This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by SPUNKYTAURUS on Friday, July 28, 2017 and has 30 replies.
This is just a rant but I would like all to chime in whether you're a Scorpio sun, moon, mars, Venus, Pluto etc...

I've noticed everytime something tragic or detrimental happened in my life I evolved and got to higher place in my life, and the more I evolve the more I seem to attract people that see I'm heading "up" (not bragging this is a fact) ... hence the road gets lonlier each time. But I'm so looking forward to the end of the road cause I know it's beautiful where I'm headed.

I've been on my own since 15 and I'm amazed of what I have become on my own. My mom used to say you're strong you've overcome so much and I never saw it that way I was like it's life. I've been evolving with each "loss" But it wasn't until her death that I really felt truly evolved. Changed my image, and though some may not believe me I feel she's with me guiding me everytime I hit a plateau is like she's shows me the turn to take like "that's a dead end ahead so take a right"... every year I evolve into something more like a higher form of self... and it always happens when I've been through something tragic like my heart literally can't take it but instead of actually dying, my old self dies and form a NEW BEGINNING... whether it's death, a friend, a lover, or anything major that you've lost.

Anyone experienced this? What placement does this? I know it's a Scorpio thing and I never knew about it until I started studying astrology and noticed how much I've been evolving. Share your stories and please elaborate.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Why are your tits so huge. Damn.
????? DDs .... ask my momma ?
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Why are your tits so huge. Damn.
????? DDs .... ask my momma ?
They're not fake?
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Nope! Was a C then got bigger after my kids. ??‍♀️
I'm not a Scorpio, but I'm a Scorpio dominant with my sun in the 8th house. As one astrologer put it, I'm basically a cousin to scorpios lol.

Basically the only way I evolve is through tragic events. I read that people with the sun in the 8th house have lives that constantly fall apart, and are built back up again. Constant death and rebirth. I've had to deal with 8 deaths of close loved ones in the past 5 years, and every single death has evolved me more into a stronger/better person. It's always tragic events that really mold me. It's like life knows I'm being too comfortable, so it has to shake me up and get me focused again.
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
I'm not a Scorpio, but I'm a Scorpio dominant with my sun in the 8th house. As one astrologer put it, I'm basically a cousin to scorpios lol.

Basically the only way I evolve is through tragic events. I read that people with the sun in the 8th house have lives that constantly fall apart, and are built back up again. Constant death and rebirth. I've had to deal with 8 deaths of close loved ones in the past 5 years, and every single death has evolved me more into a stronger/better person. It's always tragic events that really mold me. It's like life knows I'm being too comfortable, so it has to shake me up and get me focused again.
Now this helped a lot! I don't know my time of birth or houses but I swear this sounds like me... thank you for sharing and so so sorry for your loss... I always say in order to truly live, you have to experience death whether it be of your older self or loved ones at some point ❤️

Posted by Astrology101
I wouldn't call it evolving.

I am just growing up.

And every adversity I go through makes me stronger.
Very great way to put it
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
I'm not a Scorpio, but I'm a Scorpio dominant with my sun in the 8th house. As one astrologer put it, I'm basically a cousin to scorpios lol.

Basically the only way I evolve is through tragic events. I read that people with the sun in the 8th house have lives that constantly fall apart, and are built back up again. Constant death and rebirth. I've had to deal with 8 deaths of close loved ones in the past 5 years, and every single death has evolved me more into a stronger/better person. It's always tragic events that really mold me. It's like life knows I'm being too comfortable, so it has to shake me up and get me focused again.
Now this helped a lot! I don't know my time of birth or houses but I swear this sounds like me... thank you for sharing and so so sorry for your loss... I always say in order to truly live, you have to experience death whether it be of your older self or loved ones at some point ❤️

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I'm glad that I could help a bit. smile It's funny, another thing that I read about this placement was that 8th house suns have to die and rebirth because they are people who have to help others through their own experiences. It's a good placement for psychologists. I completely agree with you... life constantly kills you and brings you back to life, but in the end it's only to make you stronger
It's inevitable for Scorpio placements and 8th house placements to go through death, literal and metaphorical in order to reach the Phoenix stage.

Unfortunately I read somewhere that it's quite rare for people with either placements to reach that stage.

My dad passed away suddenly last Saturday. A cancer survivor who was killed by a heart attack instead. Throughout his life I've had a very Rocky yet detached relationship with him. I couldn't stand his Libra non-confrontational ways.We rarely saw eye to eye on most things and mostly avoided talking to each other for fear of getting into never ending arguments.

"What do you get when 2 fixed moons argue?

Answer : Nowhere."

He was an Aqua moon.

This morning my mum got into an argument with a granduncle. He said something that upset her. Throughout the heated argument I said nothing and kept my cool. Which is rare when it comes to my mum.

On our way to the funeral parlour my granduncle said something about me not losing my temper.

I surprised myself when I replied that I'm more like my father.

Before his death, never in a million years would I have admitted that I was anything like him.

