Serious question for Scorpio men

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by firefox921 on Wednesday, September 12, 2018 and has 4 replies.
I hope I don't sound childlish with my question but I want some serious answers.

Will you judge a girl that openly talks to you about her sex life? She's not your girlfriend or anything, just a friend that you talk with here and there.

Will that be a red flag because the girl might seem too loose? Will you have trust issues with her?

I told my Scorpio friend some deep and private things because I feel comfortable with him but now I regret it. I like him and I cannot even look at him anymore because I feel so embarassed. Maybe I'm worrying too much but I don't want him to think I'm weird or lose his friendship because I messed up.
I told him my previous boyfriend sucked in bed and that I consider myself active intimately so to avoid cheating I left him. I know it's nothing bad but it's kind of private since him and I are not so close. Plus, I don't want him to think I might cheat on a guy if he doesn't perform well. I was honest and left my boyfriend since I felt there was nothing left to do. He was not my type
I think that so long as you're someone we trust, most Scorpios respect deep secrets because we do value our friends' trust. His interpretation of you with this information is entirely his own though, can't help you there. Why you decided to tell a Scorpio, considered the most sensual sign of the zodiac, specifically that you value a partner who is sexually competent, is what I'd like to know. He might interpret that as attraction from your end. It does sound like you're toying with the attraction between you two. Plus you're concerned about the way he views you in relationships. You did say plainly that you like him as well. lol why not just ask how to attract a Scorpio
Well the reason why I told him is because I like honesty so I should say things the way they really are. And yes, sexual intimacy is important to me. But why is this considered toying with him?

I'm a bit scared I have him the wrong message. Maybe he thinks I want to sleep with him. Ohh no 🤦‍♀️ I like him but I'm moving slow. And I also hope he doesn't think I will dump someone easily or cheat because I left my boyfriend because of this issue.

He's a little bit judgemental and has trust issues. That's why I'm concerned.