Scorpios...let's talk about the 'sting'.

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by candlz on Friday, October 6, 2006 and has 12 replies.
Time to brag a bit. What 'sting'are you most proud of? Did it get the results you were hoping for?
I'm not sure what you mean. I try not to sting to much. It winds up hurting people's feeling and then I feel bad.
Sometimes I'll say something cold to somebody, and I don't know why, and I feel terrible.
I am not proud of any of my stinger.
I SWEAR I'm a nice person Sad
well baby girl, we don't talk about this, it's against the scorpio anthem. hint= this is the reason people may hate us, we don't want to go around bragging about it, now. I think the sting is subtle, hell half the time we don't know if it's coming, it just happens. It's our special defense mechanism. That's why you are getting responses thus far, such as, " I don't like to sting , cause it hurts people's feelings". I agree , I hate when people get on my bad side , becasue I got a defense mechanism for that azz, and it's uncontrollable, plus it's hurts people's feelings in the end, they just don't ever get over it. I have had many people not forgive me or stop talking to me , because their feelings was hurt by the sting. People just don't forget and forgive as fast AS I DO.!!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD HAVE TO SAY, I;M GLAD I GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO DEFEND MYSELF, BUT I'M NOT PROUD OF THE RESULTS, PEOPLE DO GET HURT!! THIS SOUNDS LIKE A QUESTION A OCTOBER SCORPIO WOULD ASK! =HINT
oh, I love his desert rose song. Who's the backup singer lady, her voice is gorgeous!
LOL @ JD..
I don't really care much about the stinger its there and whoever annoys me will feel it but thats about it..I don't go all out there and promote it or anything.
Atlantic Myst-I'm sorry you are hurting Sad Scorpios and Geminis are a horrible pair! In my opinion
the scorp can only sting so & so many times- then their victim is a robot and will torture them. heheWinking
Well I have a rising scorpio and my favorite sting was at work. I was in the sales force and a co-worker stabbed me in the back pretty badly. She was jealous I believe because I was to be considered for promotion before her due to more education. I could have cared less about it. I don't have airs about that sort of thing and figured that if she wanted the opportunity she should have prepared for it---hell, the company pays for that sort of thing and she's been here for 14 years. I am about 10 years younger than her as well which I believe added to her venom. At any rate, she really drug my name through the mud and tried to get me fired. She particularly got a lot done while I was on vacation.
I was taken aback initially because I was always nice to her and very supportive. I covered her back (we covered each others' areas while the other was on vacations) when customers were upset, and I always broke my wallet out whenever her kids were selling something for girl scouts or whatever. So my cancer heart was slightly hurt but my gemini moon quickly got over the hurt and my scorpio rising began to raise the stinger, accompanied by some pretty heavy, swift, and sharp cancer claws.
Before she knew it, I had invited our manager to lunch where I got another employee to gang up on her as far as her character and how she was poisonous to the morale on the team. Within 30 days I was promoted and she got banished to an on-site sales position at the very high-strung Fox Studios lot doing menial customer service tasks for prima donna entertainment types. There was also a 2 hour 1-way commute from home. I was promoted the week after she got transfered. To add icing to the cake, she had to deal with EM 3 or 4 times while scurrying about on her do-girl duties.
lol...never f!@ $ with a cancer that has a scorpio rising and a gemini moon.....we'll luv ya to death but cross us and you're toast with no remorse.
deal with EM = deal with still get a rush remembering the event---got excited and made a typo.
CancerLA , i'm sorry to say this but ,you're a stupid B****.!!!!!! I have never met someone so happy to have done someone wrong, but a gemini, hello! That is not only her Karma but your karma your messing with , hon! that's your karma. first of all you don't have a stinger , i don't care what your rising is, that rising , moon , sign bull crap is just for entertainment, sun signs dominate all.! anyhow it's earthly anyway , not metaphysical. Secondly, not only did she try and play you with evil , but instead of being a woman about it and speaking on it, you fought fire with fire instead of putting it out, old water sign , you! yeah whatever. You not only made yourself seem so nice, hard working and righteous in the beginning of your story but you ended up showing yourself to be more of a b**** then the lady who was supposedly trying to get you in trouble at work. If that lady truely directly tried to get you fired , then why didn't you advertise the situation instead of fear it. you got scared , fearing that your dirty laundry would be aired, you're not as good as you make your self seem , sweety. Thirdly , what woman addresses a womans children in her rational mind and story after plotting and succeeding at ruining that ladies life. She has CHILDREN FOR GODS SAKE.!!! how about you? you should have let THE MOST HIGH HANDLE THAT SITUATION, GOD! god will protect his children. you worked with enemy on that one , and now your congratulating and patting yourself on the back, you and the enemy, just having coffee together , right!!??? and lastly, what person analyzes a sting? yeah someone who doesn't have one. the sting is subtle, honey you don't know the half of the power, because you would be matture and humble if so. plus what person in this world is happy to have a sting, that they used to tear someone down? You are just an (a** hole). there is no stinger in you. I agree with ms_morals= morals, "it's there i don't brag about it , but if you mess with me , you'll see it". plus, if you knew anything , scops are not for your pleasure and , scoprs have claws too, duh! you sound like a broke down cancer , nothing more, your rising sign is not in you, it just happened, it just didn't happen to you. you sound like a cancer , only cancers are happy with hurting people , because they are weak deep down inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I pray for that lady who has to work so far away from home and who now has a terrible job! I pity you , the evil per
"I still get a rush remembering the event---got excited and made a typo."
what person gets a rush about doing someone wrong? hey i have an answer teacher, an ass! YAE! 5 points for FLYGYRLCHI...