
This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Sola on Monday, December 11, 2006 and has 10 replies.
What is the Scorpio opinion of a woman who sleeps with them on the second date? It felt right and natural, im seeing him again too. Advice purlease!
But why, we are adults!! He was dropping MAJOR hints all damn night, but i still never expected it to happen..and then it just did. It was luuuurverly!! Im libra, he?s scorpio..maybe it will just be a sax thang? Here?s hoping not..i like him! Will he always expect sex now though?
Sex before a relationship is established is generally not a good idea. First couple of dates, even worse idea. First date, horrible idea... but there are exceptions smile
i dont know..i wouldnt recommend it. Not saying I havent done it but it was never anything long term. You really need to hold out on guys these days. They get enough have to do something different to keep them guessing
if it was amazing, he'll love you LOL
hahaa =D
Umm, none of the above seems to apply!!
I live abroad and the language barrier is difficult. Im sure he?s interested mainly because im "different" eg, Scottish and he is Spanish. He said i excite him, i think thats ok!! What do you suggest for dates then..we are meeting tonite and i?d rather we did something nice before we end up in bed again!!
"Im sure he?s interested mainly because im "different" eg, Scottish and he is Spanish."
What's the difference?
heheeeeeeeeeee LOL
Well, im white as a ghost and blonde!! So, forget the dark looks preference!
Dont wait, if you want sex, go get it. As long as your careful, and not too promiscuous, enjoy as much of it as you can!