Scorpios--what is your take on Donald Trump?

This topic was created in the Donald Trump forum by BrightLight on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 and has 21 replies.
Interested in finding out what Scorps think about Donald Trump and the fact he might become President.

Don't hold back. Tell it like you see it. Thanks. smile
He's an idiot, but I actually like him. Not that I agree with his perspective of things, but he is honest in how he feels and stands by what he believes and won't be shook by others.He offends with ease and could care less about political correctness. I won't vote for him,t but that comes off more genuine to me and I honestly respect that.
I apologize in advance. He is extremely egotistical and arrogant, but apparently has that gemini charm and comes off as likable to people. He strikes me as a typical Gemini bullshitter. Gemini's are good at spouting the bs and thinking that they have everyone fooled. To me, he is not trustworthy at all as he spins everything according to what he wants us to believe and what benefits him. It doesn't seem premeditated, devious, or intentionally malicious, it's just natural for him. A lot of hot air. In general he is too mercurial to be taken seriously or to be given power and authority over people. A leader should be level-headed, patient, and objective.
Also, most importantly, he is full of hatred and therefore should NOT be in power.
I wish he would stop talking. He's showing the world that Americans are self absorbed fools that don't know anything outside of our bubble. Though to be honest that ship sailed long ago. Most of the world think's we're ignorant idiots

He's honest I suppose but he's made a mockery of politics, not that it wasn't before, and has brought the worse out to rally in support of him. He's adding fuel of hatred to a new generation and I want him to shut up.

He doesn't think before he talks and people eat it up believing it hook line and sinker. I could go on but I would just start to repeat myself.
My scorp thinks Trump is a bored old rich man who is running for president just for shits and giggles.
He likely won't get voted in, he knows that, but he is getting the spotlight he loves.
Posted by WhiteChocolate
Anyone who thinks Trump is just "telling it like it is" or is a straight shooter probably needs to do some research...

He actually lies with greater frequency than most career politicians.

EDIT: and if anyone thinks even HALF of what he says are his true beliefs, you might want to rethink that. He's created a persona that plays to the fears and insecurities of the lowest common denominator.

I agree and disagree. He lies, clearly he does not only as a CEO and now a candidate, but there are things like his own bigoted opinion that I genuinely thinks he believes. At the same time he does change his opinions and beliefs. While this can be fake it could just be a natural progression. Regardless I think he believes everything that comes out of his mouth in the moment which makes it a contradiction of truth and lie.

However it doesn't matter the end result is that he is inflaming people either with passion or disgust and that's the reaction he desires. How else would he be talked about?
Posted by BrightLight
Interested in finding out what Scorps think about Donald Trump and the fact he might become President.

Don't hold back. Tell it like you see it. Thanks. smile

He can't be bought by corrupt bastards, if anyone can figure out why this country is broke and fix it.. it will be him.

Doesn't mean I'm gonna vote for him, I'll make my mind up when the other idiots drop out and get out of the way. Then the real shit hits the fan. Winking
He also respects every man and woman in the military and veterans.

Big plus there^^
this question
does not apply.
Puppet of reptilian overlords
fawk Trump
Posted by LetltB
Posted by BrightLight
Interested in finding out what Scorps think about Donald Trump and the fact he might become President.

Don't hold back. Tell it like you see it. Thanks. smile

He can't be bought by corrupt bastards, if anyone can figure out why this country is broke and fix it.. it will be him.

Doesn't mean I'm gonna vote for him, I'll make my mind up when the other idiots drop out and get out of the way. Then the real shit hits the fan. Winking

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See--I can't even buy this argument though. Because the man is an investor and he buys real estate. He probably has mortgages up his ass.

My point? Trump knows how to buy something first--pay later. Like ALL the people he's going to get to financially payback AFTER the election. He's putting the money upfront but you can bet your ass that Trump will still be looking for payback. For instance--ooohh favorable zoning laws in Vegas for all his shit and WAM! he signs an executive order allowing a no tax zone in Vegas for all his buddies down there. Crap like that. I can see it clear as day in my mind.

He's going to rack every part of our economy in favor of The Donald. That's going to mean raping and pillaging our natural resources which his steeple will be convinced is GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY. @.@

I see us selling out our resources to the rest of world--can you say The Great Lakes?

In the end, our economy MIGHT get a little better short term. Long term we will be screwed and everyone will be up in arms over the loss of our natural resources.

And that's just one example how a trump Presidency is going to rape our country.

