scorpio sun vs. scorpio rising

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by agent006 on Saturday, April 22, 2006 and has 32 replies.
what do you scorpios(or anyone that cares to respond) think of scorpio risings? from what i've read about this rising sign, they are just as intense as a scorpio sun. however, this sounds like their sun sign would be overridden by their scorpio asc, which doesn't make sense to me. perhaps the texts mean that their sun sign traits will be intensified or something of the like. also their physical features are supposed to be that of a scorpio; seductive walk and intoxicating eyes and so forth. so if that is the case, what does a scorpio sun with a different ascendant look like and how do you think it affects their character/personality? i've never met a scorpio rising, hence my curiosity.
Im a scorp with sagittarius rising and im a bit goofier,seemingly more open and talkitive,etc. on the surface.Its only people that really,really know me that know of my scorp tendancies hehe.
So your a bit gay as well?
Im an Aqua w/Scorpio rising, I'm the quiet type observant before I make a move.Sometimes emotional and not forgiving easily and can hold a grude. If I believe in a cause (which there are many) that is what I will stand and fight for regardless of gender. If Im not busy with mental or physical activity Im bored easily. Dont like idleness,.Anyone has any chill pills HAHA!
"I got Libra rising, so I've got more style "
Antibling, You 'Wear it Well!'
"what,like the rod stewart song???
all these people with designer mullets are funny,as they look more like ol' rodders than anything remotely stylish..."
Nah, I had in mind the song 'You Wear It Well'by Debarge, dont quite remember the video
I've never met other scorp risings myself so I don't know... all the scorps I've met are pretty typical and 'outwardly' scorpio so I haven't seen any of their rising. No no no wait, I do know one scorp chic who acts nothing like a scorp and is the dumbest thing I have ever heard utter a word.
my boyfriend is both scorpio sun and rising; that's probably why he fits the scorpio description so well.
he's also got scorpio in mercury and pluto.
yep, i can honesty say that he's really intense as a individual, and i feel as though my cancer moon can sense his moods all the time. i sometimes get overwhelmed when i wonder what he's thinking and he tells me the exact same thing that i had guessed.
i guess it's also kinda strange that he tells me that i'm the one who's confusing to him..
hmm.. well, that doesn't really surprise me, though, becuz i already, generally, have a messed up chart. the sagittarian rising (he said i look like a slut), taurus sun (he thinks i'm really strong and determined), and cancer moon (he knows i can be very deep when i get into it) combo, that is. therefore, i'm not exactly one element; i'm basically everything except fighty, but that's where my mars in gemini kicks in lol.
but damnit, i'm starting to get nostalgic again! *sigh*

..i miss my love. Sad
thanks for your comment, Dancing Bread. =)
but we're actually still together (in case you thought otherwise); we're just really far from one another and things are getting so complicated. i just hope that we can pull through, becuz our current circumstance (this issue actually runs deep) is the only thing that is working against us..
i agree with your views on this, Dancing Bread.
and i know that i will always find it a difficult issue, but it's really great to hear you say that (or in this case, "type" that lol).
but i'm sure that i will put forth the effort -- i just hope that our efforts will be strong enough to cancel out all of the negatives.
however, i am willing to wait and see what is to happen next.

but my overall point is..

