Soul mate ; definition & which sign ?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by topazwoman on Saturday, March 18, 2006 and has 19 replies.
information from scorps please.....
Congratulations, brahn. You've set a new benchmark for humorless, innane drivel. More uninformed pop cynicism please! People are no good! Life is really hard! Money is the answer to everything!

TW, I believe that you are eternal. You've lived countless lives. In this lifetime you'll meet many of the same spirits who've accompanied you in past, who are also eternal. And you'll meet them again in the future. But you're drawn together in your abilities to provoke growth in each other. Your love for these spirits might be unique, but it's no less unconditional than the love that all spirits have for each each other outside of this experience. For example, you might have several soulmates who play a romantic role in your life, but it's not because the nature of the relationship between your spirits is romantic. It's because you and the other spirit have decided that a romantic relationship will be the best means to provoke a particular type of growth in you both.

Great answer In_Phoenix!
Michael Newton wrote a very interesting book on Soulmates, Soulgroups, Soulfamilies, called Journey of Souls. If you do read it, let me know what you thought of it.
Prove that anything anything I've said above is false.

Your beliefs are unexamined articles of faith with zero grounding in Reality. You've swallowed a picture of the world you've been fed since you were a baby, and now your mind is no better excerised than your excessive gut. Your 'proof' is always just more adamant assertion and innane ranting; nothing some fat, bitter middle schooler can't regurgitate.

Status report, Brahn! People are no good! Life is really hard! Money is the answer to everything!

I didn't say you come back as the same person, i.e. with the same personality. I said your spirit is eternal and lives countless lives. Your spirit assumes a wide variety of personalities, and from all different races, genders, sexes, economic backgrounds, etc.

You asked for evidence. There are non-scientific ways to gather evidence and non-scientific kinds of evidence, but I'll leave that alone for now.

Even in terms of the scientific evidence you understand, the case for reincarnation continues to build. There are dozens and dozens of case studies now where a subject under hypnosis can remember the intimate details of the total life experience of a seemingly different person.

When these memories happen to be set in the recent past (35-50 years), they can sometimes be checked against a variety of local historical records, the architecture or defining landmarks the area involved in the memories, the witness testimonies from persons still living who were involved in the memories, etc. The memories uncovered from subjects in sessions correspond to these once living persons as well as can be expected of the human memory, i.e. an impressive amount of detail will be dead on with a thing or two wrong here and there.

For all I know, you're not supposed to believe in reincarnation at this point in your experience. It might be something that The Deeper You has decided is important for Your growth. But the real proof that you have a spirit is something that you can only experience. It's no different from the realization that you in fact exist. You may awaken to the realization sooner rather than later. But at the latest, you'll 'die' one day and make the transition from the physical realm, and remember again Who You Are.

I also didn't say that soulmate relationships appear to be perfect. They're often described as 'dysfunctional.' Your relationship with a soulmate here in this particular life is not always a good reflection of Your relationship with that Sprit in the non-physical realm. You chose your roles in each others lives not to emulate perfection, because everything is already perfect. You chose those roles to provoke growth in each other. You may not even stay together for an entire lifetime. What really matters is how long it takes you both to learn the lessons you intended to teach each other. When that's done, you'll move on to other growing experiences.

I don't doubt that your objections are sincere. However, you're mistaken if you believe your objections to be objective. You're rejection of these beliefs is no less subjective than my acceptance of them. It's a choice either way.

What I asked you to do was give me some proof that anything I've said above is false. You're unable to do so because science has little to say one way or the other about what I've claimed. That doesn't make what I've said false. It only makes what I've said non-scientific. The real issue you're recognizing is that science alone isn't equipped to deal with all of the ideas old and familiar to the human psyche. But that should tell you something about science.

The link between different lives is the consciousness that experienced them. Your experiences from each of your countless lives is unique and completely your own and part of your consciousness.

I also don't think that it's my conception of a spirit or soulmate that you seem to be wrestling with. You believe that an important part of being someone's soulmate is that that person is your one and only soulmate. I don't, and that's not what I said above. I have not in anyway "downplayed" my original description from the above, I've just fleshed it out. I said that a soulmate is another spirit taking on a pre-determined role in your life to provoke you to grow. Not "just anyone you interact with" will play that sort of role in your life.