Kind of strange how death changes people. We learn and subsequently evolve from the end.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Why are your tits so huge. Damn.
????? DDs .... ask my momma ?
They're not fake?
Nope! Was a C then got bigger after my kids. ??‍♀️
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Really??? You saying my C can become DD too once I've kids??? Cool to know I've hope ??

I've noticed a lot of scorpios have a rough start to their life. I had a pretty shitty childhood with a war veteran dad beating the fuck outta my mum & my brothers. Those are my first memories as a kid, so I grew very protective of my loved ones at an early age. Unfortunately this pattern followed me, I ended up with a 19 year old abusive guy when I was 15. Stuck with him until I was 18 and decided to be brave like my mum was when she left my dad. I got out and decided I was done not being able to defend myself, so I got into martial arts and now me & my current boyfriend do it together every week smile. My mum was the one who gave me a scorpio necklace when I was 5 yrs old, saying the scorpio portrays the phoenix rising from the ashes. It's a good thing to remember everytime things get tough!
Posted by Scorpino
I have 6 placements in scorpio and I evolve no matter the situation, good or bad. I just feel the need to evolve into a better person. Whether small or big, important or not so important, little details or major flaws, it just has to happen. ?
Yes so on point ?? Thanks for sharing
Posted by scorpiosnow
I've noticed a lot of scorpios have a rough start to their life. I had a pretty shitty childhood with a war veteran dad beating the fuck outta my mum & my brothers. Those are my first memories as a kid, so I grew very protective of my loved ones at an early age. Unfortunately this pattern followed me, I ended up with a 19 year old abusive guy when I was 15. Stuck with him until I was 18 and decided to be brave like my mum was when she left my dad. I got out and decided I was done not being able to defend myself, so I got into martial arts and now me & my current boyfriend do it together every week smile. My mum was the one who gave me a scorpio necklace when I was 5 yrs old, saying the scorpio portrays the phoenix rising from the ashes. It's a good thing to remember everytime things get tough!
Wooow ? I felt like I lived your life! So similar! And funny 18 is when I finally broke from the abusive men as well... yes I agree it's like our life always start out rough like it's meant to be that way to prepare us to be tough and protect... many are here for different things and our purpose may be just that ❤️ Thank you for sharing

Posted by Teena
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Why are your tits so huge. Damn.
????? DDs .... ask my momma ?
They're not fake?
Nope! Was a C then got bigger after my kids. ??‍♀️


Really??? You saying my C can become DD too once I've kids??? Cool to know I've hope ??

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Noooooo don't do it ???? I want a reduction damn it ?

Posted by Ram416
It's inevitable for Scorpio placements and 8th house placements to go through death, literal and metaphorical in order to reach the Phoenix stage.

Unfortunately I read somewhere that it's quite rare for people with either placements to reach that stage.

My dad passed away suddenly last Saturday. A cancer survivor who was killed by a heart attack instead. Throughout his life I've had a very Rocky yet detached relationship with him. I couldn't stand his Libra non-confrontational ways.We rarely saw eye to eye on most things and mostly avoided talking to each other for fear of getting into never ending arguments.

"What do you get when 2 fixed moons argue?

Answer : Nowhere."

He was an Aqua moon.

This morning my mum got into an argument with a granduncle. He said something that upset her. Throughout the heated argument I said nothing and kept my cool. Which is rare when it comes to my mum.

On our way to the funeral parlour my granduncle said something about me not losing my temper.

I surprised myself when I replied that I'm more like my father.

Before his death, never in a million years would I have admitted that I was anything like him.

Kind of strange how death changes people. We learn and subsequently evolve from the end.
Omg... what a story! And yes I so feel like I'm evolving into my father! Which is hated with a vengeance but his lessons were beneficial to me. Now I feel like my dad embodied but my mothers heart and soul. It's hard to explain but I know you understand. Your story was touching.. and a realization of the transformation without even realizing it... believe it or not it was always happening... I think we just got used to it like a "norm" for us... where as anyone else without these placements or houses may look at us like this is crazy making. Sorry for your loss by the way. i know exactly what you're going through... it's never gets easier you just hide it more as time goes on.

