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Jul 16, 2017Comments: 3 · Posts: 104 · Topics: 8
Here we go again 😧
So we've been on and off and he's been hot and cold for months now, this time it's quite more extreme because without any reason he just went like "nope you don't exist" lol
After that we had a conversation at work with a few other friends and that was when he went back to actually speaking to me but after that again nothing
He would still talk about me with our friends but then again went back to not even looking at me
He can be weird and I got used to it since I'm not too invested myself but lately I've been kindaaaa falling for him so this bothers me quite a bit
My question is, is he over me (which I think is the case), another test or idk?
Oh and btw he's normal with everybody else, it's only me he's icing out, so I guess he's not dealing with some serious personal issues.
Hit me with anything
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Aug 16, 2017Comments: 32 · Posts: 1601 · Topics: 87
wait does raw anal = love?
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Jul 26, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 70 · Topics: 5
you def did something wrong
he'll probably cool off in a few days but be sure he'll hold on to that
good luck