I guess you can name 'soul mate' anyone who you are in love with at the time... ummm I'd prefer calling them my 'cutie pie' LOL jk
its a partner you meet at the right time of your life that helps you grow into what you need to become...A soulmates doesn't necessarily have to be with you the rest of your both help each other grow ,,,,,,
Dancing Bread, I fully agree with you here. I met my soul mate very late ....I could instantly recognize that it was it !!! But being two scorpios it is push and pull all the way and long distance helps only to keep one guessing although i read him very well !!!

Soulmates? NO. That sounds ridiculous. Too many bloody fairytale books growing up, kids.
And Thanks antibling, phoenix and little sparrow :-
Geminilover I have found my soulmate no, correction...we have found each other :-
Brahn, as usual why do you TRY ...keep on TRYING to catch attention by being deliberately disagreeable ?? Why so much FRUSTRATION ???? and NEGATIVITY ????
Thanks antibling, phoenix and little sparrow :-
Gem lover I have met my soulmate....and we have discovered each other!!!
Brahn, why do you keep on TRYING to CATCH attention by DELIBERATELY being so disagreeable ??? Why this FRUSTRATION and why so much NEGATIVITY ????
Topazwoman you dating a scorpio? how far is long distance? I am going through a similar thing..I haven't heard from him in 4 days..He'll be back I am sure but I understand where your coming from with the push/pull thing..the distance is a bit much though..
No point telling Branh, he doesn't listen to anyone..
but the moment you let yourself lose 'belief' in the impossible than you do fall victim to only see the world through the eyes of the adult and never the child...
Couldn't have said it in better words..
I wish I could say that believed in soul-mates, but will not. It's about creating right relations, really - either you're able to do it, or you move on and maybe try again elsewhere at another time. Maybe in the after-life we'll all be able to find that one soul who is just everything to us.. something that really just completes us.. but all I can do there is dream - it's definitely not a part of THIS world.
Wow. I think the earth signs are starting to get to me. So many intelligent points here. I hadn't expected this unrelenting assault. I... I grow weary. Where to start... I... I guess I'm... I'm not sure what I believe anymore.

But I know whatever it is, I don't want brahn to think it's silly! In fact whatever, brahn believes, that's what I believe. We robots like to stick together!

I believe for example, that this world is all that exists, or at least the parts of it I have seen, smelled, tasted or touched, that have been recorded, and that have been verified to be seeable, smellable, tastable and touchable by other scientific minds, who have also recorded their observations. I believe that this world is also finite, just like Life! Your born and then you die, and everything in between is pretty much random, but it totally sucks. Trust me. From nowhere you came, and back to nowhere you go... just like the world itself. One nano second ~12 billion years ago there was nothing, and then BAM! One nano-second later there was everything! Nothing fantastic about that. I also believe that subjectivity is a DIRTY lie! You can't eat love! And you can't see fear! They're old wives tales, they're the inventions of children who didn't have test tubes and microscopes when they were growing up. Godmn savages, that's who invented love and fear. Which brings me to native americans and the hooey mysticism of primitive peoples / savages. How can you respect any culture that doesn't use dollars!?!? The so-called "scientists" behind all of these statistics indicating that depression is becoming a growing epidemic in all first-world westernized countries... well I can tell you one thing about said scientists. I bet they can't afford to snort a line of coke off a two-thousand-dollar-a-night hooker's ass. Booyea!


I think anyone can be a "soulmate" in one way or another if they impacted your "soul" and inner core,not just one person or a "sign".
Dancing Bread, you describe it so well. and Miss morals, what i experience is so priceless that distance does not matter. The empathy is so great and things need never be explained in most cases. You just understand eachother especially nonverbally. and verbal exchange includes all the frills of subtility that both are enchanted! and both love to just listen to the other for hours...
Awww topazwoman..thats great..yep your right..although I haven't heard from him in days, I know he's going through a busy period right now..He said he will call me and hasn't so far but I am sure he will, cos I know what I am like when I say I will call u..never really get around to doing understanding..

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