Should I send him a happy birthday text?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by peetred on Sunday, November 1, 2015 and has 7 replies.
I'm a Cancer and I'm seeing a Scorpio casually. He had issue with me trying to "take things too fast" in the beginning, but we are working through it and I'm trying to take things slow with him. That being said, I found out his birthday is on the 3rd, but he doesn't know that I know it's his birthday. Would it be creepy or clingy to send him a happy birthday text? I had planned on giving him something for his birthday, but have decided after our latest conversation that he's probably take it the wrong way, like I was trying to push the relationship.
It's just a happy birthday. You and dozens of other people will wish him one. Don't over analyze.
How did you discover when his birthday was? If the info is out there in public (ex. facebook) then it's really no biggie. I'd only worry if nobody else really knew.
Holy shit. The Scorpio thinks you're taking it too fast? I usually find Scorpios are the ones that want to dive in. You must be on an off the chart cling level. Oddly enough, regardless of how clingy one is, I'd actually think it'd be sweet if they sent me a birthday text because they went through the trouble of stalking me. Scorps are pro stalkers too, they should get a taste of their own medicine sometimes, y'kno?
How did you find out his birthday? A Friend? Facebook? Skype?

Text him happy birthday- Make sure you reveal your source creating transparency.

Do not buy him anything- that would be kinda creepy.
Ignore the birthday.
Unless its posted on FB.
Then just chime in with the rest.
Posted by thinktoomuch
Probably not when you need to ask. If you´d just do it and feel casual about it, then fine.
But when it becomes something a little more calcualted, I´d say no. For your own good. He´s already told you to keep it light, but analyzing wether or not to send a birthday wish is not taking it light.
Not saying, that you are not alloewed to feel, what you feel, but I speak from experience, and you are already way more into it, than he wants you to be. It will drive him away in the long run, if you don´t pull yourself back emotionally and also focus on something else.

Thanks everyone who chimed in. Especially thinktomuch, your words really hit home. You're right. I have dialed it back, but anything I do that is calculated is probably going to seem like too much right now.

And whoever said I must be ultra clingy because of his reaction as a Scorpio. Um, no. I had reasonable expectation so our relationship growing. He's extremely guarded and has been hurt in the past, so while I may have some issues with moving too fast, he also has major issue with moving anything more than a snails pace. It's complicated. But, I think there's also a reason he hasn't given up. He's asked me to give him time to figure his own stuff out, and I've agreed to try and let him do that.