..i am willing to wait for as long as it takes.
Oh Anti ... You are all Libra baby. I can tell by the shoes. Well ... that and the fact the ladies and apparently gentlemen can't keep their paws off you. Winking
I have an Aries sun and Scorpio rising. I'm interested in a scorp sun. Do you think my double mars and Aries placement will make he and I more compatible? I have a Leo moon. I've heard of many Leo/scorp relationships that sizzle and I know aries and scorp passion is unrivalled and off the charts. I'm also wondering if my scorp rising has more strength in me than my Aries sun. I'm just blessed I have the three most powerful signs in the zodiac as my sun, moon and rising.
the antibling! lol
I'm a Gem with Scorp rising. Basically, I feel Gemini, with Scorp "highlights". It basically makes me more introverted, a little crankier, and gets me to appointments on time.
I'm a cap with scorpio rising. I think the scorpio warms up the coldness of the cap. I feel I'm able to read beyond people's defense mechanisms and see right through to the heart. I observe a lot of details that other people didn't notice. I've been told I'm intense and that my eyes are very expressive.
My aqua guy is also a scorpio rising and he has very intense eyes as well. He appears to notice everything going on around him and has an intenseness to him I don't see in other aquas. I feel like he sees me through to the core.
So, there is some similarity there.
I am exactly what you describe, where my asc overtook my sun sign to a point that one of my best friends who was into astrology said I seemed more Scorp than Gem, and then just tonight I found out that Pluto and Scorpio actually hold the most power in my natal chart according to the Pullen tool.
I exhibit many Gemini traits, such as being a smooth talker and being playful, I am late to everything and hopefully will be so youthful that I'll be late for my own death (ha!)... but I've always felt like a very serious, intense person, even to the point of occasionally being offended or confused by Gemini descriptions, and writing it off to a Scorp asc and Cap moon.
Now I know it's mostly that Scorp asc.
Cancer male here (and my first post) with Scorpio rising, Taurus moon, Cancer Mercury. My full chart adds up to more Scorpio than anything else. Talk about navigating a world of powerful feeling. I come across as affectionate, playful, sensitive, but also intense. I have spent most of my life on a restless quest for truth and spirituality that has no reserve about peering into dark corners. I've heard that Scorpio moves with efficiency???no wasted movement, and that rather describes how I move through space. I'm in control of my body in a no-nonsense kind of way, yet throw it around with the more playful Cancer energy at other times. Underneath, I have all the tenderness of my Cancer ego, but I'm pretty sure I come across as intense, intelligent, and mysterious. I have Scorpio???Cancer hybrid eyes: long eyelashes with a soft, boyish look, but fused with that penetrating Scorpio quality. I love who I am, but all that wateriness has made for a lot of emotional processing in this lifetime so far. It has not been an easy ride in this very male-energy dominant society. I have mostly women as friends and snicker at the tired stereotype that men and women can't be friends.
I have, after many years of dating and exploring astrology, decided that my ideal mate is a Scorpio female, and so am on that quest. I adore my fellow water signs (and I seek to love everybody), but Scorpio most of all. I can handle your intensity. My job is to soften her and invite her to let down her guard, to experience being seen, known, felt, and cherished without risk of having my love withdrawn. Once I have loved you, I will always love and respect you, even if from a necessary safe distance???that will depend on who you are being and if it's good energy for me to be around. I intend to form a power couple with my Scorpio love to turn the world on its head, even in some small way, when I find my partner. I know conjunctions between inner planets, and especially between rising sign and sun sign can be powerful attractions and resonance for lifelong mates. I don't tell too many people about my Scorpio fixation.
Posted by agent006
what do you scorpios(or anyone that cares to respond) think of scorpio risings? from what i've read about this rising sign, they are just as intense as a scorpio sun. however, this sounds like their sun sign would be overridden by their scorpio asc, which doesn't make sense to me. perhaps the texts mean that their sun sign traits will be intensified or something of the like. also their physical features are supposed to be that of a scorpio; seductive walk and intoxicating eyes and so forth. so if that is the case, what does a scorpio sun with a different ascendant look like and how do you think it affects their character/personality? i've never met a scorpio rising, hence my curiosity.

What do I think about myself? LOL I believe I am the first double Scorpio here to respond. My sun and rising in Scorpio! Woo hoo! Everything you said pretty much relates to me. Every where I look, I catch someone's eye(s) lol and give them this stare.. that's so.. I don't want to say sexual or anything but it's pretty intense..there doesn't have to be any kind of attraction, this goes with both male and female lol if that makes sense. I come across as very serious and intense...but isn't that with all Scorpios? I mean I have been told that my walk is seductive and the like.. but I mean I also have a couple planets in Sagittarius as well so there is a balance. smile
Posted by agent006
what do you scorpios(or anyone that cares to respond) think of scorpio risings? from what i've read about this rising sign, they are just as intense as a scorpio sun. however, this sounds like their sun sign would be overridden by their scorpio asc, which doesn't make sense to me. perhaps the texts mean that their sun sign traits will be intensified or something of the like. also their physical features are supposed to be that of a scorpio; seductive walk and intoxicating eyes and so forth. so if that is the case, what does a scorpio sun with a different ascendant look like and how do you think it affects their character/personality? i've never met a scorpio rising, hence my curiosity.

