for flaws or something wrong in his mind I guess. I don't know honestly, it just seemed like he was not picking. We've always joked about me not being his typical type so maybe that was were the comments came from. It just seemed he was not in the moment mentally. He did apologize about all of it saying he was disappointed bc he didn't want to disappoint me and I asked if he was referring to sexually and he said in every way not just sexually. Then after that was the hot n cold and then an argument and now this the past few days. We are suppose to have a final talk tonight and I plan to ask about all of it.