But--go ahead and believe his shit...
Posted by BrightLight
Posted by LetltB
Posted by BrightLight
Interested in finding out what Scorps think about Donald Trump and the fact he might become President.

Don't hold back. Tell it like you see it. Thanks. smile

He can't be bought by corrupt bastards, if anyone can figure out why this country is broke and fix it.. it will be him.

Doesn't mean I'm gonna vote for him, I'll make my mind up when the other idiots drop out and get out of the way. Then the real shit hits the fan. Winking

See--I can't even buy this argument though. Because the man is an investor and he buys real estate. He probably has mortgages up his ass.

My point? Trump knows how to buy something first--pay later. Like ALL the people he's going to get to financially payback AFTER the election. He's putting the money upfront but you can bet your ass that Trump will still be looking for payback. For instance--ooohh favorable zoning laws in Vegas for all his shit and WAM! he signs an executive order allowing a no tax zone in Vegas for all his buddies down there. Crap like that. I can see it clear as day in my mind.

He's going to rack every part of our economy in favor of The Donald. That's going to mean raping and pillaging our natural resources which his steeple will be convinced is GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY. @.@

I see us selling out our resources to the rest of world--can you say The Great Lakes?

In the end, our economy MIGHT get a little better short term. Long term we will be screwed and everyone will be up in arms over the loss of our natural resources.

And that's just one example how a trump Presidency is going to rape our country.

But--go ahead and believe his shit...
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Mark my word. Whoever become president, it will support israel more than any other US ally, or else they won't even get elected. smile Trump better really2 on their good side and do their bidding if wanna be president. smile
Because The Donald is reckless.

He sweet talks investors in backing him. He promises the world. Meanwhile he's winging it with less than great instincts. When it all goes belly up, he laughs. Oh well that one didn't work and he moves on to the next opportunistic investment. The people who lost money are screwed. Donny boy claims bankruptcy so he doesn't have to be responsible for his stupid ideas. Pretty much a Trump presidency.
Posted by WhiteChocolate
Posted by exo
move to canada, y'all.

let trudeau luv you.


Too cold.
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It's not that bad where I live. At least my igloo melts in July.
Posted by WhiteChocolate
Posted by GuardianAnu
Posted by WhiteChocolate
Posted by exo
move to canada, y'all.

let trudeau luv you.


Too cold.

It's not that bad where I live. At least my igloo melts in July.

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Yep smile
Posted by BrightLight
Posted by LetltB
Posted by BrightLight
Interested in finding out what Scorps think about Donald Trump and the fact he might become President.

Don't hold back. Tell it like you see it. Thanks. smile

He can't be bought by corrupt bastards, if anyone can figure out why this country is broke and fix it.. it will be him.

Doesn't mean I'm gonna vote for him, I'll make my mind up when the other idiots drop out and get out of the way. Then the real shit hits the fan. Winking

See--I can't even buy this argument though. Because the man is an investor and he buys real estate. He probably has mortgages up his ass.

My point? Trump knows how to buy something first--pay later. Like ALL the people he's going to get to financially payback AFTER the election. He's putting the money upfront but you can bet your ass that Trump will still be looking for payback. For instance--ooohh favorable zoning laws in Vegas for all his shit and WAM! he signs an executive order allowing a no tax zone in Vegas for all his buddies down there. Crap like that. I can see it clear as day in my mind.

He's going to rack every part of our economy in favor of The Donald. That's going to mean raping and pillaging our natural resources which his steeple will be convinced is GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY. @.@

I see us selling out our resources to the rest of world--can you say The Great Lakes?

In the end, our economy MIGHT get a little better short term. Long term we will be screwed and everyone will be up in arms over the loss of our natural resources.

And that's just one example how a trump Presidency is going to rape our country.

But--go ahead and believe his shit...
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I don't believe in "shit"...I'm not a sheep and I don't follow assholes. Regarding the rest of your rant... more "shit"Yawn
he's a fucking puppet being controlled by the illuminati, soon to be the antichrist
I love politically incorrect people. Why? Because usually when I heat "p.correct" it's against my interests, it calls for me "to be good" and let me fuck. P.correct is a big part of the problem we have in US and Europe.

Trump, day by day, t's the least bad can happen to you.

Hillary is a bloodless vampire, corrupt and cynical to the core. She will ruined you, so...Trump is your only option, iIthink he will be candidate. He is "innocent" in many ways but only for the wall worth. Think about it , Obama has fucked you enough.