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Apr 07, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 175 · Topics: 10
Just curious, have any scorp women had experiences with Leo men or Aries men? How did that work out?
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Sep 06, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1243 · Topics: 34
Seems like I attract Leos. Never starts up with physical attraction from my end. If LEO hangs in there long enough
if I get to have them speak less vulgar (in my opinion Leo man can be just too BLAEH) in your face with sexuals that could benefit from left to slight mystery in the heat of the moment action
I trust him fairly fast
I open up fairly fast... usually starts with intellectual sword games
YES YES YES, I think he is worth being let into your heart, as long as he doesn't have a hang up, like a wife and children
you can control his gambling adiction (I mean, you can join him but make sure he doesn't play away the rent).
------ No idea about ARIES man other than it happened I mentally super sexed up with a Aries man half my age. Super intelligent. Only had that experience ONCE in VIRTUAL reality. So I wouldn't know real life story about ARIES man. I think they'd drive me nuts.
Leo man is very easy to love.
I get along really well with Leo men, but I blame that on my Leo moon. I LOVE Leo men and always feel very comfortable around them. I was only romantically involved with one, it was nice but fizzled out and we're still friends to this day. for me it's love, love them or absolutely loathe them. Aries men seem to be drawn to me for some reason. Some of the best guy friends I have are Aries men. However, romantically have only tried with one guy and it failed horribly. So horrible, we can't manage to be friends even now. It's so ackward and we don't speak to each other unless it's necessary :/
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Jun 25, 2012Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
^^^ I'll just add, he was the only man I trusted with some pretty heavy stuff from my past within hours of meeting him--and I don't trust or open up to anyone. I'm not sure why, but something about him told me I could trust him and I wasn't wrong. He didn't judge me, just listened and was very supportive and loving.
They are easy to love.
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Apr 07, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 175 · Topics: 10
So this can work if the egos are under control? Are leo men extremely bossy or is it bearable?
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Sep 06, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1243 · Topics: 34
it's bearable. I don't think they are bossy. They just like order.
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Sep 06, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1243 · Topics: 34
LOL ... kalin
you such sweety.
I don't know what to think of Leo man anymore. I don't think I had fights with Leo but it troubles me to have interest in some married Leo. Therefore it cannot be smooth sailing. I am ignoring him at the moment. Have to ignore him for as long.
If I were to speculate a life together, we may be competitive... knowledge hungry.. I actually caught Leo with anectotes I told him.. now he is telling me those as if it was his own.