Hi all, I'm new to the boards, although i have been lurking here for a few weeks. I find all the posts interesting and can relate to alot of them.
I need to vent! and i am looking for answers in regard to my scorpio ex. We had been together just over a year. This is the 3rd time he has broken up with me due to the same reasons ie: unsure if it is possible to have a future together as he may have to leave the country and he has some health concerns. We have been apart now for 3 months, which is the longest time. Up until month 2 we had no contact at all until i decided to call him. I asked him why we couldn't work it out together, i wanted to be there for him. He said there was no point in him caring as it won't change anything. He was just acting all nonchalant about everything which really upset me. After the phone call ended, i deleted him from everything i had him added online. Apart of me just wanted him to fight for what we had.
Ever since the break-up he has been trying to get my attention online in lil ways to which i would never respond to and then a few weeks after that phone call he would sub tweet something 2 me, then i checked his fb and he had added all these girls. I know i shouldnt check these things uhhh more heart break!
So another week passed and this continued. I didn't want to play his online game and I couldn't take it anymore so i called him to confront him about it. I told him if your trying to get my attention this is the wrong way of going about it. He admitted that, that was what he was doing..trying to get my attention. He apologized and said that he just wanted to talk to me. He told me he would stop playing games and filled me in on what he had been doing the last few months, i guess to reassure me? he said that he has been wanting to come visit me or call me but he couldn't because he broke up with me and that it has been hard for him. I told him i love him and care for him, he said he doesn't want to hurt me again. I poured my heart out on the phone and i ended up in tears, all the emotions that had been built up for months come out. Anyways the next day he had deleted the majority of the girls he had added on fb, i didnt ask him to. I got myself together and called him again to say sorry for being soo emotional on the phone. I really was a mess. He said it's ok and none of this is your fault. He also said i know it's hard for you because you don't know when im going to come back..wtf?
We both agreed if either of us wanted to talk we would just call each other from now on. It's been 3 days he hasn't called and for someone that said they really wanted to talk i find that strange.
Is this just an ego thing to him? He got the reaction he wanted from me and has now ditched me, yet again?
Or is it all a test?
Any opinions/advice/insight into this situation will be appreciated!
Signed Up:
Feb 04, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 9186 · Topics: 179
"This is the 3rd time he has broken up with me due to the same reasons ie: unsure if it is possible to have a future together as he may have to leave the country and he has some health concerns. We have been apart now for 3 months, which is the longest time. Up until month 2 we had no contact at all until i decided to call him. I asked him why we couldn't work it out together, i wanted to be there for him. He said there was no point in him caring as it won't change anything.
I told him i love him and care for him, he said he doesn't want to hurt me again.
He said it's ok and none of this is your fault. He also said i know it's hard for you because you don't know when im going to come back..wtf?
Is this just an ego thing to him? He got the reaction he wanted from me and has now ditched me, yet again?
Or is it all a test?"
???I don't get it with some women. You have been broken up for 3 months he told you WHY. He reiterates nothing is going to change and doesn't want to hurt you again because he is no longer there. It sounds like he wants to remain friendly with contact (that does not mean you are entitled to that daily, on demand or on a schedule). How much longer are you willing to torture yourself? It's over, who cares if he adds women to fb or talks to other women? You are no longer in a relationship with this guy. Get a life and move on.
Signed Up:
Nov 14, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 4517 · Topics: 108
Yea if someone dumps you three times probably doesn't like you.