Posted by EnochtheWise
Death and constant upheaval is the standard for me also, especially lately....just lost 2 members of my fam within the last month and I know a third who I am closest to, is on her way out....she had a serious stroke and lost eyesight, control of half her body, ability to walk etc. Been grieving in unhealthy ways over it. I know she will be with me like you said though...we talked about it and have made was a guide in this life and will still be in the next...
Sorry for your losses... I strongly feel she will... it's like they become apart of us somehow.. I really feel like I get the strength from my mom... but when she was here I was weaker like so dependent... even though in everyone's eyes I was stronger I didn't "feel" that way but I think I didn't understand my purpose then, when she died it's like she pushed me.. I woke up one day a changed person. Get ready for it.
Posted by LibraMudra
There is no better feeling than conquering the darkest corner. Enrichment for the soul and wisdom to turn to in moments where it all seems impossible. Been there before. Got this. Ride it out with determination.
Thank you ❤️
Posted by Scorpio84
My life changed to the extreme in just 1 year after many years of being sheltered since a kid... ~_~
You're about to be in for a ride of your life... get ready ?
Posted by lionspark
my mom is an example- she's been through too much and she raised me and my sis single handedly. never relied on my dad. when i was growing up hence we didnt get along before, i could never see things from her perspective. now i can, and she's amazing
???????? its funny how we are smart when we are young but never fully have the "knowledge" until you sorta feel like (damn if I was younger I wouldn't have asked for so much knowing what she was going through)..... treasure that.. that's amazing for a woman to be able to do on her own ❤️
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by EnochtheWise
Death and constant upheaval is the standard for me also, especially lately....just lost 2 members of my fam within the last month and I know a third who I am closest to, is on her way out....she had a serious stroke and lost eyesight, control of half her body, ability to walk etc. Been grieving in unhealthy ways over it. I know she will be with me like you said though...we talked about it and have made was a guide in this life and will still be in the next...
Sorry for your losses... I strongly feel she will... it's like they become apart of us somehow.. I really feel like I get the strength from my mom... but when she was here I was weaker like so dependent... even though in everyone's eyes I was stronger I didn't "feel" that way but I think I didn't understand my purpose then, when she died it's like she pushed me.. I woke up one day a changed person. Get ready for it.
What you just described is what I expect exactly....I believe we even agree to take this journey in groups, before we come here....

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Oh my... what such true words... we agreed to have this life before we ever got here. I'm gonna make sure that my kids learn these things... this is such an eye opener.

Posted by Teena
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Why are your tits so huge. Damn.
????? DDs .... ask my momma ?
They're not fake?
Nope! Was a C then got bigger after my kids. ??‍♀️


Really??? You saying my C can become DD too once I've kids??? Cool to know I've hope ??

Noooooo don't do it ???? I want a reduction damn it ?

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LOL! C's ftw then ??

I have become stronger and more mature after each death, fire, car accident, near death experience, relationship breakup, loss of friends, backstabbing, betrayal etc

Also, i have found my spiritual strength and faith in a universal power and after life has increased

If that is being evolved....then yes
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
It's not a Scorpio thing, it's a human thing.
I'll agree but some people are just "normal" they get over it and move on or just fall apart ... in an astrology sense, trust me if you look at the ones who truly made a difference in their life or came out the toughest or even better...resilient, chances are they have some sort of Scorpio energy.
Posted by MyStarsShine
I have become stronger and more mature after each death, fire, car accident, near death experience, relationship breakup, loss of friends, backstabbing, betrayal etc

Also, i have found my spiritual strength and faith in a universal power and after life has increased

If that is being evolved....then yes
Yep ❤️
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
It's not a Scorpio thing, it's a human thing.
I'll agree but some people are just "normal" they get over it and move on or just fall apart ... in an astrology sense, trust me if you look at the ones who truly made a difference in their life or came out the toughest or even better...resilient, chances are they have some sort of Scorpio energy.
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you might want to do more research into aspects. placements alone don't tell the whole story.
Posted by Ram416
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
It's not a Scorpio thing, it's a human thing.
I'll agree but some people are just "normal" they get over it and move on or just fall apart ... in an astrology sense, trust me if you look at the ones who truly made a difference in their life or came out the toughest or even better...resilient, chances are they have some sort of Scorpio energy.
you might want to do more research into aspects. placements alone don't tell the whole story.
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Whatever it's called lol... but you can enlighten me if you'd like... like the house or representation of evolving from the ash in astrology. I would love to look into it.

Sorry to hear about the passing of your dad...a very difficult thing to lose a parent


Posted by EnochtheWise
Death and constant upheaval is the standard for me also, especially lately....just lost 2 members of my fam within the last month and I know a third who I am closest to, is on her way out....she had a serious stroke and lost eyesight, control of half her body, ability to walk etc. Been grieving in unhealthy ways over it. I know she will be with me like you said though...we talked about it and have made was a guide in this life and will still be in the next...
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the theme of scorpio is regeneration/rebirth

Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
It's not a Scorpio thing, it's a human thing.
I'll agree but some people are just "normal" they get over it and move on or just fall apart ... in an astrology sense, trust me if you look at the ones who truly made a difference in their life or came out the toughest or even better...resilient, chances are they have some sort of Scorpio energy.
I disagree. You are just buying into the bullshit peddled about Scorpios on the internet. I am willing to bet a million dollars that not every person who made a difference in their life or came out of the toughest or even better... resilient, were Scorpios. Some were but not all. Humans have come along a long way since the beginning to survive all the obstacles thrown in their way. I guarantee you it took all types of astrological energies to do it.
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Don't understand the animosity??? I already said to send me the info to reasearch to see if they possibly have some Scorpio traits ... why are you hear on an astrology site if you don't believe in it? Nonetheless if you have any proof or research please pass it along. Thanks.

Posted by bebelou
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the theme of scorpio is regeneration/rebirth

Amen ???❤️