ok so i'll try to keep this short.
i know you guys are well known for your deep penetrating eyes, and that generally when you look at a person you are analyzing them inside out. so, there's a scorpio in my life right now that i used to have deep feelings for in the past(that im not intirely sure i'm over) and we used to have this amazing eye contact..and i knew he could really see me.. who i was on the inside (and as a leo, whos so used to having people only see her for surface value..i really loved that about him). Anyway we had a really messy history where we both liked eachother but always at the wrong times...and eventually i just told him i really cared about him..but he rejected me saying it wasnt meant to be then kissed me...so i never knew where i stood with him..or if he was leading me on...he ended up out of my life after that but i always missed him..even if it was incredibly screwed up. Recently however i started dating this boy who i later found out was good friends with him...and i went for it anyway ..mainly because i really liked this new guy and partly to hurt him back for hurting me and leaving me in the middle of nowhere. Now i've been running into him alot and he acts like nothing ever happened between us and he'll make snide remarks about a hat i wear or whatever because he knows it'll get to me. also he wont look into my eyes..he avoids it.
So is that because he knows if he does he might find himself still feeling something he doesn't want to feel (because ive always won him over with my eyes)? or is it that he hates me and has no intrest in analyzing my insides any longer?
in which case i wonder how he could have the heart when he was the one that threw me away?
i still care about him..and there was a time i would have dropped everything to be with him. i dont was him to hate me and when we were all hanging out togtheri told him i missed him at work and that was the only time in the night he really looked at me.
i dont know what to do or what the eyes mean so scorps help?
Signed Up:
May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
"partly to hurt him back for hurting me and leaving me in the middle of nowhere."
You associated yourself with a friend of his and believe me, he knows you did it partly for spite. You've been stung by the scorpion stinger. He's hurt and the way he hides it is to give you the cold shoulder.
You also told him how much you cared for him and he turned you down by saying it wasn't the right time. As much as this hurts, I say you need to cut your losses and just be friends with him and nothing more. There's no point in putting out there once again only to get hurt again. If you keep hanging onto him, he will string you along. Do you really want that?
Signed Up:
Dec 19, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 103 · Topics: 14
'n yes...if ur not into the guy ur dating right now...dont be with him either...cos it sounds like ur with him just to get to see the scorp...n u might end up hurting his feelings too...
think about what u want out of life...then decide...'
It's not fair for the guy you're dating, especially that he's that scorpio's friend
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
You shacked up with his friend to get back at him? Ahem!..not a good move..Even if there was a remote chance of you guys working out, there certainly won't be one now. In this situation I would avoid eye contact simply because I was disappointed.
Accept its not going to work out with you and this scorpio and move on. He even told you so.
Always be careful with that scorpio stinger you never know when it will hit you .... he could have rejected you at the time for feeling insecure or not wanting to commit to any sort of relationship. I also belive that as a scorp. i dont like feeling pressured into anything and quickly back away..if he does still feels something he will be back in his own time..Ohh and hooking up with his friend wasnt a very good idea in my opinion.. but scorpios are said to be jelouse people soo you might be able to get a few signals towards his true feelings
Signed Up:
May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
well put, DB - especially the remark about how Scorpios feel about eye contact. I have picked up on that with the Scorp I'm dating.
Signed Up:
Aug 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 863 · Topics: 23
I don't know what's really up with the lack of eye contact situation. Mabye it is because he does know you were involved with his friend. I mean you say you did it to spite him. But darling. You only hurt yourself and drove a bigger wedge in between the two of you. So i agree with the others. Hold on to the memories. He is not going to forget that you slept with a friend of his.
We are not trying to sound judgmental but you kind of messed up...Move on.
You should have tried talking to him more just to see where his head was at before you "slept" with his friend.