scorpio woman

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by lilyofthevalley987 on Sunday, April 9, 2017 and has 5 replies.
i ve been friends with a scorpio woman for a long while now,we used to talk,laugh,be each others confident...etc,two months ago,she started her "scorpio period" she stopped talking to everyone,when i asked she said she needed time,i told her that i understand and ill give the space she needs,and i was keeping my word, since i understand the need for space,but to my dismay a week after that she started filtering the people she would talk to and the ones she would not,it was like she was bipolar,you would see her talking and laughing with some and the rest the moment she would see you looking at her she would put her miserable face,like seriously???seeing that i decided that i should cut all ties with her,now a few days ago, she saw me and when i didnt talk to her,she said"oh are u having a phase? i told her im not talking to you" a day after that she sent me a message saying "im sorry i didnt mean to be rude" like really??? after all the drama and mood swings this is what she says?,my question is why is she doing this? and is this a normal scorpio act?
Not bipolar

We are inherently sensitive so have to filter people for our sanity, sometimes that comes across as rude

Posted by Ellygant
It kinda sounds like you're jealous she was able to be lighthearted with others but not you.

Did you ever try talking to her about why she needed space? I can be going through something and not feel like dealing with people, but I still work hard to fake it around people I don't trust so they don't ask me a bunch of stupid questions about how I feel when I don't want to talk about it.
well u misunderstood what im saying,the fact that she talks to others doesnt bother me ,i m a very social person for the record , and i can talk easily with people,the issue is that the same person who i trusted and who said that im her sister and that i got her more than anyone,barley talks to me for a period of 2 months and now wants me to suck it and get back to where we were,? i have my pride too and im sensitive as well,why just because shes a scorpio i should respect her feelings and she stomps on mine?

Posted by Ellygant
It sounds like she probably doesn't even realize she hurt your feelings. Thus the apology text a few days later. She probably spent the interim days obsessively analyzing that interaction lmao.

I mean she approached you. You showed obvious hurt. She approached you again and tried to apologize later.

That would have been the perfect opportunity to speak up and tell her that the distance was hard on you and you needed her to be your friend. It sounds like she's trying to figure you out. Not stomp on your feelings. *As a Scorpio myself, I don't apologize to people who don't matter. So the fact she did means she cares.

i understand better and we did talk,and its not the distance that hurt but her indiference
Posted by Ellygant
Posted by lilyofthevalley987
Posted by Ellygant
It kinda sounds like you're jealous she was able to be lighthearted with others but not you.

Did you ever try talking to her about why she needed space? I can be going through something and not feel like dealing with people, but I still work hard to fake it around people I don't trust so they don't ask me a bunch of stupid questions about how I feel when I don't want to talk about it.
well u misunderstood what im saying,the fact that she talks to others doesnt bother me ,i m a very social person for the record , and i can talk easily with people,the issue is that the same person who i trusted and who said that im her sister and that i got her more than anyone,barley talks to me for a period of 2 months and now wants me to suck it and get back to where we were,? i have my pride too and im sensitive as well,why just because shes a scorpio i should respect her feelings and she stomps on mine?


I don't think I said anywhere that because she's a Scorpio she get extra special feelings treatment. If you are upset and care about her why don't you ask her.

'Hey. We haven't talked in a while and I know you were going through it. But I miss you can we reconnect?'

If you're both just shuffling your feet and brooding alone then of course each other's feelings will only continue to get hurt.

Why did you offer to give her space when space hurts you? Did you realize it'd be this hard for you? If you didn't that's fine. But realize you offered her space and left the ball in her court and now your angry when she finally did approach you.
click to expand
i did offer space because i need it too,i am a loner myself i think better when i shut the rest of the world out but i didnt mind it ,what was after the space part that bothered me