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Jun 01, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 2068 · Topics: 16
Give it up. It's not going to happen. My guy takes flicks of me when I'm not even aware. He thinks that I don't know that he's doing it, but I do. I've caught him a few times and he laughs, but more so, gets a kick out of having pictures of me. I'm curious to know what he really does with all of those pictures, but at the same time, I feel like it's really none of my business. I caught him taking an after sex "selfie" with me snoozing in the background. Something told me to open my eyes and when I did, he was in the process of taking it. I asked him how many he'd taken before I opened my eyes and he laughed...saying "A few". Particularly if his ex was attractive...give it up.
I mean at least they're tucked away online and not displayed in your face all of the time. Every picture my guy shows me of his youngest daughter has her mother in the picture and she's since had another baby with another man. Sometimes you have to let people have their private thoughts, memories, and moments without forcing yourself/inserting yourself into every single thing that your partner does.
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Aug 09, 2011Comments: 265 · Posts: 18811 · Topics: 125
lol @ confronted
Keep on with that and Scorp might just give you up instead
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
He had a life before you...he'll have one with you and one after you (even in the scenario that you stay together, as long as he doesn't die first or you both die together).
Pictures and tokens are memories trapped on a surface.
A year and you’re not official, there’s no way I’d be still in this 100% . I’ve done that once in my life and I’m telling you right now, start dating others and take your head out his butt. Immediately.
Please tell me you’ve brought up the topic of the next step as in the “relationship†talk by now. If not the Scorpio is probably thinking you don’t want one, or that your too scared to open your mouth and suggest it. His mind is always running as it is, he doesn’t stop to think about what you want you have to open your mouth and tell him. You better, and fast.
And as far as the pictures of the ex, the others are right. Drop it! Not one word. I wouldn’t even bring it up if we are together honestly. How often does he even go on that website you’re talking about? My Scorpio has pictures from over 4 years ago, some of are of him and ex’s. One of them is a pic of him and her with no shirt on and he’s holding her breast, and the caption is mushy, the picture is 2 years old but he still has it up, amongst another one of him and his other ex from 3 years ago. I don’t think it matter that much. Its not like he has them all over his bedroom at home, or set as a profile or background picture. Its in his photos. You went looking for it. Lol.
Well if it's not an erotic photo, I'd let him keep it. Although it would be great if he said, oh I forgot about this and deleted it.
If it was naked etc, I'm sorry but no. I'd have him delete it. He can look if he does in secret with me not knowing.