scorpios good on bed?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by lovely77 on Tuesday, December 29, 2015 and has 15 replies.
Whats the hype about them being good in bed? They are ok.
Not good at all in my experience, even when chemistry is present. Still love them though.
Totally different experience than you guys...........
I'm best on roller blades.
Posted by WhiteChocolate
There's nothing more dangerous than losing your footing while covered in half-melted Crisco.

Posted by WhiteChocolate
Posted by FrostAndBite
Posted by PhoenixRising
I'm best on roller blades.

Advanced placement. We're gettin mobile now!

This would be great for lazy men...just roll her back and forth....back and forth....
click to expand

Exactly. Scorps are the sex gods after all. Can't expect everyone else to keep up.
Lovely, don't believe the hype. It is what you and the person make it. If the person is interested in more than bussin' then it will be enjoyable.

Best lover wasn't a Scorp.
Posted by WhiteChocolate
I'd worry about thrusting a little too violently during the money shot...she might go rolling across the room if you can't hold on tightly enough with those Crisco hands.

OMG, I just spit out my water, laughing so hard - thank you for that visual!! That's awesome!! Big Grin
Typo in bed not on bed lmao
Posted by WhiteChocolate
I'd worry about thrusting a little too violently during the money shot...she might go rolling across the room if you can't hold on tightly enough with those Crisco hands.

Laughing!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I spit out my tea!
Posted by lovely77
Typo in bed not on bed lmao

We know. Welcome to the Scorp board Devil.
Dont make me laugh lol @whitechocolate @frostandbite
Posted by WhiteChocolate
Posted by FrostAndBite
Posted by PhoenixRising
I'm best on roller blades.

Advanced placement. We're gettin mobile now!

This would be great for lazy men...just roll her back and forth....back and forth....
click to expand

^^^^^ When Scorpio Man is just not enough
for me the best sex I ever had was someone who was Sun Scorp and Venus Scorp (I am the same) and all that angst and body and soul depth is what made it just so hot.

I think it's just the combination of two people! I have slept with guys I was told were amazing and I thought it was below average.

It's all mental connection for me