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Jan 31, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 173 · Topics: 10
Okay, for my situtation my scorpio can be really moody and I just dont know how to take it all the time. For example he just goes into these moods where he doesnt talk to me for a day or 2 sometimes 3 (Its a long distant relationship for now). & I dont always know if I did something to bring on those mood swings, like if I said something wrong. He says its not me, but this recent mood swing right now, Im sure it was because of me. I text, I call, I do anything to get his attention. Every time he goes into these moods he always came back, but everytime he does it I still always panic and freak out that he's gonna leave me and not come back.
But then I think I should just take his mood swings as like a lil break, a lil alone time for myself, but I cant help but think that he could be talking to someone else, which he has never done by the way, or a zillion other things. I think the absoulte worse sometimes. Does this mean that Im too needy for his attention?
So I guess in all my question is, why does he go into these mood swings(is it just a way for him to get away?),how should I handle these mood swings and not get so hurt when Im not getting attention from him.
Opinions from everyone would be really helpfull, espically the scorpio guys.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
"Every time he goes into these moods he always came back..."
Then you're worrying yourself needlessly.
"Does this mean that Im too needy for his attention?"
Maybe... are you a Cancer Woman??
"...why does he go into these mood swings..."
No one knows -- not even Scorps themselves.
"how should I handle these mood swings and not get so hurt when Im not getting attention from him."
You're in an LDR (Long Distance Relationship), right? The first day you don't hear from him, leave him alone. Second & subsequent days, send him a brief e-mail or a funny eCard once a day, but don't overdo it.
I'm not a Scorp, but I am a Virg with Scorp Rising, and I can be moody, too. It's usually No One's Fault, and I suspect it's the same with your Scorp, so don't take it personally. I'm also married to a Scorpio Woman. Early in our courtship, if she was upset about something, she'd tell me, "It's not you." Now that we've been together for a while, I know when It's Me, and when It's God Knows What But Thank God It's Not Me.
If you two lived together, you'd soon learn the difference. LDRs are tough! Good Luck!!
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Jan 31, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 173 · Topics: 10
Thank you so much! Im a pisces woman. I think at times Im a bit clingy so when I dont get attention from him Im not happy and panic. But I know that I have to give him space. But thank you for your help! lol If you have more please tell!
I do do those things like the 2nd day send somthing funny, but even doing that he still doesnt say anything. But I put up with all this because I love him.
For the long distance relationship, it is tough, but we do plan on living together. He knows I dont like when he does this and says that I should be put on a pedastal for putting up with him. I just always panic that he's going to leave :-\ But thank god for astrology or Id be so confused to why he does certain things. I know that when he goes into these moods he still like "checks up" on me. We both play xbox, and he'll log on to the xbox website to see if Im on playing a game or something.
When scorpios are in love do the have trouble expressing how much they love a person?
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
"When scorpios are in love do the have trouble expressing how much they love a person? "
Know that's comment either
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Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
So I guess in all my question is, why does he go into these mood swings(is it just a way for him to get away?),how should I handle these mood swings and not get so hurt when Im not getting attention from him.
Sometimes it's a little thing called 'life'. He might be busy with work or other things and most(notice I said 'most')guys don't find the need to communicate with their loved one as gals do.
I highly doubt he is trying to get away as you say.
For you, just get on with your own life, spend time with your friends, family, etc. I know that's easier said than done, especially when that man is the only thing on your mind. If you keep texting, calling, etc. he will see you as clingy. DON'T!! Be independent and mysterious...Scorps love that!!
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Astrologer Susan Miller says: "Your intense and mysterious lover needs privacy -- something you can relate to well. Getting away to quiet places together often is a good idea. Scorpio is a water sign like Pisces, so you share the same element. Like you, Scorpios often have to return to places near water to renew themselves and prepare again to take on the world."
I'm a Virgo, so I understand my Scorp's need for HER TIME, and I leave her alone.
"When scorpios are in love do the have trouble expressing how much they love a person?"
In person? Hell no! (Ever heard the Led Zeppelin song, Whole Lotta Love?)
On the phone, or across the Internet? Yeah, it's tougher. Scorps aren't verbal, they're emotional, and that's hard to convey other than face to face.
One more SM tidbit: "If you are up to Scorpio's intensity this can be an invigorating pairing. Scorpio will expand your entire spectrum of feeling. My bet is you'll love it, and your Scorpio will too."
You're a feeling sign, and so is he. As a Virg, I imagine the LDR thing is tougher on y'all than it is on us Earthers, but even I felt the urge to be clingy with my Scorp -- got her to move in with me before we got married! So, I sympathize with your feelings.
Signed Up:
Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
"I guess some men get pms too."
Yeah, but you'll never get us to admit to it...
"My Scorpio never gets moody."
Count yourself very lucky! I was way moodier as a teenager than my Scorp Brother, but he seems to be catching up with me as we get older...
Signed Up:
Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
You're welcome!
You weren't around DXP back when I started dating my Scorp. The folks here really helped me figure mine out, and we wound up getting married, so it's cool for me to be able to help, too!
I don't know your Scorp, but the ones I know are worth the effort.
Good Luck!
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
LEAVE HIM TO DEAL WITH HIS the only way trust me on that....I hate it when people start pestering me or asking questions when I am in a'll more than likely encounter a very sharp and horrid response back...
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Yes he must be...when we are moody we have the right to pick on you and just generally piss you off, but don't be thinking of doing that to us..or your dead!...but yes your one must be a calm one. Bless his cotton boxers
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
I am fairly even-tempered and I have some difficulty dealing with those who are moody.
You have my sympathies.