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Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
I'm with Roxi on the compliments. They do make me feel uncomfortable as well. And it has nothing to do with you...but me. And it also depends on who is giving me the compliment.
As far as giving compliments, I am not real good at giving them either. I do not pay attention to all the little things that others might compliment you on. There again, it's not's me. It doesn't mean that you don't look nice, or I'm not glad to see you, etc, etc., remember, it's just me.
Wasn't there a post like this a while ago?
I use to have trouble giving and receiving complements. It's hard to complement people when you feel saying that specific complement is like saying you're better than me in that area. The best complements are the ones that people really mean. A complement though is like a little non-materialistic reward. The only time though I'd probably give a complement is when they really deserve one or for something impressive they did.