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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
so soooooooooo soooooo soooooooooooooo can u love me, and lie, and how the fukk do i leave & how the fukk do i get over you, and quit fukking saying you love me...and i'm so fukking sad, and fukk anyone that expected it cuz this is real.
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1471 · Topics: 25
I don't know any guy who doesn't lie.. They all do that. A lot.
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
So mad at myself, I feel like a fool. I can't even breathe right now.
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
There is only one solution for that...
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1471 · Topics: 25
Don't be mad at yourself, TG, it's his fault and his loss.
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
do i just ignore? do i hide, NO.
how the fukk do u leave? i can't sum up my hurt in 1 line, what the f do i say? just walk away & let him wonder?
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1471 · Topics: 25
"just walk away & let him wonder?"
That would make him sad too. But maybe telling him what you know and can't accept before you go, then if you mattered to him, he will at least know what he did wrong.
I would tell it with a short email or something. So he won't start explaining and trying to get out of it. So if you are sure he's been lying then I'd leave him a note that I know what he's been doing.
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1471 · Topics: 25
I have been dealing with this issue before and that experience changed me a lot. Now it's hard to take things seriously anymore. The learning took for a while. First you feel hurt mixed with hatred. Then you are sad. Just sad. Then you ignore him totally, you couldn't care less of him. Then you accept it. But you'll remember next time not to take it seriously anymore. That's how you come a lil bit cynical to relationships..
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1471 · Topics: 25
^ That's how you become a lil bit cynical..
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
I already had such a hard time trusting, I know he doesn't want to hurt me, he knows what he does, he convinces himself, I have to leave, I feel so alone, this guy took too much from my soul.
Fool, said I.
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1471 · Topics: 25
That could be a good topic to ask about why guys lie so much. But I already know it so I don't need to know the same again. I think "the robot" has said that already many times.
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1471 · Topics: 25
We all have hard time trusting. I trust women more (not all women but more) than men. You just need time to get over it. You need time to be alone to learn and you also need your friends to have a shoulder to lean on.
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1471 · Topics: 25
We have all been fools. God I hate how they tell those stories about happy endings (all those "princess meets a prince"-stories). There aren't such happy endings. The only happy ending you can have is through your own learning in your life.
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
I don't know how to close this. I inlove with you, and I can't do this?!!
Message posted by: taurusgoddess on 5/1/2006 10:07:03 AM ip:
I don't know how to close this. I inlove with you, and I can't do this?!!
Dear Goddess, can I suggest a nice bottle of Chablis, as it makes you feel lovely and warm inside and does not lie. If that does not help then smacking him over the head with the empty bottle might knock some sense into him. What do you think?????
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1471 · Topics: 25
So, I guess he lied to you before he jumped out of your car.. Then wtf did he lie about..? If that was bad enough, maybe jumping out of the car wasn't a bad idea..
Message posted by: taurusgoddess on 5/1/2006 11:02:43 AM
I love him, I feel hurt, but I can't stay...
I can see you are in pain, but give it time lovey, things always turn out right in the end, even if it isnt meant to be. Get together with your gilfriends and slag him off, this is a good stress release. Just wait and see....
Message posted by: sagitTAUries on 5/1/2006 11:42:37 AM
Does it.......What kind of wine do you drink then????
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Yes, if you f with me, you are best to jump out of the car! haha, yikes I didn't even see how he landed. I drove a bit, stopped and people were watching and offering to shut my door, and then I bolted home in a rage. Can you imagine how sick I feel today?
Oh, and he just called my work, said he didn't know how to get in, his keys are in my car. I told him i'd dump his stuff off later, he's like I need to see you 2nite, what's going on?!!
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF mer, I'm officially a lesbien.
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Aug 27, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1343 · Topics: 15
Sorry, TG. I was just wondering how you'd been doing with your guy, and now I know..
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Aug 27, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1343 · Topics: 15
I'm fine, more concerned about how you're doing, I've never been in any relationship that ended with lies. Are you gonna go drown your sorrows in some white wine then?
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Um, ya a little wine 2nite is without question part of the evening!
I have to see him 2nite though, give him his keys & stuff that was in my car, so I'm a little nervous. I hate explaining and defending when I'm the one hurt. He'll attack or beg or whatever & I curl up in a little ball in those situations. Almost go numb, almost like I lose my voice.
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Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
"ok, some juicy details includes him jumping out of my car while i am driving 30km and we are about PASSIONATE in a bad way, ffffffffffff polar nighmare!!!"
-- LOL My jaw dropped open! That's crazy...
You sure that it's not something that can be fixed with a some time?
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
So I see him yesterday, I think with all the arguing some things got outta control. We need to seriously take steps back and see what we got ourselves into. He does not want to lose me & I know I care lots for him.
Time, a good thing TC, time apart - probally smart. Can't think straight when the person that hurts you and you love is right beside you.