Hey, I need any bit of advice I can get. I got to know this Scorpio guy online a few days ago and we sort of clicked instantly. We chatted in the phone for hours on end. But he keeps talking about sex which I'm not ready to give. And he keeps asking me if I will give it to him if we ever get together. I am uncomfortable with that line of questioning and have even told him not to push because I don't wish to rush into anything before getting to know him better. We haven't even met each other face to face yet... But he's saying that he's falling for me because he likes my personality and keeps saying that he loves me. Are all Scorpios so sexed up all the time? And so intense so quickly? I'm frankly tempted but scared of getting hurt. A bit of help pls? I'm Libran in the third decan btw.
Signed Up:
Jan 23, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 326 · Topics: 12
Sorry hun, he just wants to screw you, he's playing mind games to see what he has to say or do to get in ur pants, RUN...
Thanks, I think I know what to do now. Run. Thanks for helping to wake me up. =) Lol
What all were you talking about for 'hours on end' over the phone?
How did he react when you told him you don't want to be pushed?
Well, we would talk about almost everything under the sun. Life, our r/s experiences, plans for the future, and even politics. And of course his brand of intense 'sex questioning'. When I told him I didn't want to be pushed he kind of said he would back off but still continued to push. But when I told him that for the tenth time and said I will never give in, and it is useless for him to continue pushing, he stopped but we continued to chat about other things. He did also tell me he won't stop in his pursuit and wants a real relationship. I really enjoy talking to him and find him engaging intellectually but, still....