Can't compare a sun to a "mask"..
The Meaning of the Rising Sign in Astrology:

The Rising sign is known as the mask of the persona, and the first impression we make on those we meet. It could be said that the qualities of the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon imprints on the outer self as we emerge into the world. After that, each time we encounter a new situation or person, this is the "face" we reveal.

If you've ever been puzzled by how others describe you, it could be that they've encountered the Rising sign qualities. It's the image facing outward, and might not be how you see yourself at all. It is the front door of the self, but as much a part of the personality as the Sun sign.

The Rising sign deals with First House issues like appearance and personality, and can even influence physical characteristics. If the Sun is the core self, taking action in the world, the Rising sign is the vehicle with which to do it.

It's qualities show up immediately, while the full essence of the person's Sun sign become known over time. For example, a Virgo with Leo Rising may have a big mane of hair and come across as showy and proud, but after awhile, you'll discover the true humble and modest Virgo, always ready to serve in some way. The Rising and Sun sign blend into an inner and outer layer, with the Moon obscured deep within and behind the shifting clouds of the self.
I just hung out with a male cap sun scorp rising yesterday. Fun and sexy, secretive, possibly paranoid lol, seductive, quirky, smart, entertaining, animated, confident... all adjectives I'd use to describe his demeanor.
My ex is a scorp sun scorp rising. Describing his facade is tough honestly. I know him so well. When a pisces moon is accustomed to being constantly in overdrive with him, differentiating his outsides from his insides is something that requires some thought! ... he's confident, purposeful, assertive, premeditated in everything, lightning fast perceptiveness to most people and situations, blunt, judgmental, be-witching smile, swag, active and always sure of himself. There are very very few times I can recall where he seemed unsure of himself.
Im a cap sun scorp rising. one of the ways i notice my rising sign the most is in my "secretiveness." It's impulsive and I do it knowingly and neurotically. I'll hold information in my head that someone should know and like some double agent with a hidden agenda.. I'll keep it to myself. This might also be part of my Jupiter in scorpio. But really it's a timing factor for me. lol I can be calculating. Very calculating. For no good reason a lot of times. I annoy myself with it lol. My ex is worse!
seraph, that post hits home. All of it. The bold section manifests itself in me with my need for a sense of purpose. That is my life long "battle". re. being hard to understand: my leo sun/scorp moon bff still says I'm hard to figure out. And she knows me VERY well. Re. appearing calm on the surface: every other person I meet will say something like "I bet you are always calm in every situation" In fact, I had someone say that to me just today. Re. the second half of that paragraph: My ex thinks he and I are a lot alike if not exactly alike in many ways.
In general, scorpio rising people will display scorpio traits that are readily apparent to people, whereas for scorpio sun people, those scorpionic traits are hidden deeper - someone will have to have a deeper friendship/relationship (deeper than a surface level) with a scorpio sun person to see their intensity, emotional depth, etc.
I'm a scorpio sun and leo rising. Upon meeting me, people see my outgoing, fun-loving and playful side. My scorpio traits only become apparent when they really get to know me.
Or: User Submitted Image those cheekbones
User Submitted Image
Posted by seraph

