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Jan 03, 2014Comments: 14 · Posts: 885 · Topics: 3
*horrified face* This is SO NOT FUNNY.
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Feb 06, 2014Comments: 4 · Posts: 1030 · Topics: 51
LOL it was funny, but not accurate at all. I think its an exaggerated version of what people presume about us.
At least with me, I'm great at revenge but I alwasy turn the other cheek, until someone crosses that line. Its a far enough line, a person has to screw up SEVERLY in order for me to get pissed. But once I'm pissed, I seek to get even and make it hurt for a lifetime.
But 99% of the time I tolerate everyone.
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Feb 11, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 501 · Topics: 10
Right!! that was funny but I think it was about what people presumed also.
I agree I think some scorps are really good at tolerating something/someone they don't like...others will tell just let you know straight up sometimes that they see your bull***.
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Feb 11, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 185 · Topics: 11
Love every second of it!