Scorpios need clear direction!

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by ScorpioFemale79 on Monday, July 22, 2013 and has 13 replies.
So while I'm trying to deal with the Aqua man and his unconventional ways, I'm trying to get out and just meet people so I don't focus so much on him and maybe I'll find someone else in the process. Through friends I met this one guy (not sure of his sign) and he's cute but he's also quiet. He's not shy...he very much is social but he just doesn't talk alot. He listens moreso.
As a Scorpio, I find this a tough thing to handle because I'm used to being that way. Because I'm introspective, I rely on the reactions, conversations and actions of others to guage what kind of person they are and how I should interact with them.
But with this gentleman...I don't know how to handle him or talk to him. He's very hard to read and I practically have to do 55-60% of the initiating. We have some things in common but I just find it weird that I don't know where I stand with him because of his minimal socializing. He probably is naturally introverted but he's initiated half the time before.
It's hard to describe but its driving me nuts. When we all hung out yesterday I asked a friend of mine to be my wingwoman if we find I'm having a hard time getting this to go from friends to a date. But she was so busy with her crush she didn't even nothing happened, I barely even got to talk to him.
Any ideas on what I can do?
If he annoys you now at this extend, believe me... it will not get any better later.
Why do you even bother with him?

That would piss me off so much!! Lol but I guess you're just gonna have to be the initiator most of the time. You'll have to start and carry the conversation, you'll have to initiate physical contact, and you might have to ask him on a date.
Posted by FUM
If he annoys you now at this extend, believe me... it will not get any better later.
Why do you even bother with him?

This! I'm irritated just reading about him, so I wouldn't waste my time. But if you want him, you're gonna have to get him.
yea this has happened to me too. I think it has a lot to do with your mercury sign. I am very quiet and introspective (i have merc in scorp), but my girl scorp friend is very chatty (she has merc in sag).
A few months ago i met a guy that was into me and i wasnt too into him but i decided to hang out with him. i could tell he was 'observing' me. He didnt talk much then he had the nerve to say i was very quiet! i was thinking, no actually you are. Never found out what his sign was but pretty sure he was an earth sign, i guess virgo. Anywho hanging out with him there were a lot of awkward silences and it made me uncomfortable. then later he said he likes to oberved so i was annoyed he was trying to play that game on me :p
i agree with fum, it will probably not get any better so all a matter of how much you want to continue any type of relationship with him.
@OP: while I'm not a Scorp I have quite a few placements. I relate to what you're experiencing. Patience my friend.
Be friends and don't put so much into reading him. Relax. He may pick up on your intense energy and it causes him to not open up. If he's trying to initiate, it means he interested. Give it time.
Oh I'm not annoyed by him, I'm just frustrated I have no idea what to do. Even when all of us hang out together its hard to even tell if he's having a good time unless he laughs. I guess that's y I am lost ... I don't know how to proceed. I think but the way he talks when you say something to him you'd think he was not interested in talking to you them a of a sudden hell day something like "I noticed you were planning on going to xyz, have you gone yet?" Which surprised me because I didn't think he noticed/paid attention. Arg!
Posted by ScorpioFemale79
Oh I'm not annoyed by him, I'm just frustrated I have no idea what to do. Even when all of us hang out together its hard to even tell if he's having a good time unless he laughs. I guess that's y I am lost ... I don't know how to proceed. I think but the way he talks when you say something to him you'd think he was not interested in talking to you them a of a sudden hell day something like "I noticed you were planning on going to xyz, have you gone yet?" Which surprised me because I didn't think he noticed/paid attention. Arg!

When a guy pays attention to details of what you've said on other days, and follows up on them, he's interested. Winking
Posted by Draumstafir
Posted by ScorpioFemale79
Oh I'm not annoyed by him, I'm just frustrated I have no idea what to do. Even when all of us hang out together its hard to even tell if he's having a good time unless he laughs. I guess that's y I am lost ... I don't know how to proceed. I think but the way he talks when you say something to him you'd think he was not interested in talking to you them a of a sudden hell day something like "I noticed you were planning on going to xyz, have you gone yet?" Which surprised me because I didn't think he noticed/paid attention. Arg!

When a guy pays attention to details of what you've said on other days, and follows up on them, he's interested. Winking
click to expand

Idk it could be coincidence. I was talking to my wing woman friend who was too busy being distracted by her crush to help me that nite... She did say he tried to sit next to me at the theatre and dinner...I keep telling her it was coincidence. It's just how the seats ended up. It's not like he spoke to me at all that night but this whole not being outgoing thing is new to me.
I'm usually the quiet one not the guy and when I have made attempts and said things to him he doesn't answer in a way I expect (something shyish) he says it in after of fact way. I may be assuming that but idk it's a look I perceive as him thinking I'm weird so that's y that night I just focused on talking to the others I didn't wanna make it seem like I was clingy
You've met a shy guy. Treat him like a shy guy. Don't come on too strong or you'll scare him off, but don't just assume he's not interested or thinks poorly of you. Unfortunately there's very little to go on. But I'm going to stand by with how careless most people can be about the going's on of others' lives, he did take note of something you said, and he did ask how it went. And that's pretty cool. smile
He might be too shy for you, since you're used to being the shy one. Although this can also show you how others might feel when they wonder if you like them or not! But if you initiate a little (without pushing), like ask him about something that's going on with him... he might open up. You might like what you find. Or you might not. Time will tell. Sorry, very little sign-related info right now 0:-)
Posted by Draumstafir
You've met a shy guy. Treat him like a shy guy. Don't come on too strong or you'll scare him off, but don't just assume he's not interested or thinks poorly of you. Unfortunately there's very little to go on. But I'm going to stand by with how careless most people can be about the going's on of others' lives, he did take note of something you said, and he did ask how it went. And that's pretty cool. smile
He might be too shy for you, since you're used to being the shy one. Although this can also show you how others might feel when they wonder if you like them or not! But if you initiate a little (without pushing), like ask him about something that's going on with him... he might open up. You might like what you find. Or you might not. Time will tell. Sorry, very little sign-related info right now 0:-)

Well I do know he's a nice guy very helpful/chivalrous and yeah that was pretty cool...but he's inquisitive sometimes anyway so its not like I think he hasn't been curious with others. If it was consistent enough then yeah I'd agree with you. I have initiated several times not only to continue getting him to talk more than he does but also to find out about him becuase he never just talks about himself, he has asked questions before but its like a friend of mine said that several of us including him are going to a bar for their trivia nite...I do know he's not much of a drinker and he isn't the trivia type (he's said this)...he's still going that could be a plus for me becuase there were other things this week he knew about that we were doing but didn't come so who knows.
Maybe he just is chicken shit lol.
8 of us went to a bar's trivia nite including shy guy and he was more talkative with everyone today but if it wasn't for this drunk dude bothering me constantly that a friend brought I wouldn't have lost focus on mr shy guy
I don't know when I'll see him again =\. I don't wanna scare the guy but I don't want to waste time
We did win trivia nite tho!!
So I haven't seen him in a while so I decided to email him because I don't have his # so I told him that me and some mutual friends are going to see an art walk and then go have dinner then a midnight showing of some cheesy since fiction film...and asked if he was going and if not he should come and that I would love it if he did.
He replied but he was talking about this book we both talked about a few weeks ago and how we both were going to buy it but anyway the reply was about the book and how he read the first chapter so far and talked about what he thought about it and that's about it.
LOL I don't know how to respond to that, he didn't answer my question lol. He's super dense probably. So I replied to the book reference then I re-invited him again.
Hopefully he gets the hint. ARG!

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