Well, my birthday is coming up in 12 days, and as usual I have no friends(well one on the other side of the United States) to celebrate this awesome(well sad) day. I don't believe in chasing people either. I've met other women and we really seem to mesh well together, but at the end of the day no response. They give me their numbers, and show interest in a playdate or lunch but no luck. My own family wouldn't visit me at my own funeral. I also can't make friends with men, because they think men and women can't be friends, or maybe they think my husband will have a problem with it. Either way it really sucks, a lot. I feel like I could just die and no one would even care.
Oh, my moon is in leo, and I think it said uprising in capricorn. Don't know if that means anything
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Jun 22, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 2346 · Topics: 71
Your self pity indicates depression to me. Have you suffered from that before? Been evaluated by a doctor?
No, not suffering from depression. I guess having been this way my entire life(of not having any friends) is starting to bug me a little. I can't chase, plus I wasn't raised to be a beggar.
How about your husband, you have him, you are not totally alone. Aren't you too friends, and partners and lovers? I feel lonely often and it is because always alone. Just ended a virgonrelationship that will make things a lot worse for a while. Yes, pity party here....cry fest coming up soon. join in.
Oh, Happy Birthday. Hope you feel more cheerful by the time it arrives!
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Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
I'm really confused by what you're saying. You have a husband and you consider yourself lonely for your birthday? When I was with my ex we didn't really have much room for other people and we were the happiest when we were alone together for birthdays. Sure we threw parties but those were exhausting and felt more like chores than good old-fashioned fun.
And you say you're Scorp with Leo moon? That's weird, most Leo mooners have tons of friends..
Yeah I have a leo moon, but no friends to show for it. Relatives don't count, especially the ones who only think to call you if someone important died. My husband is an aries, with a moon in taurus, and uh well we don't have much in common. Sometimes his temper is too much and it puts a damper on me. I love my kids but they are kids KWIM-I obviously don't go to them w/my problems. Capricorns are nice, but they(the men) don't want to be friends with me, and just are too confusing. The women are quite lovely though. Thanks for the hug, too bad we couldn't go out for a mudslide. Actually two people offered, but that was 12 years ago. I feel like I'm in my 90's, even though I'm only 31.
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Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Awww.... hi Pisces x.... not surprised to find you on this thread .... they do say "misery loves company "
What's up PHV? Hello all?
The entertainment has finally arrived to cheer y'all up on a Saturday night! !!!
(Please don't make me wish I had went to the club instead of stay hone! I still have time,
It's almost 12am... if I leave now I can be there in 25 mins..... a hour or more to party)
Cheer up! Things will get better! !!.... oh who am I kidding ...... it will only get worse
Its all downhill from here..... at least with the drugs u can escape for a while and you'll be dead
before you know it........ONLY JOKING FOLKS!!! HA!!! JUST A JOKE!
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Happy birthday little Scorpio! Hope you have a great day!