Speak With No Talk

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by ScorpSuperior on Friday, February 15, 2008 and has 18 replies.
Are there people with whom you are able to communicate without words? Almost effortlessly? If you're not sure what I mean, allow me to elaborate.

A dear (Taurus) friend and I, when among a group, are often able to signal, make affirmations, or crack jokes with a solitary glance. Incidentally, I've had the same experience with my Scorp co-workers.

Who, if anyone, do you share this same connection with? You'd have to admit, it's a comfortable feeling.
Although we sometimes have the mutual "telepathic" thing going on lol, my Taurus friend sucks at mind reading when she actually tries. It has to come natural, I think. The other Taurus friend wouldn't know subtlety if it walked up and slapped her in the face.
Now, my Pisces friend has completed my sentences and answered questions before I even uttered a word. It doesn't creep me out, but I do find it irritating. I don't appreciate being "read" by others.
oh damn. damn damn

my taurus friend is going to kill me. i'm supposed to be in nyc right now. i am afraid. Sad she'll kill me.
""hahaha SS. Well thats too damn bad. I do the same with my Scorp mom ""

Damn you too then! The whole lot of you. Tongue
yes ma'am. i've had this type of connection with a lot of different people. as for right now, the strongest is an aquarius (w/pisces moon)...been that way for years between us and i don't resent it at all. then a sag (w/scorp moon), no contempt here either. honorable mentions are a gemini (w/virgo moon - always had that kind of relationship), an aries (w/aries moon), and a cancer (w/sag moon). for a good part of my life, i had a cerrrazy bond like this w/a virgo (w/aqua moon) but since i've come to school that's faded a little because we hardly see each other anymore. sometimes we still know exactly what the other person is thinking, though.
with the virgo, it's especially creepy, now that i think about it. the first time i talked to her in a couple months, i told her that i had just hung up a picture the aquarius made of the three of us a long time ago the day before. when she responded she told me, "funny you should say that, because i'm making a scrapbook and i just put that picture in yesterday too." weird how things happen sometimes.
""weird how things happen sometimes.""

indeed. don't ya just love how much it feels like home? that sort of bond?
"when she responded she told me, "funny you should say that, because i'm making a scrapbook and i just put that picture in yesterday too." weird how things happen sometimes."
Those kind of things happen to me all the time, almost like a telekenetic vibe. Call it the Virgo insight for lack of a better term?
I've had a scorp friend that all i'd need to do was look at his face and i automatically knew what was going through his head. we were like two sides of the same coin, i think the funniest one was when my sis came in (we're not rude so we let her join our convo) she continued talking and he stayed in step with her, but sent me a quick glace that said 'she has no idea what shes talking about'. that along with many instances where we'd just be the only ones to catch that light 'gesture' and laugh... i love you scorps!
I have only experienced this with other water signs. One particular Cancer ex (and we are great friends to this day), if I'm going through something I can call him, take a breath and before we've even said hello he will say, "what's wrong?" or something to that effect, and he's always right...
Currently I have this ability with my Pisces female boss - if I'm confused about how to do something, or if I need more explanation, or if I have a question in my mind that I keep meaning to ask her, I kid you not, she knows what the question is and she'll say, "were you wondering about...(such and such)?" LOL, so wierd!!
Also I have this most of the time with my Pisces boyfriend. We can talk for six hours and it feels like 5 minutes, and most of the time if I start to say something, he'll finish the entire sentence and sometimes paragraph for me, and if he's not sure how to verbally express something, I'll say what he's trying to say, and then he says, "Exactly!"...I feel like we can discuss 500 topics in the time it would take most people to discuss 5 topics! CRAZY. Awesome.
Yeah my taurus friend can read my mind...
My Scorpio roommate knows when something is bothering me...
Me and ex Pisces did that and still do.
haaaaaaaaaa @ P.F.E. (

My Scorp & I often communicate better nonverbally than verbally -- fewer misunderstandings that way! (We try to avoid talking on the phone with each other too much.)
Some of the VirGuys I work with -- we can finish each other's jokes (kinda kills the punch line, though!) -- we're on the same wavelength, no doubt about it! BUT, with my VirDad? Nope! I know what he means when he speaks, but before that I have no clue what's on his mind...
My Cancer Best Friend since Kindergarten. Weird, but even on the phone, we can communicate without too many words...
I have an Aqua/ Pisce cuspy buddy and a cancer II pal that I can communicate with w/o words.
Yea, the ex I had that type of connection with is an Aqua/Pisces cusper as well.
Really? Out of all the people I know, these type seem to read me the best. I've never dated one ... hmmm Winking