What do scorpios think of libras? I'm just really curious.
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Sep 03, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1225 · Topics: 11
Lib women are beautiful/superficial, the men are too funny...both lie a lil too much for me though.
I like honest people (brutaly honest) and someone who know what he/she wants and that's not a libra.
Scorpio female me. I like the libra woman lol they are fun and loyal.
And I find the men quite funny.
They can tell you what is the right.. But I think they have trouble telling the truth to them selves. Quick tempered easily bored.
Like communicating through a lot of sexual talk.. Which as a Scorpio i like.. The best sexual chemistry has always been with libra men.
I like libra women as friends. They can talk for hours about an array of topics...however I do feel they can be a bit socially draining and high maintenance at times. Libra men are funny, but too childish.