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Scorpio Rising
People with Scorpio rising tend to be secretive, deep, withdrawn, mysterious, regenerate or degenerate, reserved, hard to understand, courageous, willful, persistent, stubborn in thought, creative, self-reliant, self-controlled (except perhaps with the passions), and silent. According to the spiritual astrologer Isabel Hickey, no unevolved soul is born with Scorpio rising. This is a powerhouse rising sign. It represents the battleground where the higher and lower selves must come to mortal combat. They must be aligned and the lower self eventually must die and give way to and obey the higher self, the God within. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels are all involved. You appear calm on the surface, but you can be extremely emotional inside. "Still waters run deep", as they say. You tend to be the silent type, always wanting to know others' motivations, but never disclosing your own. You love to play the detective or the ferret. You have to know everything, all the how's and why's. You have great determination and strength, enough to overcome any adversary, even yourself. You need to overcome resentment, possessiveness and jealousy. There may be a fascination, preoccupation, interest and/or ability with the occult, death, sex or healing. You can be a devil or an angel, the eagle or the stinging scorpion.
Spiritual lesson to learn: Forgiveness. Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio so Mars and Pluto will be important in your chart.

I've noticed that "mortal combat" of some kind is a common theme with Scorpio.

good points. That's interesting on "mortal combat".
I am a scorpio Sun, moon, rising, mercury, Saturn, Pluto. Unfortunately it all melts together for me so hard to explain. Honestly I tell people to just read up on Scorpios because that is pretty much a guide to who I am. The only other signs that influence are a couple in Capricorn and a couple in Sagittarius.
But my dad is a Libra Sun and scorpio rising. My dad comes off as a military type guy with a bit of dictator in him lol he loves to get to know his customers and talk a lot about his own experiences in life to them. Generally most everyone seems to enjoy him. But him and I always butt heads. Two powerful know it all's. Lol
Posted by Whimsy
I'm a Gem with Scorp rising. Basically, I feel Gemini, with Scorp "highlights". It basically makes me more introverted, a little crankier, and gets me to appointments on time.

I am the exact same! A lot of people tell me that I have a resting bitch face with intense eyes and it's hard for them to get close and friendly with me, but once they get to know the real me, I'm just a chatter box and kind of all over the place.
Hmm im a scorpio rising this may explain me being quiet, private, observant to somw people and distant. I need my space, im mot open to.emotions easily, I secretly test people but its not nothing major....i feel i mostly do this with ppl i sense i dont trust or its something about them.
I def agree with what others said. People wbo got to know me mentioned everything people posted. They said i seemed quiet and mean even. Too afraid to approach i believe it is a mask because once you get to know me im nothing like what i seem on the outside. Soemtimes my moods change as someone mentioned from outgoing talkative goofy to quiet reserved laid back idk. Im skeptical of certain ppl i want yo know everything about you but i wont share too much about me.
I got a friend who is a aqua sun and scorpio rising....hes a fawking weirdo....Hes lucky ive known him all my life...just sayin
The ASC works like a doorway to ones inner world (to the Sun), while the sign - is representative for a certain type of guardian. In this case Scorpio. They might have a Scorpio like appearance/vibe - but if you manage to pass through the door - you'll encounter someone that's quite different, someone that exudes the traits of the Sun. If the Sun is also Scorpio - or falls in 8'th house - then you have an individual that's quite heavy in Plutonic tendencies - expressed both by the ASC (more often - when it feels threatened) and the Sun (more noticeable - by those who are closer to the individual).
Posted by neves
The ASC works like a doorway to ones inner world (to the Sun), while the sign - is representative for a certain type of guardian. In this case Scorpio. They might have a Scorpio like appearance/vibe - but if you manage to pass through the door - you'll encounter someone that's quite different, someone that exudes the traits of the Sun. If the Sun is also Scorpio - or falls in 8'th house - then you have an individual that's quite heavy in Plutonic tendencies - expressed both by the ASC (more often - when it feels threatened) and the Sun (more noticeable - by those who are closer to the individual).

well put
Posted by blackphase
I am overridden by all of my Scorpio placements, not just my Asc alone, I don't think. I have Moon, Asc & Pluto in Scorp, as well as Sun, Venus, Jupiter & Chiron in the 8th.

U think youre overridden by it.....embrace being a Gem
its always sunny when its rising

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