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Jun 22, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 2346 · Topics: 71
This accurately describes the Scorp man I know. How accurate is it for other Scorp/Cap moons?
You instinctively respond to challenges or stress by suppressing any emotions you have which might interfere with the job at hand, taking control of the situation in an unsentimental, no-nonsense sort of way. You may become super responsible or throw yourself into your work - anything to keep feelings of helplessness or other 'unacceptable' emotions at bay.
Early in life you learned through circumstances not to expect others to take care of you, to rely on yourself emotionally, stifle or neglect your own needs for care and comfort, in order to survive. As a result, you developed a certain toughness and a disinclination to trust, an underlying cynicism, which can interfere with your ability to establish emotional rapport and intimacy with people. You want proof of another's love or good will, some tangible evidence of their loyalty and commitment and you may 'test' your friends or lover over a long period of time before you surrender your defenses and allow yourself to be truly close to them. Or you may care very much but, because your emotional self-control is so deeply ingrained, and may be unable to communicate and express it openly, directly, warmly, with feeling. You may substitute symbols of (affection, gifts, or even money), for the real thing (being with the person, touching, listening, sharing your feelings.
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Jun 22, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 2346 · Topics: 71
You fear dependency may be intolerant of others lack of discipline, emotional self-indulgence or neediness, and 'babyish' behavior in anyone, even little children. You were not allowed, those sorts of feelings, either because of life circumstances or due to a rather critical, strict, authoritarian upbringing. For whatever reason, you absorbed the message that 'life is a struggle', 'no one is going to take care of me', and possibly 'I don't deserve to have my needs fulfilled'. Very likely, the approval and love you received were not unconditional, but contingent upon proper behavior, achievement, or being responsible and not being a burden.
Due to these subconscious imprints and beliefs about yourself, you could experience a sort of chronic, low-grade depression, and a tendency toward pessimism and negativity. You may feel a compulsion to achieve in a material sense, in order to feel good about yourself. Or, you may be comfortable in the role of protector and provider, offering stability and security to others, but (once again) neglecting your own needs to do so.
In your emotional and personal life, too, you are willing to hang in there through the hard times. However, sometimes you will stay with something or someone because you are used to subsisting on very little nourishment (emotional or other wise) and you cannot envision or accept the possibility of anything better for yourself. You can be emotionally dry, seemingly unfeeling or detached, and, when pushed to the extreme, very controlling and disciplinarian.
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Jun 22, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 2346 · Topics: 71
I got the above references that I posted from It was a very dark description of the Scorp sun man with Cap moon. Quite scary. It sounds so tortuous.
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Jun 22, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 2346 · Topics: 71
Exo, I totally believe that, unfotunately, when I left my cap moon man, he was just barely able to open up emotionally to me. I had to read between the lines with him and told him so. THAT is very hard to do. Practically was a full time job. I kinda wanted to wait it out to see if he would let me into his heartcave (excellent word, btw) but I had waited so long by then and the inconsistancy and tests were just too much to bear. I had to let go...
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Jun 22, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 2346 · Topics: 71
cheekym sounds like the "black and white" thinking of the scorpio.One of the traits Ive read about. And yes, I can see the losing respect for passive people who allow themselves to be manipulated or taken advantage of.