Scorpio still has pictures of his ex

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by marni_mew on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 and has 14 replies.
Give it up. It's not going to happen. My guy takes flicks of me when I'm not even aware. He thinks that I don't know that he's doing it, but I do. I've caught him a few times and he laughs, but more so, gets a kick out of having pictures of me. I'm curious to know what he really does with all of those pictures, but at the same time, I feel like it's really none of my business. I caught him taking an after sex "selfie" with me snoozing in the background. Something told me to open my eyes and when I did, he was in the process of taking it. I asked him how many he'd taken before I opened my eyes and he laughed...saying "A few". Particularly if his ex was attractive...give it up.

I mean at least they're tucked away online and not displayed in your face all of the time. Every picture my guy shows me of his youngest daughter has her mother in the picture and she's since had another baby with another man. Sometimes you have to let people have their private thoughts, memories, and moments without forcing yourself/inserting yourself into every single thing that your partner does.
Posted by MsTeeq1974
I caught him taking an after sex "selfie" with me snoozing in the background. Something told me to open my eyes and when I did, he was in the process of taking it. I asked him how many he'd taken before I opened my eyes and he laughed...saying "A few". Particularly if his ex was attractive...give it up.

I mean at least they're tucked away online and not displayed in your face all of the time.

That's really disturbing and, considering whether or not the women he took those picture with consented, that's also illegal. Especially if they were not fully clothed and/or concious.


I hate men today. Except Seraph. He's cool.

Big Grin

lol @ confronted

Keep on with that and Scorp might just give you up instead
He had a life before you...he'll have one with you and one after you (even in the scenario that you stay together, as long as he doesn't die first or you both die together).

Pictures and tokens are memories trapped on a surface.
Posted by marni_mew
Even if it's pics of them kissing, her in lingergie, risque pics etc

Isn't that disrespect and inappropiate?

If you aren't dating yet... let it go.

If he proposes... then she goes.

Posted by Impulsv
How long have u been dating

We've been a bit more than friends for the past year and a half
Posted by marni_mew
Posted by Impulsv
How long have u been dating

We've been a bit more than friends for the past year and a half
click to expand

And you aren't exclusive yet? Mmmmm.

This is NOT about the ex, this "issue" is about your "relationship" with him and your insecurities.
Posted by KaptainKhaos
Posted by MsTeeq1974
I caught him taking an after sex "selfie" with me snoozing in the background. Something told me to open my eyes and when I did, he was in the process of taking it. I asked him how many he'd taken before I opened my eyes and he laughed...saying "A few". Particularly if his ex was attractive...give it up.

I mean at least they're tucked away online and not displayed in your face all of the time.

That's really disturbing and, considering whether or not the women he took those picture with consented, that's also illegal. Especially if they were not fully clothed and/or concious.


I hate men today. Except Seraph. He's cool.

Big Grin

click to expand

Translation, translation...Geez...maybe it's because I'm tired from working almost all night, but this is during times like I'm sitting across the table from him at a restaurant. I used to think that he was on FB or something with his phone standing up on edge. One just hit me...he's snapping pictured without me knowing it. So I raised an eyebrow and said, "Why are you taking my picture?" He laughed and showed me the one with my raised eyebrow and the previous 4 pictures he took when I wasn't aware. Things like that...when I'm naked, he makes it aware that he's taking the pics. He's gotten what I imagine might be some very artistic me stretching butt naked after getting out of the bed in a side profile view.
Posted by marni_mew
Give it up, as in not care that he still keeps the pics or give him up?

Leave the fact that he has the pictures alone. They're his property exclusively and not something that you guys will share when you're relationship comes together. It's like...his shoes. You won't wear them and so they have nothing to do with you.
Posted by Arielle83
If you're already this insecure and demanding before you are his gf, what are you going to expect him to get rid of if he decides to commit to you!?

I so Austin Powers pinky finger love this. My ex Aries did his best to convince me to loosen my ties with my great male friends once he became a part of my can do. Look at where we are now, he's sending me crazy text messages accusing me of being a selfish bish, because I won't help some woman who he knows start her own business...we broke up almost five dang months ago...leave it alone already....and my males friends are STILL my ride or dies.
Posted by marni_mew
Any tips scorps to get out of him what he really thinks of me/gain his genuine affection?

Give your genuine affection without trying to woo, sway, or win him over. Just be yourself and not because he's a Scorp, but that's what you should do with/in any relationship. I understand why you're asking for insight. Scorps ARE mysterious and keep things well guarded. However, how you should actually BE with him should come from within you and not these boards. It's good to get insight/advice, but at the end of the day if you don't handle situations like you normally would anyone else...with slight adaptations, then you're going to resent the outcome. I will say that Scorps are able more than most to tell if/when you're putting one on. So, it's best to be you and if he loves it great..if he doesn't love it...great. That means you're free and clear to discover someone who WILL love you for who you are.
A year and you’re not official, there’s no way I’d be still in this 100% . I’ve done that once in my life and I’m telling you right now, start dating others and take your head out his butt. Immediately.
Please tell me you’ve brought up the topic of the next step as in the “relationship†talk by now. If not the Scorpio is probably thinking you don’t want one, or that your too scared to open your mouth and suggest it. His mind is always running as it is, he doesn’t stop to think about what you want you have to open your mouth and tell him. You better, and fast.

And as far as the pictures of the ex, the others are right. Drop it! Not one word. I wouldn’t even bring it up if we are together honestly. How often does he even go on that website you’re talking about? My Scorpio has pictures from over 4 years ago, some of are of him and ex’s. One of them is a pic of him and her with no shirt on and he’s holding her breast, and the caption is mushy, the picture is 2 years old but he still has it up, amongst another one of him and his other ex from 3 years ago. I don’t think it matter that much. Its not like he has them all over his bedroom at home, or set as a profile or background picture. Its in his photos. You went looking for it. Lol.
Well if it's not an erotic photo, I'd let him keep it. Although it would be great if he said, oh I forgot about this and deleted it.

If it was naked etc, I'm sorry but no. I'd have him delete it. He can look if he does in secret with me not knowing.
Posted by strawberrylemon
Well if it's not an erotic photo, I'd let him keep it. Although it would be great if he said, oh I forgot about this and deleted it.

If it was naked etc, I'm sorry but no. I'd have him delete it. He can look if he does in secret with me not knowing.

LOL. They aren't even together tho. She doesn't really know what they are from the sounds of it they are still just kicking it basically.