In general, do you find that you DON'T get along with other Scorpios? If so, why?? I have a theory that sometimes hanging out with another Scorpio is like looking into a mirror, and sometimes you don't like that you see. There's also the possibility that their chart makes them very different from you. Overall, what's been your experience?
I agree that I can get along great with other Scorpios, but I've noticed that since I'm on the Sag cusp (Nov 20)... I tend to get along GREAT with Sags, mostly women Sags. Also - I don't know ANY water moons, but I have a moon in Scorp. I just don't meet them... the universe brings me mostly air moons and fire moons, with a few earth moons sprinkled in. Very confusing for me.
*sigh* I shouldnt have to do this but **laughing our heads off** ok carry on with this thread.......
DO NOT GET ALONG. It's never like looking into a mirror (as for style and presentation and personality). It's always standoffish. The ones who I have met and lived with are jealous of me or see me as a threat. Not sure why, I am a quiet soft spoken person. I don't get crazy or obnoxious like the ones I've met.
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Mar 28, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 1330 · Topics: 87
I get along best with scorps. Even if I feel some type of negative way toward them, they always know how to make me erase that from my mind because I understand there mentality. I also like that I can say whatever is on my mind, where I might bite my tongue with other signs because they will look at me like I am crazy.
I think its a relationship either male or female that feels like being at home. I also love to meet other scorps to compare their personality with mine.
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
honestly, i can get along with most people in general. i had a work relationship with 3 scorpios for several years. i got along well with one, another grew to like me a lot, and the third- well, he didn't get along with ANYONE.
I get along well with female scorpio and one of my best friend is scorpio. I feel we are opposite i don't know why.
It usually is too close for comfort meeting a scorp/eagle, from my own experience, especially when they are still in the scorp/stinger phase. still meeting a fem/male is like a temporary marriage of the mind from commitment to divorce. especially with the competetive edge most scorps have, it's all or nothing...the victor never fails to broadcast their triumph while the other who came up short is sure to be the sorest of losers by distancing themselves. not unless the other is eagle, like myself *cough cough*, then strengths and weaknesses are hyper-analyzed by both to the point where they sidestep the ego in a rhythmic tango mirroring each other as equals. like trying to race your shadow when you were young, you were pretty sure you wouldn't win but you did it out of sheer fun nonetheless. usually looked at under these conditions, this pairing will produce one of the most unique and perhaps the most powerful relationships in the zodiac...this has just been my experience tho not to speak on anyone else's.
I had a scorpio boss and he was really cool. Not cool-cool but nice. I liked him as a boss.
Another was a rugby teammate of mine. I didn't like him at first, and we never really became friends. Just cold and cordial. Not really sure why. Maybe I thought he didn't have much to offer as a friend. He seemed kinda boring to me and uptight. I never knew what to talk about with him either. maybe it was because it was like looking in a mirror and I didn't like what I saw. I'd hope that's not the case.
I have an incredible comradery with other scorpios.
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Dec 13, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1525 · Topics: 14
I get along with most scorpios but I don't necessarily enjoyed the company of all in public. The male Scorpios are cool my best friend as a kid was one and we got along great but he took another direction in life and we parted ways. The female Scorpios I know are very loud and bossy in public and that's a problem for me, so I don't like dealing with them in public but one on one they're the sweetest.
I have found that my experiences with other Scorpio's has been great. Normally when we meet we hit it off instantly. It doesn't take long for them to ask about my birthday. Once I give them the answer their response is " I knew you were one of us!". I tend to get along best with other Scorpio's whose birthday fall either the day before or after my own. In spite of all of this there is one Scorpio I do not get along with who also happens to be my cousin.